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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS:GO] Decoy DodgeBall

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2 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 25.03.2015 02:34

Hello everybody, I originally made this for my community (GFL), but I've finally decided to release it on GitHub and here. I didn't want to release this plugin publicly because I felt it was poorly coded, but I've realized that I should to improve in SourcePawn (by taking suggestions) and giving developers a chance to make the plugin better :)

Decoy DodgeBall

A Decoy DodgeBall plugin for CS:GO. Basically spawns clients with unlimited Decoys and HP depending on ConVar settings.


sm_db_give_time (Default 1.0) - Delay on giving a decoy after another has been thrown.
sm_db_equip_notify (Default 0) - If 1, the user will get a message when a decoy is equipped at spawn.
sm_db_remove_timer (Default 30.0) - Removes all decoys on the ground every X seconds (does this on Player Death, but this is for safety).
sm_db_bounces (Default 1) - Amount of bounces the decoy can have (off a surface), before destroying. This is ineffective if random mode is on.
sm_db_random (Default 0) - If enabled, a random number depending on "sm_db_random_max" and "sm_db_random_min" will be used for the amount of bounces a decoy (dodgeball) can have. (1 = Mode 1, 2 = Mode 2, 3 = Mode 3 0 = Off).
sm_db_random_max (Default 3) - The maximum amount of bounces the decoy (dodgeball) can have using random mode.
sm_db_random_min (Default 1) - The minimum amount of bounces the decoy (dodgeball) can have using random mode.
sm_db_rs_advert (Default 1) - Enables the Round Start advertisement.
sm_db_client_health (Default 1) - Set the health to this number on client spawn.
sm_db_client_armor (Default 0) - Set the armor to this number on client spawn.
sm_db_damage (Default 200.0) - The amount of damage the decoys (dodgeballs) do.
sm_db_debug (Default 0) - Enables debugging for dodgeball (will spam the SourceMod logs if enabled).
sm_db_custom_hit_detection (Default 0) - This lets the plugin decide the dodgeball hit detection. This will force the victim to suicide after being hit by a dodgeball, therefore, there will be no kills awarded to the attacker. This *may* provide better dodgeball hit detection.
sm_db_minigames (Default 0) - Enables the Minigames mode.

Random Modes Explained
Random mode is disabled and the game-mode is normal along with the amount of decoy (dodgeball) bounces depending on the "sm_db_bounces" ConVar.

Random mode is set to one (1). On every round start, there is a random number generated between "sm_db_random_min" and "sm_db_random_max" that represents the amount of bounces a decoy (dodgeball) can have for that round.

Random mode is set to two (2). On every player spawn, there is a random number generated between "sm_db_random_min" and "sm_db_random_max" that represents the amount of bounces a decoy (dodgeball) can have for that round and client only. Therefore, client X could have 2 bounces for every decoy (dodgeball) they throw while client Y can have 3 bounces for every decoy (dodgeball) they throw.

Random mode is set to three (3). On every thrown decoy (dodgeball), there is a random number generated between "sm_db_random_min" and "sm_db_random_max" that represents the amount of bounces that decoy (dodgeball) can have for that client. Therefore, client X could throw two decoys (dodgeballs), with the first decoy (dodgeball) having 1 bounce and the second decoy (dodgeball) having 3 bounces while client Y could throw two decoys (dodgeballs), with the first decoy (dodgeball) having 2 bounces and the second decoy (dodgeball) having 1 bounce.

Other (3+ or below 0):
Random mode isn't recognized (likely a number higher than 3). Therefore, the random mode isn't enabled.

MiniGames Explained
If "sm_db_minigames" is enabled, there will be a random MiniGame selected every round. You can easily configure these MiniGames in "addons/sourcemod/dodgeball_minigames.cfg".
Here is the default "dodgeball_minigames.cfg":

Code: "Minigames"
// Options
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Name - The name of the minigame that will print to chat if selected depending on "announce".
// Gravity - The gravity for the minigame (default: 800)
// Friction - The friction for the minigame (default: 5.2)
// TimeScale - The time scale for the minigame (default: 1.0) *Requires sv_cheats to be on to work properly
// Accelerate - The accelerate for the minigame (default: 5.5)
// RSCC (Round Start Custom Config) - A custom config to execute on round start for this minigame (default "") *Starts in gameroot/cfg folder*
// RECC (Round End Custom Config) - A custom config to execute on round end for this minigame (default "") *Starts in gameroot/cfg folder*
// Announce - Whether to announce this minigame on round start if selected (default 0) *Custom minigames will have this enabled but default but normal gameplay will not.
// Default - The default minigame that should have normal gameplay settings (default 0) *The default minigame should have this set. TimeScale will not work if this is on*
// -----------------------------------------------------
"name" "Normal"
"gravity" "800"
"friction" "5.2"
"timescale" "1.0"
"accelerate" "5.5"
"rscc" ""
"recc" ""
"announce" "0"
"default" "1"

"name" "Low Gravity"
"gravity" "400"
"friction" "5.2"
"timescale" "1.0"
"accelerate" "5.5"
"rscc" ""
"recc" ""
"announce" "1"
"default" "0"

"name" "Super Low Gravity"
"gravity" "150"
"friction" "5.2"
"timescale" "1.0"
"accelerate" "5.5"
"rscc" ""
"recc" ""
"announce" "1"
"default" "0"

"name" "Slide"
"gravity" "150"
"friction" "0.0"
"timescale" "1.0"
"accelerate" "5.5"
"rscc" ""
"recc" ""
"announce" "1"
"default" "0"

"name" "Slow Run Speed"
"gravity" "800"
"friction" "5.5"
"timescale" "1.0"
"accelerate" "10"
"rscc" "minigames/srs_start"
"recc" "minigames/srs_end"
"announce" "1"
"default" "0"

//"name" "Fast Decoys"
//"gravity" "800"
//"friction" "5.5"
//"timescale" "1.0"
//"accelerate" "10"
//"rscc" "minigames/fd_start"
//"recc" "minigames/fd_end"
//"announce" "1"
//"default" "0"

//"name" "Slow Motion"
//"gravity" "800"
//"friction" "4.0"
//"timescale" "0.6"
//"accelerate" "10"
//"rscc" ""
//"recc" ""
//"announce" "1"
//"default" "0"
//"name" "Fast Motion"
//"gravity" "800"
//"friction" "4.0"
//"timescale" "1.8"
//"accelerate" "10"
//"rscc" ""
//"recc" ""
//"announce" "1"
//"default" "0"
* Required *
= addons/sourcemod/plugins
.sp = addons/sourcemod/scripting
dodgeball_minigames.cfg = addons/sourcemod/configs

* Optional *
minigames.rar = gameroot/cfg (e.g. cfg/minigames/srs_start.cfg)

GitHub Download
GitHub Repository

I hope you enjoy the plugin. I plan on improving it in the future. Please give me any suggestions/feedback. If required, I will also include the .sp in an attachment, but I would prefer the download to be over GitHub since it's easy to manage from there. I plan on releasing other SourcePawn plugins I've made on AlliedModders in the future (already on my GitHub page).

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#2 KochamFootball


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Napisano 25.03.2015 10:43

Proszę was.. Naprawcie kodowanie dodatku od RSS z alliedmodders :)

MAGNET (27.03.2015 20:47):
Tak lepiej? :P

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Gdzie moje ciastka?

#3 KochamFootball


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 27

  • Postów:222
  • Lokalizacja:Poland

Napisano 28.03.2015 21:04

Owszem :D

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Gdzie moje ciastka?

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