Version: Beta
Requirements: latest AmxModX 1.8.3
The main function of this plugin is changing the viewmodel bodygroup.
It doesn't matter how high is player latency/ping, low fps count - the player will see only bodygroup you pointed without bugs. The custom weapons are also supported.
Also this plugin comes with custom v_ models, you don't need to replace original, just put them into cstrike/models/weapons. The default v_ models are removed from precache.
Some functions are still need to do.
1. Spectators support
2. Remove trace attack and use default cs decals
native SetViewEntityBody(pPlayer, iValue); //pPlayer - player index, iValue - bodygroup number
native SetUserSex(pPlayer, iValue); //pPlayer - player index, iValue /1 - MALE, 2 - FEMALE
native GetUserSex(pPlayer); //pPlayer - player index /Getting the player sex
Usage example:
#define MALE 1
#define FEMALE 2
public client_connect(id)
SetUserSex(id, MALE); //Making it male at connect for example
}SetViewEntityBody(id, 0); //Setting viewmodel bodygroup to zero for example
public HamF_Item_Deploy_Post(iEnt)
static id, iWeaponName[24];
id = get_pdata_cbase(iEnt, m_pPlayer, 4);
{case FEMALE: set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, FEMALE_KNIFE);
default: set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, MALE_KNIFE);
}return HAM_IGNORED;
You can uncomment DEBUG and lookout for switch_sex command function.
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