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Guest Message by DevFuse


Problem z komplikowaniem pliku smaSiema, pomożecie mi bo mam taki bląd Could not locate output file compiled\BaseBuilderTeam.amx (compile failed).

basebuilder could not locate output file

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
6 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 Gienek?


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Napisano 24.02.2019 15:15

Siema, pomozcie mi bo mam taki bląd Could not locate output file compiled\BaseBuilderTeam.amx (compile failed). przy komplikowaniu pliku sma

Powiedzcie co mam zrobić aby naprawić ten bląd zobaczcie


Załączone pliki

Użytkownik Gienek? edytował ten post 24.02.2019 15:41

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#2 Gienek?


  • Autor tematu
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Reputacja: 1

  • Postów:95
  • Imię:Patryk
  • Lokalizacja:Polska

Napisano 24.02.2019 15:15

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <basebuilder>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <engine>
#include <ColorChat>

#define PLUGIN "[BB]Team"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Z!3L0ny"

new Player_id[ 33 ]
new Player_id_ask[ 33 ]
new Player_id_list[ 33 ][ 20 ]
new Float:Player_velo[ 33 ][ 3 ]
new Player_black[ 33 ]
new SprTeam;
new SprSmoke
new iNumPepole;
public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_forward( FM_Touch, "PlayerTouch" )
    register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "CmdStart" )
    register_clcmd( "say /team", "TeamMenu" )
register_clcmd( "say /grupa", "TeamMenu" )
register_clcmd( "say /tea", "TeamMenu" )
public plugin_natives( ){
    register_native( "bb_get_team_id", "ReturnPlayerId", 1 )
public ReturnPlayerId( id )
    return Player_id[ id ]
public plugin_precache( ){
    SprTeam = precache_model("sprites/Team.spr")
    SprSmoke = precache_model("sprites/smoke.spr")
public CmdStart( id ){
    if( !is_user_alive( id ) || !is_user_connected( id ) )
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    if( Player_velo[ id ][ 0 ] != 0.0 || Player_velo[ id ][ 1 ] != 0.0 || Player_velo[ id ][ 2 ] != 0.0 ){
        entity_set_vector( id, EV_VEC_velocity, Player_velo[ id ] )
        Player_velo[ id ][ 0 ] = 0.0
        Player_velo[ id ][ 1 ] = 0.0
        Player_velo[ id ][ 2 ] = 0.0
    if( !bb_is_build_phase( ) && !bb_is_prep_phase( ) )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    if( Player_id[ id ] != 0 ){    
        if( get_user_team( id ) == 2 ){
            if( get_user_team( Player_id[ id ] ) != get_user_team( id ) )
                return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
            if( Player_id[ id ] == 0 )
                return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
            static Float:fTime[33];
            new Float:fTimeN = get_gametime();
            if((fTimeN- Float:fTime[id]) >= 0.5){                    
                new Float:fOrigin[ 3 ], iOrigin[ 3]
                entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, fOrigin )
                FVecIVec( fOrigin, iOrigin )
                new Float:fOrigin2[ 3 ], iOrigin2[ 3]
                entity_get_vector( Player_id[ id ], EV_VEC_origin, fOrigin2 )
                FVecIVec( fOrigin2, iOrigin2 )
                message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, _, id )    
                write_coord(iOrigin[0])    // start position
                write_coord(iOrigin2[0])    // end position
                write_short(SprSmoke)    // sprite index
                write_byte(0)    // starting frame
                write_byte(0)    // frame rate in 0.1's
                write_byte(1)    // life in 0.1's
                write_byte(4)    // line width in 0.1's
                write_byte(0)    // noise amplitude in 0.01's
                write_byte(255)    // Red
                write_byte(174)    // Gren
                write_byte(204)    // Blue    
                write_byte(250)    // brightness
                write_byte(0)    // scroll speed in 0.1's
                message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, _, id )            
                write_byte( TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT )
                write_byte( Player_id[ id ] )
                write_coord( 40 );
                write_short( SprTeam )
                write_short( 5 )
                message_end( )
                fTime[id] = fTimeN;
    return FMRES_IGNORED
public PlayerTouch( iEnt, id ){
    if( !is_user_alive( id ) || get_user_team( id ) != 2 )
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    new szClass[ 10 ], szTarget[ 7 ]
    entity_get_string(iEnt, EV_SZ_classname, szClass, 9);
    entity_get_string(iEnt, EV_SZ_targetname, szTarget, 6);
    if ( equal(szClass, "func_wall") && !equal(szTarget, "ignore") && !equal(szTarget, "barrier") ){        
        if( bb_is_build_phase( ) )
            return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
        if( entity_get_int( iEnt, EV_INT_iuser4 ) == 0 )
            return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
        if( id == entity_get_int( iEnt, EV_INT_iuser4 ) )
            return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
        if( Player_id[ id ] == entity_get_int( iEnt, EV_INT_iuser4 ) && Player_id[ id ] != 0 )
            return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
        if( has_flag( id, "b" ) )
            return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
        message_begin( MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" ),{0,0,0},id );
        write_short(1<<1 );    // Duration of fadeout
        write_short( 1<<12 );    // Hold time of color
        write_short( 1<<1 );    // Fade type
        write_byte ( 0 );        // Red
        write_byte ( 0 );        // Green
        write_byte ( 0 );        // Blue
        write_byte ( Player_black[ id ] );    // Alpha
        Player_velo[ id ][ 0 ] = random_float( 0.0, 455.0 )
        Player_velo[ id ][ 1 ] = random_float( 0.0, 455.0 )
        Player_velo[ id ][ 2 ] = random_float( 0.0, 355.0 )
        if( Player_black[ id ] < 255 )
            Player_black[ id ] += 20    
    return FMRES_IGNORED
public client_connect( id ){
    Player_id[ id ] = 0
public client_disconnect( id ){
    if( Player_id[ id ] != 0 ){    
        Player_id[ id ] = 0
        Player_id[ Player_id[ id ] ] = 0
public TeamMenu( id ){
    new menu = menu_create( "Opcje:", "TeamMenu_2" )
    new gForm[ 128 ]
    if( Player_id[ id ] == 0 ){
        if( Alive( 4 ) < iNumPepole ){
            format( gForm, sizeof( gForm ), "Brakuje:\y %d zywych", iNumPepole-Alive( 4 ) )
            menu_additem( menu, gForm )
        }else menu_additem( menu, "Stworz druzyne" )
}else menu_additem( menu, "Teleportuj sie do członka z team" )
        new Name[ 33 ]
        if( is_user_connected( Player_id[ id ] ) ) get_user_name( Player_id[ id ], Name, sizeof( Name ) )
        else format( Name, sizeof( Name ), "Brak gracza" )
        format( gForm, sizeof( gForm ), "Opusc druzyne:\y %s", Name )
        menu_additem( menu, gForm )
    menu_display( id, menu, 0 )
public TeamMenu_2( id, menu, item ){
    if( item == MENU_EXIT ){
        menu_destroy( menu )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    switch( item ){
        case 0:{
            if( Player_id[ id ] == 0 ){
                if( Alive( 4 ) >= iNumPepole )
                    CreateTeam( id )
                if( !bb_is_build_phase( ) ){
                    ColorChat( id, TEAM_COLOR, "^x04***^x01 Nie mozesz teraz rozlaczyc druzyny!^x04 ***" )    
                    return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
                Player_id[ Player_id[ id ] ] = 0
                ColorChat( Player_id[ id ], TEAM_COLOR, "^x04***^x01 Druzyna rozlaczona!^x04 ***" )    
                Player_id[ id ] = 0
                ColorChat( id, TEAM_COLOR, "^x04***^x01 Wyszedles z druzyny!^x04 ***" )    
public CreateTeam( id ){
    new Name[ 33 ]
    new menu = menu_create( "Dodaj czlonka druzyny", "CreateTeam_2" )
    for( new i = 1, d = 0; i <= get_maxplayers( ); i ++ ){
        if( !is_user_connected( i ) )
        if( get_user_team( id ) != get_user_team( i ) )
        if( i == id )
        if( Player_id[ i ] != 0 )
        Player_id_list[ id ][ d++ ] = i
        get_user_name( i, Name, sizeof( Name ) )
        menu_additem( menu, Name )        
    menu_display( id, menu, 0 )
public CreateTeam_2( id, menu, item ){
    if( item == MENU_EXIT ){
        menu_destroy( menu )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if( Alive( 4 ) >= iNumPepole )
        SendAsk( id, Player_id_list[ id ][ item ] )
public SendAsk( id_asker, id ){
    Player_id_ask[ id ] = id_asker
    new gForm[ 128 ], Name[ 33 ]
    get_user_name( id_asker, Name, sizeof( Name ) )    
    format( gForm, sizeof( gForm ), "Gracz:\w %s\y Zaprasza Cie do druzyny!", Name )
    new menu = menu_create( gForm, "SendAsk_2" )
    menu_additem( menu, "Przymij" )
    menu_additem( menu, "Odrzuc" )
    menu_display( id, menu, 0 )
public SendAsk_2( id, menu, item ){
    if( item == MENU_EXIT ){
        menu_destroy( menu )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    switch( item ){
        case 0:{
            if( Player_id[ id ] == 0 ){
                if( Alive( 4 ) >= iNumPepole ){
                    new Name[ 33 ]
                    get_user_name( id, Name, sizeof( Name ) )
                    Player_id[ id ] = Player_id_ask[ id ]
                    Player_id[ Player_id_ask[ id ] ] = id
                    ColorChat( Player_id_ask[ id ], TEAM_COLOR, "^x04***^x01 Gracz^x03 %s^x01 przyjal zaproszenie^x04 ***", Name )
        case 1:{
            new Name[ 33 ]
            get_user_name( id, Name, sizeof( Name ) )
            ColorChat( Player_id_ask[ id ], TEAM_COLOR, "^x04***^x01 Gracz^x03 %s^x01 nie przyjal zaproszenia^x04 ***", Name )
public Alive( team ){
    new PlayerAlive
    for( new i = 1 ; i <= get_maxplayers(); i ++ )
        if( get_user_team( i ) == team || team == 4 )
            if( is_user_alive( i ) )
    return PlayerAlive

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#3 Rivit


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Napisano 24.02.2019 15:38

Kod jako załącznik wstawiaj, nikomu sie nie chce tyle scrollowac



Powiedz lepiej co chciales zrobic bo z kodu tam gdzie są błędy nic nie wynika




KOMPILACJA, proszę nie przekręcać

Użytkownik TibacK edytował ten post 24.02.2019 15:39

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#4 Gienek?


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  • Lokalizacja:Polska

Napisano 24.02.2019 15:40

Wybieram plik z zalocznika i nie dziala sprobujcie pobrac https://www9.zippysh...2PdiB/file.html

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#5 Rivit


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Napisano 24.02.2019 16:31

Powiedz lepiej co chciales zrobic bo z kodu tam gdzie są błędy nic nie wynika

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#6 Robiin


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Super Hero

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Napisano 24.02.2019 16:36

Zbyt skomplikowanym człowiekiem jesteś, żeby skompilować ten skomplikowany kod.

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Nie dołączam do żadnej sieci, nie pomagam z tworzeniem paczek, nie napisze pluginów za zero.

#7 DarkGL

    Nie oddam ciasteczka !

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Napisano 24.02.2019 17:10

Wiadomość wygenerowana automatycznie

Ten temat został zamknięty przez moderatora.

Powód: Nieodpowiednio umieszczony kod. Skorzystaj z Umieszczanie kodu na forum

Z pozdrowieniami,
Zespół AMXX.PL
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Również z jednym lub większą ilością słów kluczowych: basebuilder,, could not locate output file

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