Mam problem.
Mianowicie średnio co 2 godziny albo częściej mój serwera pada. Mam wgrany na zabijace plugin dzięki któremu po crashu zapisuję ostatnie 200 linijek z konsoli. Przejrzałem masę tych plików i zawsze ostatnie linijki wyglądają tak:
[code=auto:0][AMXBans] laduje plik amxbans.cfg
[AMXBans] amxbans.cfg zostal zaladowany | AMXX.PL | Wersja PL - Szyfrant i MisieQ
PTB: (limitjoin) WTJ prevention is ON.
PTB: (limitafter) Team limiting starts after 0 round(s).
PTB: (limitmin) Team limiting needs at least 0 player(s).
PTB: (maxsize) Maximum team size is 10 player(s).
PTB: (maxdiff) Maximum team size difference is 2.
PTB: (autorounds) First 3 rounds no free team choice.
PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-joining WTJ after 3 tr(y/ies).
PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-kicking WTJ after 5 tr(y/ies).
PTB: (kick) WTJ kicking is OFF.
PTB: (savewtj) Saving to wtj.log is OFF.
PTB: (switch) Team switching is ON.
PTB: (switchafter) Switching starts after 3 round(s).
PTB: (switchmin) Switching needs at least 5 player(s).
PTB: (switchfreq) Switch occurs every 1 round(s) at maximum.
PTB: (playerfreq) Individual players are switched every 7 round(s) at maximum.
PTB: (forceswitch) Forcing switch after 0 unsuccessful switch(es).
PTB: (deadonly) Switching dead only is OFF.
PTB: (tellwtj) Telling about WTJ tries is OFF.
PTB: (announce) Announcements are OFF.
PTB: (sayok) "OK" announcements are OFF.
PTB: (typesay) typesay usage is OFF.
PTB: (maxstreak) Maximum accepted win streak is 3.
PTB: (maxscore) Maximum accepted team score difference is 2.
PTB: (minrating) Minimum critical strength rating is 1.49.
PTB: (maxrating) Maximum critical strength rating is 2.00.
PTB: (superrating) Super critical strength rating is 3.00.
PTB: (maxincidents) Maximum incidents before internal player score scale down is 50.
PTB: (scaledown) Integer scale down factor for player scores is 2.
WarmUP 5.6 Pro Cvars Enable.
WarmUP 5.6 Pro Create by ReymonARG
[AMXBans] Zaladowano 6 adminow z pliku
Menu item 17 added to Menus Front-End: "Plugin Cvars" from plugin "pluginmenu.amxx"
Menu item 18 added to Menus Front-End: "Plugin Commands" from plugin "pluginmenu.amxx"
L 01/10/2014 - 23:38:03: [amxbans_main.amxx] [AMXBans] AMXBans Gm 1.5.1 jest wlaczony
[AMXBans] Nie znaleziono powodow bana
[AMXBans] Nie znaleziono powodow banow w bazie danych. Zaladowano standardowe.
L 01/10/2014 - 23:38:03: [amxbans_main.amxx] [AMXBans] Nie znaleziono powodow banow w bazie danych. Zaladowano standardowe.
Menu item 19 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Oznacz Gracza" from plugin "AMXBans Main"
Menu item 20 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Rozlaczono Graczy" from plugin "AMXBans Main"
Menu item 21 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Historia Banow" from plugin "AMXBans Main"
Menu item 22 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Screens" from plugin "AMXBans: Screens"
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