Nie działa mi na serwerze amxbans.
Oto log "Plugin "amxbans_main.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "AMXBansCore" required for plugin. Check modules.ini."
;;; ; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon (;) in front of its name. ; If it's not here, simply add it its name, one per line. ; You don't need to write the _amxx part or the file extension. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SQL Modules usually need to be enabled manually ;; ;; You can have any number on at a time. Use ;; ;; amx_sql_type in sql.cfg to specify the default ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mysql sqlite ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Put third party modules below here. ;; ;; You can just list their names, without the _amxx ;; ;; or file extension. ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; These modules will be auto-detected and loaded ;; ;; as needed. You do not need to enable them here ;; ;; unless you have problems. ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fun ;engine ;fakemeta ;geoip ;sockets ;regex ;nvault cstrike csx ;hamsandwich
amxbans_core.amxx ; amxbans_main.amxx debug ; ; AMX Mod X plugins ; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated ;admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related) ;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx) ; Basic admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management ; Menus menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings) plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.) ;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!) mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel) pluginmenu.amxx ; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin ; Chat / Messages adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message imessage.amxx ; displays information messages adminvote.amxx ; vote commands ; Map related nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle ;mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map ; Configuration pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands ; Counter-Strike ;restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!) ;miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!) ; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins ;amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer //Pluginy kill_assist.amxx ; asysta hpk.amxx ; wyrzucanie za zbyt duzy ping admin_spec_esp.amxx ; ESP Allow_round_finish.amxx ; dokonczenie rundy ostatniej c4.amxx ; licznik c4 vip_ultimate.amxx ; VIP RoundSound.amxx ; RS'y realnadedrops.amxx ; wypadajace granaty poprawne_rate.amxx ; rate i interp c4_management.amxx ; ustawianie bsow amx_ip.amxx ; pokazuje IP join_leave.amxx ; pokazuje kto wyszedl eim.amxx ; leczenie mutemenu.amxx ; mute dla graczy parachute.amxx ; spadochron G_block_name_change.amxx ; zakaz zmiany nicku backweapons.amxx ; bro plecach ad_manager.amxx ; reklama w say'u abd.amxx ; zadane obrazenia flash.amxx ; pokazuje kto Cie o liepi ptb.amxx ; balansowanie team adminlisten.amxx ; admin widzi wszytskei czaty resetscore.amxx ; Reset statystyk Najlepszy.amxx ; Najlepszy gracz rundy admin_freelook.amxx ; Admin widzi all (kamery) Blok.amxx ; blok tarczy i autokampy inf_smierc.amxx ; info po smierci info_hud.amxx ; Rank w hud Voices_Management.amxx ; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here deathinfo.amxx ; Info po smierci descriptive_fire_in_the_hole.amxx ; dziala nazwy pl he regulamin.amxx polski_cs.amxx kill_assist.amxx snowNew.amxx SantaHat.amxx ruletka3.0.amxx GHW_Floating_Weapons.amxx grenade_trail.amxx ultimate_sounds_PL.amxx bf2rank.amxx
// File location: /addons/amxmodx/configs/sql.cfg //Skopiuj tekst i wklej do pliku sql.cfg - folder addons/amxmodx/configs/ amx_sql_host "" amx_sql_user "user bazy" amx_sql_pass "haslo" amx_sql_db "baza" amx_sql_table "amx" amx_sql_type "mysql"