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Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X, jak w większości społeczności internetowych musisz się zarejestrować aby móc odpowiadać lub zakładać nowe tematy, ale nie bój się to jest prosty proces w którym wymagamy minimalnych informacji.
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Guest Message by DevFuse

Dokumentacja AMX Mod X v. 11.5 Uzupełnionych funkcji: Sortowanie: Według modułów | Alfabetycznie
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#if defined _reapi_gamedll_included

#define _reapi_gamedll_included


* Sets Think callback for entity
* @param entity     Entity index
* @param callback   The forward to call
* @param params     Optional set of data to pass through to callback
* @param len        Optional size of data
* @note Use "" to reset callback
* @note Callback should be contains passing arguments as "public Think_Callback(const ent)"
* @noreturn
native SetThink(const ent, const callback[], const params[] = "", const len = 0);

* Sets Touch callback for entity
* @param entity     Entity index
* @param callback   The forward to call
* @param params     Optional set of data to pass through to callback
* @param len        Optional size of data
* @note Use "" to reset callback
* @note Callback should be contains passing arguments as "public Touch_Callback(const ent, const other)"
* @noreturn
native SetTouch(const ent, const callback[], const params[] = "", const len = 0);

* Sets Use callback for entity
* @param entity     Entity index
* @param callback   The forward to call
* @param params     Optional set of data to pass through to callback
* @param len        Optional size of data
* @note Use "" to reset callback
* @note Callback should be contains passing arguments as "public Use_Callback(const ent, const activator, const caller, USE_TYPE:useType, Float:value)"
* @noreturn
native SetUse(const ent, const callback[], const params[] = "", const len = 0);

* Sets Blocked callback for entity
* @param entity     Entity index
* @param callback   The forward to call
* @param params     Optional set of data to pass through to callback
* @param len        Optional size of data
* @note Use "" to reset callback
* @note Callback should be contains passing arguments as "public Blocked_Callback(const ent, const other)"
* @noreturn
native SetBlocked(const ent, const callback[], const params[] = "", const len = 0);

* Sets MoveDone callback for entity
* @param entity     Entity index
* @param callback   The forward to call
* @param params     Optional set of data to pass through to callback
* @param len        Optional size of data
* @note Use "" to reset callback
* @note Entity should be inherited from CBaseToggle, otherwise server can crash
* @note Callback should be contains passing arguments as "public MoveDone_Callback(const ent)"
* @noreturn
native SetMoveDone(const ent, const callback[], const params[] = "", const len = 0);

* Sets a value to CSGameRules_Members members.
* @param member     The specified member, look at the enums with name CSGameRules_Members
* @return           1 on success.
native set_member_game(CSGameRules_Members:member, any:...);

* Returns a value from CSGameRules_Members members
* @param member     The specified member, look at the enums with name CSGameRules_Members
* @return           If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via the 3rd argument and more, look at the argument list for the specified member
native any:get_member_game(CSGameRules_Members:member, any:...);

* Sets a value to an entity's member.
* @param index      Entity index
* @param member     The specified member, look at the enums with name *_Members
* @return           1 on success.
native set_member(const index, any:member, any:...);

* Returns a value from an entity's member.
* @param index      Entity index
* @param member     The specified member, look at the enums with name *_Members
* @return           If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via the 3rd argument and more, look at the argument list for the specified member
native any:get_member(const index, any:member, any:...);

* Sets playermove var.
* @param var        The specified playermove, look at the enum PlayerMove
* @return           1 on success.
native set_pmove(const PlayerMove:var, any:...);

* Returns a playermove var.
* @param var        The specified playermove var, look at the enums PlayerMove
* @return           If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via the 3rd argument and more, look at the argument list for the specified mvar
native any:get_pmove(const PlayerMove:var, any:...);

* Sets a movevar value to a playermove.
* @param var        The specified mvar, look at the enum MoveVars
* @return           1 on success.
native set_movevar(const MoveVars:var, any:...);

* Returns a movevar value from a playermove.
* @param var        The specified mvar, look at the enum MoveVars
* @return           If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via the 3rd argument and more, look at the argument list for the specified mvar
native any:get_movevar(const MoveVars:var, any:...);

* Sets a pmtrace var.
* @param var        The specified mvar, look at the enum PMTrace
* @return           1 on success.
native set_pmtrace(const tracehandle, const PMTrace:var, any:...);

* Returns a pmtrace var
* @param var        The specified mvar, look at the enum PMTrace
* @return           If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via the 3rd argument and more, look at the argument list for the specified mvar
native any:get_pmtrace(const tracehandle, const PMTrace:var, any:...);

* Sets a RebuyStruct member.
* @param var        The specified RebuyStruct, look at the enum RebuyStruct
* @return           1 on success.
native set_rebuy(const RebuyHandle:rebuyhandle, const RebuyStruct:member, value);

* Returns a RebuyStruct member
* @param var        The specified RebuyStruct, look at the enum RebuyStruct
* @return           If an integer or boolean or one byte, array or everything else is passed via the 3rd argument and more, look at the argument list for the specified RebuyStruct
native get_rebuy(const RebuyHandle:rebuyhandle, RebuyStruct:member);

* Assign the number of the player's animation.
* @param index          Client index
* @param playerAnim     Specific animation number
* @noreturn
native rg_set_animation(const index, PLAYER_ANIM:playerAnim);

* Adds money to player's account.
* @param index          Client index
* @param amount         The amount of money
* @param bTrackChange   If bTrackChange is 1, the amount of money added will also be displayed.
* @noreturn
native rg_add_account(const index, amount, AccountSet:typeSet = AS_ADD, const bool:bTrackChange = true);

* Gives the player an item.
* @param index      Client index
* @param pszName    Item classname
* @param type       Look at the enums with name GiveType
* @return           Index of entity if successfull, -1 otherwise
native rg_give_item(const index, const pszName[], GiveType:type = GT_APPEND);

* Gives the player an custom item, this means that don't handled API things.
* @example rg_give_custom_item(id, "weapon_c4"); doesn't sets the member m_bHasC4 to true, as the rg_give_item does.
* @param index      Client index
* @param pszName    Item classname
* @param type       Look at the enums with name GiveType
* @param uid        Sets a unique index for the entity
* @return           Index of entity if successfull, -1 otherwise
native rg_give_custom_item(const index, const pszName[], GiveType:type = GT_APPEND, const uid = 0);

* Give the default items to a player.
* @param index      Client index
* @noreturn
native rg_give_default_items(const index);

* Gives the player a shield
* @param index          Client index
* @param bDeploy        To deploy the shield
* @noreturn
native rg_give_shield(const index, const bool:bDeploy = true);

* Inflicts damage in a radius from the source position.
* @param vecSrc             The source position
* @param inflictor          Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun)
* @param attacker           Attacker is the entity that triggered the damage (such as the gun's owner)
* @param flDamage           The amount of damage
* @param flRadius           Damage radius
* @param iClassIgnore       To specify classes that are immune to damage
* @param bitsDamageType     Damage type DMG_*
* @noreturn
native rg_dmg_radius(Float:vecSrc[3], const inflictor, const attacker, const Float:flDamage, const Float:flRadius, const iClassIgnore, const bitsDamageType);

* Resets the global multi damage accumulator.
* @noreturn
native rg_multidmg_clear();

* Inflicts contents of global multi damage registered on victim.
* @param inflictor      Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun)
* @param attacker       Attacker is the entity that triggered the damage (such as the gun's owner)
* @noreturn
native rg_multidmg_apply(const inflictor, const attacker);

* Adds damage to the accumulator.
* @param inflictor          Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun)
* @param victim             The victim that takes damage
* @param flDamage           The amount of damage
* @param bitsDamageType     Damage type DMG_*
* @noreturn
native rg_multidmg_add(const inflictor, const victim, const Float:flDamage, const bitsDamageType);

* Fires bullets from entity.
* @param inflictor          Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun)
* @param attacker           Attacker is the entity that tirggered the damage (such as the gun's owner)
* @param shots              The number of shots
* @param vecSrc             The source position of the barrel
* @param vecDirShooting     Shooting direction
* @param vecSpread          Spread
* @param flDistance         Max shot distance
* @param iBulletType        Bullet type, look at the enum with name Bullet in
* @param iTracerFreq        Tracer frequency
* @param iDamage            Damage amount
* @noreturn
native rg_fire_bullets(const inflictor, const attacker, const shots, Float:vecSrc[3], Float:vecDirShooting[3], Float:vecSpread[3], const Float:flDistance, const Bullet:iBulletType, const iTracerFreq, const iDamage);

* Fires bullets from player's weapon.
* @param inflictor          Inflictor is the entity that caused the damage (such as a gun)
* @param attacker           Attacker is the entity that tirggered the damage (such as the gun's owner)
* @param vecSrc             The source position of the barrel
* @param vecDirShooting     Shooting direction
* @param vecSpread          Spread
* @param flDistance         Max shot distance
* @param iPenetration       The amount of penetration
* @param iBulletType        Bullet type, look at the enum with name Bullet in
* @param iDamage            Damage amount
* @param flRangeModifier    Damage range modifier
* @param bPistol            Pistol shot
* @param shared_rand        Use player's random seed, get circular gaussian spread
* @return Float:[3]         The spread result
native Float:[3] rg_fire_bullets3(const inflictor, const attacker, Float:vecSrc[3], Float:vecDirShooting[3], const Float:vecSpread, const Float:flDistance, const iPenetration, const Bullet:iBulletType, const iDamage, const Float:flRangeModifier, const bool:bPistol, const shared_rand);

* Forces the round to end.
* @param tmDelay    Delay before the onset of a new round
* @param st         Which team won
* @param event      The event is the end of the round
* @param message    The message on round end
* @param sentence   The sound at the end of the round
* @param trigger    This will trigger to all hooks on that function
*                   Be very careful about recursion!
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_round_end(const Float:tmDelay, const WinStatus:st, const ScenarioEventEndRound:event = ROUND_NONE, const message[] = "default", const sentence[] = "default", const bool:trigger = false);

* Updates current scores.
* @param iCtsWins   The amount of wins for counter-terrorists
* @param iTsWins    The amount of wins for terrorists
* @param bAdd       Adds the score to the current amount
* @noreturn
native rg_update_teamscores(const iCtsWins = 0, const iTsWins = 0, const bool:bAdd = true);

* Creates an entity using Counter-Strike's custom CreateNamedEntity wrapper.
* @param classname      Entity classname
* @param useHashTable   Use this only for known game entities
* @note: Do not use this if you use a custom classname
* @return               Index of the created entity or 0 otherwise
native rg_create_entity(const classname[], const bool:useHashTable = false);

* Finds an entity in the world using Counter-Strike's custom FindEntityByString wrapper.
* @param start_index        Entity index to start searching from. -1 to start from the first entity
* @param classname          Classname to search for
* @param useHashTable       Use this only for known game entities
* @note: Do not use this if you use a custom classname
* @return                   Entity index > 0 if found, 0 otherwise
native rg_find_ent_by_class(start_index, const classname[], const bool:useHashTable = false);

* Finds an entity in the world using Counter-Strike's custom FindEntityByString wrapper, matching by owner.
* @param start_index    Entity index to start searching from. -1 to start from the first entity
* @param classname      Classname to search for
* @return               1 if found, 0 otherwise
native rg_find_ent_by_owner(&start_index, const classname[], owner);

* Finds the weapon by name in the player's inventory.
* @param index      Client index
* @param weapon     Weapon name
* @return           Weapon's entity index, 0 otherwise
native rg_find_weapon_bpack_by_name(const index, const weapon[]);

* Checks if the player has the item.
* @param index      Client index
* @param item       Item name
* @return           true if he does, false otherwise
native bool:rg_has_item_by_name(const index, const item[]);

* Returns specific information about the weapon.
* @param weapon name or id      Weapon id, see WEAPON_* constants, WeaponIdType or weapon_* name
* @param WpnInfo:type           Info type, see WI_* constants
* @return                       Weapon information
* @error                        If weapon_id or type are out of bounds, an error will be thrown
native any:rg_get_weapon_info(any:...);

* Sets specific weapon info values.
* @param weapon_id      Weapon id, see WEAPON_* constants
* @param type           Info type, see WI_* constants
* @return               1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_set_weapon_info(const {WeaponIdType,_}:weapon_id, WpnInfo:type, any:...);

* Remove all the player's stuff in a specific slot.
* @param index  Client index
* @param slot   The slot that will be emptied
* @return       1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_remove_items_by_slot(const index, const InventorySlotType:slot);

* Drop to floor all the player's stuff by specific slot.
* @param index      Client index
* @param slot       Specific slot for remove of each item.
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_drop_items_by_slot(const index, const InventorySlotType:slot);

* Remove all of the player's items.
* @param index      Client index
* @param removeSuit Remove suit
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_remove_all_items(const index, const bool:removeSuit = false);

* Forces the player to drop the specified item classname.
* @param index      Client index
* @param item_name  Item classname
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_drop_item(const index, const item_name[]);

* Executes a client command on the gamedll side.
* @param index      Client index
* @param command    Client command to execute
* @param arg        Optional command arguments
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_internal_cmd(const index, const cmd[], const arg[] = "");

* Removes the specified item classname from the player
* @param index      Client index
* @param item_name  Item classname
* @param removeAmmo Remove ammunition
* @return           1 if found and remove, 0 otherwise
native rg_remove_item(const index, const item_name[], const bool:removeAmmo = false);

* Sets the amount of ammo in the client's backpack for a specific weapon.
* @param index      Client index
* @param weapon     Weapon id
* @param amount     New backpack ammo amount to set
* @noreturn
native rg_set_user_bpammo(const index, WeaponIdType:weapon, amount);

* Returns the amount of ammo in the client's backpack for a specific weapon.
* @param index      Client index
* @param weapon     Weapon id
* @return           Amount of ammo in backpack
native rg_get_user_bpammo(const index, WeaponIdType:weapon);

* Sets the amount of clip ammo for a specific weapon.
* @param index      Client index
* @param weapon     Weapon id
* @param amount     New clip ammo amount to set
* @noreturn
native rg_set_user_ammo(const index, WeaponIdType:weapon, amount);

* Returns the amount of clip ammo for a specific weapon.
* @param index      Client index
* @param weapon     Weapon id
* @return           Amount of clip ammo
native rg_get_user_ammo(const index, WeaponIdType:weapon);

* Sets the client's defusekit status and allows to set a custom HUD icon and color.
* @param index      Client index
* @param defusekit  If nonzero the client will have a defusekit, otherwise it will be removed
* @param color      Color RGB
* @param icon       HUD sprite to use as an icon
* @param flash      If nonzero the icon will flash red
* @noreturn
native rg_give_defusekit(const index, const bool:bDefusekit = true, const Float:color[] = {0.0, 160.0, 0.0}, const icon[] = "defuser", const bool:bFlash = false);

* Returns the client's armor value and retrieves the type of armor.
* @param index        Client index
* @param armortype    Variable to store armor type in
* @return             Amount of armor, 0 if the client has no armor
native rg_get_user_armor(const index, &ArmorType:armortype = ARMOR_NONE);

* Sets the client's armor value and the type of armor.
* @param index          Client index
* @param armorvalue     Amount of armor to set
* @param armortype      Armor type to set
* @noreturn
native rg_set_user_armor(const index, armorvalue, ArmorType:armortype);

* Sets the client's team without killing the player and sets the client's model.
* @note To obtain a TeamName use the following:
*       new TeamName:team = get_member(id, m_iTeam);
* @param index          Client index
* @param team           Team id
* @param model          Internal model, use MODEL_AUTO for a random appearance or MODEL_UNASSIGNED to not update it
* @param send_teaminfo  If true, a TeamInfo message will be sent
* @return               1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_set_user_team(const index, {TeamName,_}:team, {ModelName,_}:model = MODEL_AUTO, const bool:send_teaminfo = true);

* Sets the client's player model.
* @param index          Client index
* @param model          Model name
* @param update_index   If true, the modelindex is updated as well
* @return               1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_set_user_model(const index, const model[], const bool:update_index = false);

* Resets the client's model.
* @param index          Client index
* @param update_index   If true, the modelindex is reset as well
* @return               1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_reset_user_model(const index, const bool:update_index = false);

* Enable/Disable player's footsteps.
* @param index      Client index
* @param silent     To enable silent footsteps
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_set_user_footsteps(const index, bool:silent = false);

* Get the current footsteps state of the player.
* @param index      Client index
* @return           1 if the player has silent footsteps, 0 otherwise
native rg_get_user_footsteps(const index);

* Transfers C4 from one player to another.
* @param index      Client index
* @param receiver   Receiver index, if 0 it will transfer to a random player
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_transfer_c4(const index, const receiver = 0);

* Instantly reload client's weapons.
* @param index      Client index
* @param weapon     Weapon entity-index, if 0 then all weapons will be reloaded
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_instant_reload_weapons(const index, const weapon = 0);

* Sets the amount of reward in the game account for all players.
* @param rules_index    Look at the enum with name RewardRules
* @param amount         The money amount
* @noreturn
native rg_set_account_rules(const RewardRules:rules_index, const amount);

* Gets the specified reward rule's money amount.
* @param rules_index    Look at the enum with name RewardRules
* @return               The amount of reward
native rg_get_account_rules(const RewardRules:rules_index);

* Checks if the bomb is planted.
* @return           true if the bomb is planted, false otherwise
native bool:rg_is_bomb_planted();

* Forces a player to join a team.
* @param index      Client index
* @param team       Team id
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_join_team(const index, const TeamName:team);

* Instantly balances the teams.
* @noreturn
native rg_balance_teams();

* Swaps players' teams without reseting frags, deaths and wins.
* @noreturn
native rg_swap_all_players();

* Instantly switches the player to his opposite team.
* @note Switch from CT to TERRORIST is also opposite.
* @param index      Client index
* @noreturn
native rg_switch_team(const index);

* Forces the player to switch to a specific weapon.
* @param index      Client index
* @param weapon     Weapon entity-index
* @return           1 on success, 0 otherwise
native rg_switch_weapon(const index, const weapon);

* Gets which team has a higher join priority.
* @return           Returns the Team Name
native TeamName:rg_get_join_team_priority();

* Checks whether the player can take damage from the attacker.
* @param index      Client index
* @param attacker   Attacker index
* @return           true if he can take damage, false otherwise
native bool:rg_is_player_can_takedamage(const index, const attacker);

* Gets WeaponIdType from weaponbox
* @param entity     Weaponbox entity
* @return           return enum of WeaponIdType
native WeaponIdType:rg_get_weaponbox_id(const entity);

* Respawn on round for players/bots.
* @param index      Client index
* @noreturn
native rg_round_respawn(const index);

* Resets player's maxspeed.
* @param index      Client index
* @noreturn
native rg_reset_maxspeed(const index);

* Draws a HUD progress bar which fills from 0% to 100% for the time duration in seconds.
* @note: Set the duration to 0 to hide the bar.
* @param index      Client index
* @param time       Duration
* @param observer   Send for everyone who is observing the player
* @noreturn
native rg_send_bartime(const index, const duration, const bool:observer = true);

* Same as BarTime, but StartPercent specifies how much of the bar is (already) filled.
* @param index          Client index
* @param time           Duration
* @param startPercent   Start percent
* @param observer       Send for everyone who is observing the player
* @noreturn
native rg_send_bartime2(const index, const duration, const startPercent, const bool:observer = true);

* Sends the SendAudio message - plays the specified audio.
* @param index      Receiver index or use 0 for everyone
* @param sample     Sound file to play
* @param pitch      Sound pitch
* @noreturn
native rg_send_audio(const index, const sample[], const pitch = PITCH_NORM);

* Sets a parameter of the member CSPlayerItem::m_ItemInfo
* @param entity Entity index
* @param type   Item info type. See ItemInfo constants.
native rg_set_iteminfo(const entity, ItemInfo:type, any:...);

* Gets a parameter of the member CSPlayerItem::m_ItemInfo
* @param entity Entity index
* @param type   Item info type. See ItemInfo constants.
native rg_get_iteminfo(const ent, ItemInfo:type, any:...);

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