WeaponMod Spawner Config Editor
I decided to write spawner editor for WeaponMod like my Weapon Factory - Weapons And Items Spawner plugin. So, as in weaponmod no API functions for get the registered weapons I maked the configuration file for this plugin where you can put classname of weapon to editing. Run the edit menu and answer to the question of the start plugin. Then choose what we want you want to add (spawn) or delete the item. Simply select the item to add and aim for the place where you want to create this item; adjust the angle and press "Spawn It." With the removal of the same - point and click. After editing, don't forget to save your changes by selecting the menu item - "Save".
Commands:There is only one command:
wpnmod_spawn - shows menu
Item list for adding you can find in addons/amxmodx/configs/weaponmod/spawnercfg.ini file. Just write weapon or ammo classname per line. Already added presets for m249 and m40a1.
Notes:Dont forget to copy spawnercfg.ini to addons/amxmodx/configs/weaponmod/, otherwise plugin doesnt work
Attached Files

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