This is a really simple plugin that sets the forced taunt camera to allow players to go into third person. It saves their setting so that it will persist between connects/maps. It also attempts to address an issue where sometimes when you spawn, you will not be able to go into third person without going back into first person - by doing this automatically each time. The command handlers check if you are in first/third person, and omit repeated spam accordingly.
CVARs:sm_tpcookie_version: version number, for tracking (don't change)
sm_tpcookie_enabled: (1) - Enable/Disable Plugin [0/1]If you disable the plugin (or unload it), it should force everyone back into first person.
Commands:sm_thirdperson or tp: Third Person
sm_firstperson or fp: First PersonUsers should be familiar with these commands from other third person plugins. Code: 2012-1-3 (v1.0.0)* Initial Release
Requirements:SDK HooksClientprefs
Installation:- Put SMX in plugins directory- Optional: to configure for admins only or donators, edit the FLAGS define and compile to set the command flags to your desired access level. (Most people won't want this)
Plans:- Figure out why OnClientCookiesCached doesn't do what I think it should.- Add commands to force third/first on people for funs.- Add natives for other plugins to send fp/
tp commands depending on the client's preferences (like -> go to
TP for 10 seconds and back to first, only if you prefer first).- Figure out if there is some way to fix the crosshair from randomly appearing in the middle of the player's body =/- Perhaps if people care/want it, change/add command flags to cvar. Attached Files
tpc.smx (5.1 KB)
Get Plugin or
Get Source (tpc.sp - 7.7 KB)
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