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Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X

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Guest Message by DevFuse

AjZiS - zdjęcie


Rejestracja: 27.11.2019
Aktualnie: Nieaktywny
Poza forum Ostatnio: 15.05.2022 18:21

Moje tematy

Instalacja SB

30.10.2020 20:30

Troszkę nie bardzo wiem w czym problem.

 Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'player_ip' in 'field list' in /home/clean-kill/websites/cs/steam/includes/Database.php:70 Stack trace: #0 /home/clean-kill/websites/cs/steam/includes/Database.php(70): PDOStatement->execute() #1 /home/clean-kill/websites/cs/steam/includes/Database.php(75): Database->execute() #2 /home/clean-kill/websites/cs/steam/install/includes/ Database->resultset() #3 /home/clean-kill/websites/cs/steam/install/template/page.6.php(15): convertAmxbans(Object(Database), Object(Database)) #4 /home/clean-kill/websites/cs/steam/install/includes/page-builder.php(62): include('/home/clean-kil...') #5 /home/clean-kill/websites/cs/steam/install/index.php(31): include_once('/home/clean-kil...') #6 {main} thrown in 

Usunięcie klasy.

10.10.2020 10:39

Hej, przepraszam że was tak męczę ale bardzo mało miałem do czynienia z diablomod, mógłby ktoś napisać jak usunąć klasy z takiego diablo?


Chodzi o Ognik i Zmij.  


Błędy z kompilacji. 


Oczywiście wiem że część z nich jest, ponieważ wszystko nie zostało usunięte, 

// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(1046) : error 017: undefined symbol "r"
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(3019) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(3100) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(3107) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(3560) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5298) : warning 217: loose indentation
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5312) : warning 217: loose indentation
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5312) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5312) : warning 215: expression has no effect
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5312) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "if"
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5328) : error 021: symbol already defined: "message_begin"
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5454) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5477) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5484) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5811) : warning 217: loose indentation
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5813) : warning 217: loose indentation
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5814) : error 024: "break" or "continue" is out of context
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(5822) : error 054: unmatched closing brace
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(9368) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(9425) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(9510) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(9855) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(9857) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(10040) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(11160) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(11181) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(11190) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(12000) : error 055: start of function body without function header
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(12003) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(12004) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
// C:\Users\Patryk\Desktop\compiler\newlod.sma(12010) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

Fireball leczy

04.10.2020 19:57

Hej, przepraszam ale nie bardzo jeszcze rozumiem działanie całego mechanizmu. 


Problem jest taki ze Fireeball u maga leczy zamiast zadawać dmg może ktoś wskazać problem a nie robić gotowca?:)

/* Script generated by Pawn Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>
#include <fun>
#include <fakemeta>

#include <>

#define PLUGIN	"Diablo Mag"
#define AUTHOR	"DarkGL"
#define VERSION	"1.0"

#define MAX_FLASH 15

#define MAG_VIEW "models/diablomod/v_mag.mdl"

new flashlight[33]
new flashbattery[33]
new flashlight_r
new flashlight_g
new flashlight_b

new bool:bKlasa[33],bool:bFala[33];
new iFireball[33];

new pCvarCustom,pCvarDrain,pCvarCharge,pCvarRadius,pCvarDecay;

new msgFlashLight,msgFlashBat;

new sprite_beam,sprite_lgt;

new bool: speedOn[ 33 ];

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	diablo_register_class("Mag",95,"<br>Strzelajac z pistoletu zamrazasz wroga i zabierasz mu 5hp co 2 sek przez 15 sek.<br> Jezeli wlaczysz latarke i najedziesz na ninje robi sie widzialny <br><br>");
	pCvarCustom	=	register_cvar("flashlight_custom","1");
	pCvarDrain	=	register_cvar("flashlight_drain","1.0");
	pCvarCharge	=	register_cvar("flashlight_charge","0.5");
	pCvarRadius	=	register_cvar("flashlight_radius","8");
	pCvarDecay	=	register_cvar("flashlight_decay","90");
	msgFlashLight	=	get_user_msgid("Flashlight");
	msgFlashBat		=	get_user_msgid("FlashBat");

public plugin_precache(){
	sprite_beam 	=	precache_model("sprites/zbeam4.spr") 
	sprite_lgt	=	precache_model("sprites/lgtning.spr")

public diablo_damage_class_do( iVictim , iAttacker , &Float: fDamage , damageBits ){
	remove_task( iAttacker );
	set_user_maxspeed( iAttacker , 130.0 );
	speedOn[ iAttacker ]	=	false;
	set_task( 3.0 , "offSpeed" , iAttacker );

public offSpeed( id ){
	speedOn[ id ]	=	false;
	if( is_user_alive( id ) )	set_user_maxspeed( id , -1.0 );

public diablo_class_enabled(id){
	bKlasa[id] = true;

public diablo_class_disabled(id){
	bKlasa[id] = false;

public Float:diablo_cast_time(id,Float:standardTime){	
	return 4.0-(float(diablo_get_user_int(id))/30.0);

public diablo_cast_stop(id){
	if(is_user_alive(id) && get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_KNIFE && get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND){
		return DIABLO_STOP;

public diablo_cast_move(id){

public diablo_class_skill_used(id){
	if (bFala[id])
		diablo_show_hudmsg( id, 2.0 , "Tego czaru mozesz uzyc raz na runde") 
	//Target nearest non-friendly player
	new target = UTIL_FindNearestOpponent(id,600+diablo_get_user_int(id))
	if (target == -1) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	new FalaDamage = 100 + diablo_get_user_int(id)*2
	//Dagon damage done is reduced by the targets dextery
	FalaDamage -= diablo_get_user_dex(target);
	if (FalaDamage < 0)
		FalaDamage = 0
	new Hit[3]

	//Create Lightning
	write_byte(1) // TE_BEAMENTPOINT
	write_byte(100) //WITD
	write_byte(200) //BRIGT
	bFala[id]	=	true;
	//Apply damage
	if( FalaDamage != 0 ){
	diablo_display_fade( target,2600,2600,0,255,0,0,15 )
	set_hudmessage ( 255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.4 , 0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.2, -1 ) 	
	show_hudmessage(id, "Zadales wrogowi %i", FalaDamage)

public diablo_call_cast(id){
	set_hudmessage(60, 200, 25, -1.0, 0.25, 0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2)
		show_hudmessage(id, "Wyczarowales juz %i fire ballow. Nie mozesz wiecej w tej rundzie",iFireball[id])
		show_hudmessage(id, "Wyczarowales fireboll'a") 
		new Float:vOrigin[3]
		new fEntity
		entity_get_vector(id,EV_VEC_origin, vOrigin)
		fEntity = create_entity("info_target")
		entity_set_model(fEntity, "models/rpgrocket.mdl")
		entity_set_origin(fEntity, vOrigin)
		entity_set_int(fEntity, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_BBOX)
		//Send forward
		new Float:fl_iNewVelocity[3]
		VelocityByAim(id, 500, fl_iNewVelocity)
		entity_set_vector(fEntity, EV_VEC_velocity, fl_iNewVelocity)

public pfn_touch ( ptr, ptd )
	if (ptd == 0)	return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
	new szClassName[64]
	if(pev_valid(ptd))	entity_get_string(ptd, EV_SZ_classname, szClassName, charsmax( szClassName) )
	else return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
	if(equal(szClassName, "fireball"))
		new owner = pev(ptd,pev_owner)
		entity_get_string(ptr, EV_SZ_classname, szClassName, charsmax( szClassName) )
		if(equal(szClassName,"worldspawn") || is_user_alive(ptr) || (pev_valid(ptr) && pev(ptr,pev_solid) != SOLID_NOT && pev(ptr,pev_solid) != SOLID_TRIGGER)){
			new Float:fOrigin[3]
			diablo_create_explode(owner,fOrigin,55.0 + float(diablo_get_user_int(owner)),150.0,true);

public diablo_weapon_deploy(id,wpnID,weaponEnt){
	if(bKlasa[id] && wpnID == CSW_KNIFE){
		entity_set_string(id, EV_SZ_viewmodel, MAG_VIEW) 

public diablo_clean_data(id){
	iFireball[id]		=	0;
	flashbattery[id] 	=	MAX_FLASH;
	flashlight[id] 		=	0;
	bFala[id]		=	false;

public diablo_set_data(id){
	iFireball[id]		=	0;
	flashbattery[id] 	=	MAX_FLASH;
	flashlight[id] 		=	0;
	bFala[id]		=	false;

public diablo_class_spawned(id){
	iFireball[id]		=	0;
	flashbattery[id] 	=	MAX_FLASH;
	flashlight[id] 		=	0;
	bFala[id]		=	false;

public diablo_class_killed(id){
	iFireball[id]		=	0;
	flashbattery[id] 	=	MAX_FLASH;
	flashlight[id] 		=	0;

public eventFlashlight(id) {
	if(!get_pcvar_num(pCvarCustom) || !is_user_alive(id)) {
	if(flashlight[id]) {
		flashlight[id] = 0;
	else if(flashbattery[id] > 0){
		flashlight[id] = 1;
	if(!task_exists(id)) {
		set_task((flashlight[id]) ? get_pcvar_float(pCvarDrain) : get_pcvar_float(pCvarCharge),"charge",id,.flags = "b");
	entity_set_int(id,EV_INT_effects,entity_get_int(id,EV_INT_effects) & ~EF_DIMLIGHT);

public charge(id){
	if(!get_pcvar_num(pCvarCustom) || !is_user_alive(id)) {
	if(flashlight[id]) {
		flashbattery[id] -= 1;
	else {
		flashbattery[id] += 1;
	if(flashbattery[id] <= 0) {
		flashbattery[id] = 0;
		flashlight[id] = 0;
	else if(flashbattery[id] >= MAX_FLASH) {
		flashbattery[id] = MAX_FLASH

public diablo_preThink(id){
	if(!is_user_alive(id))	return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
	if( speedOn[ id ] ) set_user_maxspeed( id , 130.0 );
	if (flashlight[id] && flashbattery[id] && get_pcvar_num(pCvarCustom)) {
		new num1, num2, num3
		if (flashlight_r>250) flashlight_r-=245
		if (flashlight_g>250) flashlight_g-=245
		if (flashlight_b<5) flashlight_b+=240		
		new origin[3];
		write_byte(27); // TE_DLIGHT
		write_coord(origin[0]); // X
		write_coord(origin[1]); // Y
		write_coord(origin[2]); // Z
		write_byte(get_pcvar_num(pCvarRadius)); // radius
		write_byte(flashlight_r); // R
		write_byte(flashlight_g); // G
		write_byte(flashlight_b); // B
		write_byte(1); // life
		write_byte(get_pcvar_num(pCvarDecay)); // decay rate
		new index1, bodypart1
		if (is_user_alive(index1) && get_user_team(id)!=get_user_team(index1) )
				diablo_display_icon( index1 , 2 , "dmg_bio" , 255 , 0 , 0 )
				remove_task( index1 + 666 )
				set_task( 7.5 , "offIcon" , index1 + 666 )

public offIcon( id ){
	id	-=	666;
	if( is_user_connected( id ) ){
		diablo_display_icon( id , 0 , "dmg_bio" , 255 , 0 , 0 )

public UTIL_FindNearestOpponent(id,maxdist)
	new best = 99999
	new entfound = -1
	new MyOrigin[3]
	for (new i=1; i < 33; i++)
		if (i == id || !is_user_connected(i) || !is_user_alive(i) || get_user_team(id) == get_user_team(i) || fm_trace_line( id , id , i ) == i)
		new TempOrigin[3],Float:fTempOrigin[3]
		new dist = get_distance ( MyOrigin,TempOrigin ) 
		if ( dist <= maxdist && dist < best)
			best = dist
			entfound = i
	return entfound

stock fm_trace_line(ignoreent, iStart, iEnd ){
	new Float: start[ 3 ] , Float: end[ 3 ];
	pev( iStart , pev_origin , start );
	pev( iEnd , pev_origin , end );
	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, end, ignoreent == -1 ? 1 : 0, ignoreent, 0);

	new ent = get_tr2(0, TR_pHit);

	return pev_valid(ent) ? ent : 0;

[ROZWIĄZANE] Carsh serwera po dołączniu

03.10.2020 12:37

Nie mogłem napisać tematu w dziale DiabloModa.


Użyta paczak


Problem polega na tym, że w momencie wejscia na serwer nie da się nic zrobić, gra się zacina i wyrzuca z serwera



******************************         Login Passed... Welcome       ******************************

L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:03: Server cvar "sv_wateraccelerate" = "10"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:03: Server cvar "sv_waterfriction" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:03: Server cvar "VTC_Version" = "2020RC2"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:03: Server cvars end
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:03: -------- Mapchange to de_dust2 --------
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:03: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'MySQL': MySQL v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:03: Server cvar "amxmodx_version" = "1.8.3-dev+5201"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:03: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "900"
[AMXX] Loaded 0 admins from file
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "de_airstrip"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "diablomod_version" = "1.1.0 PL"
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "amx_language" = "pl"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "1500"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerate" = "100"
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/data/ajzisek/.steam/sdk32/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "5"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "75"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Started map "de_dust2" (CRC "1159425449")

L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L1003031.log
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Log file started (file "logs/L1003031.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "25"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "30"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "4"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "2"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "4"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:04: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "60"
couldn't exec banned.cfg
couldn't exec listip.cfg
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:09: [REUNION]: authorized as 1 >
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:09: "HLTV Proxy<1><HLTV><>" connected, address ""
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:11: "HLTV Proxy<1><HLTV><>" entered the game
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:11: "HLTV Proxy<1><HLTV><>" joined team "SPECTATOR"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:12: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:33: "AjZiS<2><STEAM_0:1:128780431><>" connected, address ""
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:33: "AjZiS<2><STEAM_0:1:128780431><>" STEAM USERID validated
ERROR: couldn't open custom.hpk.
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:36: "AjZiS<2><STEAM_0:1:128780431><>" entered the game
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:36: [VTC] Client AjZiS with new codec connected
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:37: "AjZiS<2><STEAM_0:1:128780431><>" joined team "TERRORIST"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:37: "AjZiS<2><STEAM_0:1:128780431><TERRORIST>" triggered "Spawned_With_The_Bomb"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:37: FATAL ERROR (shutting down): IndexOfEdict: bad entity
FATAL ERROR (shutting down): IndexOfEdict: bad entity
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
email debug.log to [email protected]
Sat Oct  3 13:32:38 CEST 2020: Server restart in 10 seconds
Using breakpad crash handler
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 10
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/data/ajzisek/.steam/sdk32/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit

Console initialized.
Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 15:54:29 Apr  6 2020 (2186)
STEAM Auth Server
Server logging data to file logs/L1003032.log
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Log file started (file "logs/L1003032.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "pausable" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_maxrate" = "25000"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_minrate" = "10000"
couldn't exec banned.cfg
couldn't exec listip.cfg
Server IP address
   Metamod version 1.21p37 Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Will Day
     Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37 Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Jussi Kivilinna
   Metamod comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] Metamod v1.21p37  2013/05/30
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] by Will Day
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META]
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META]  Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v37
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META]  by Jussi Kivilinna
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META]
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] compiled: May 30 2013, 11:41:16 EET (optimized)
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] Recognized game 'cstrike'; using dllfile ''
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] Game DLL for 'Counter-Strike' loaded successfully
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] ini: Begin reading plugins list: /home/data/ajzisek/802298.cs16/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: <>
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: <>
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: <>
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: <>
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] ini: Finished reading plugins list: /home/data/ajzisek/802298.cs16/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini; Found 4 plugins to load
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loading plugins...

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-dev+5201 Copyright (c) 2004-2015 AMX Mod X Development Team 
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'Fun': Fun v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'Engine': Engine v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'FakeMeta': FakeMeta v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'GeoIP': GeoIP v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [GEOIP] Database info: GeoLite2 Country database 2.0
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: Failed to find memloc for regcmd 'geoip'
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'CStrike': CStrike v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'CSX': CSX v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [CSX] Could not load csstats file: cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/csstats.dat
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: Failed to find memloc for regcmd 'ham'
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'Ham Sandwich': Ham Sandwich v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'AMX Mod X': AMX Mod X v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
[REUNION]: Config line parsing error: unknown parameter 'LogAttacks' at line 213
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [REUNION]: Config line parsing error: unknown parameter 'LogAttacks' at line 213
[REUNION]: Config line parsing error: unknown parameter 'AllowSplitPackets' at line 218
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [REUNION]: Config line parsing error: unknown parameter 'AllowSplitPackets' at line 218
[REUNION]: Config line parsing error: unknown parameter 'IPClientsLimit' at line 223
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [REUNION]: Config line parsing error: unknown parameter 'IPClientsLimit' at line 223
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'Reunion': Reunion v0.1.0.92 2018-02-11, The Legion
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'VoiceTranscoder': VoiceTranscoder v2020RC2 2020.03.04, WPMG.PRoSToC0der
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '2186'
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'ReAuthCheck': ReAuthCheck v0.1.6 2017-03-08, Adidasman
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Not loading plugin 'Fun'; already loaded (status=running)
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Failed to load plugin ''
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Not loading plugin 'Engine'; already loaded (status=running)
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Failed to load plugin ''
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Not loading plugin 'FakeMeta'; already loaded (status=running)
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Failed to load plugin ''
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Not loading plugin 'GeoIP'; already loaded (status=running)
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Failed to load plugin ''
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Not loading plugin 'CStrike'; already loaded (status=running)
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Failed to load plugin ''
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Not loading plugin 'CSX'; already loaded (status=running)
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Failed to load plugin ''
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Not loading plugin 'Ham Sandwich'; already loaded (status=running)
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] WARNING: dll: Failed to load plugin ''
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Finished loading 4 plugins
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L1003033.log
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Log file started (file "logs/L1003033.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Loading map "de_dust2"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvars start
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_bomb_viewable_check_interval" = "0.5"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_debug_level" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_examine_time" = "0.5"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_hint_interval_time" = "10.0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_look_angle" = "10"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_look_distance" = "200"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_message_character_display_time_coefficient" = "0.07"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_message_minimum_display_time" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_message_repeats" = "5"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "_tutor_view_distance" = "1000"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "1.0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "amx_client_languages" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "amx_language" = "en"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "amxmodx_version" = ""
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "coop" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "deathmatch" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "30"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "edgefriction" = "2"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "hostage_debug" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "hostage_stop" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "humans_join_team" = "any"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "max_queries_sec" = "3.0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "max_queries_sec_global" = "30"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "max_queries_window" = "60"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "metamod_version" = "1.21p37"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_allowmonsters" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_autokick" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_autokick_timeout" = "-1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_buytime" = "1.5"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "45"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "10"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_consistency" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_fadetoblack" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_footsteps" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_forcecamera" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_forcechasecam" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_fragsleft" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "6"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_ghostfrequency" = "0.1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "13"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_kickpercent" = "0.66"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_limitteams" = "2"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_logdetail" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_logfile" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_logmessages" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_mapvoteratio" = "0.66"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_maxrounds" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_mirrordamage" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_playerid" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "5"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_startmoney" = "800"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_timeleft" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_windifference" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "mp_winlimit" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "pausable" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "reauthcheck_version" = "0.1.6"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "reu_version" = ""
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "10"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerate" = "10"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_allowupload" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_bounce" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_cheats" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_clienttrace" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_contact" = ""
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_friction" = "4"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_gravity" = "800"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_logblocks" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_maxrate" = "25000"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_minrate" = "10000"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_password" = ""
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_proxies" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_restart" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_restartround" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_stepsize" = "18"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "100"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_uploadmax" = "0.5"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_version" = ",48,2186"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_voiceenable" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_wateraccelerate" = "10"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_waterfriction" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "VTC_Version" = "2020RC2"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvars end
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: -------- Mapchange to de_dust2 --------
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: [META] dll: Loaded plugin 'MySQL': MySQL v1.8.3-dev+5201 Aug 30 2018, AMX Mod X Dev Team
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "amxmodx_version" = "1.8.3-dev+5201"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "900"
[AMXX] Loaded 0 admins from file
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "de_airstrip"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "diablomod_version" = "1.1.0 PL"
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "amx_language" = "pl"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "1500"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerate" = "100"
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/data/ajzisek/.steam/sdk32/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "5"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:48: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "75"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Started map "de_dust2" (CRC "1159425449")

L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L1003034.log
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Log file started (file "logs/L1003034.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "25"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "30"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "4"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "2"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "4"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "1"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "0"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:49: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "60"
couldn't exec banned.cfg
couldn't exec listip.cfg
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.
L 10/03/2020 - 13:32:57: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 10/03/2020 - 13:33:07: "Player<1><STEAM_0:0:91286725><>" connected, address ""
L 10/03/2020 - 13:33:08: "Player<1><STEAM_0:0:91286725><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 10/03/2020 - 13:33:11: [REUNION]: authorized as 1 >
L 10/03/2020 - 13:33:11: "HLTV Proxy<2><HLTV><>" connected, address ""
L 10/03/2020 - 13:33:13: "HLTV Proxy<2><HLTV><>" entered the game
L 10/03/2020 - 13:33:13: "HLTV Proxy<2><HLTV><>" joined team "SPECTATOR"


diablo_host ""
diablo_user "nick"
diablo_pass "haslo"
diablo_db "802298_diablo"

//typ zapisu 1 - nick 2 - steam id 3 - steamid lub nick zalezy czy gracz ma steam czy nie
diablo_save_type 3

//sredni level dla nowego gracza
diablo_avg 1

//ustawienia maga
flashlight_custom 1
flashlight_drain 1.0
flashlight_charge 0.5
flashlight_radius 8
flashlight_decay 90

//minimalna ilosc graczy aby dostawac exp
diablo_player_num 2

//ilosc dmg aby dostac 1 exp'a
diablo_dmg_exp 20
diablo_xpbonus 5
diablo_xpbonus2 100

//ustawienia nekromanty czas odradzania
diablo_revival_time 3
//hp po ozywieniu ( + inteligencja wskrzeszajacego )
diablo_revival_health 25
//minimalny dystans od zwlok
diablo_revival_distance 70.0

//szybkosc rzuconego noza
diablo_knife_speed 1000
//dmg zadawane przez rzucony noz
diablo_knife 80.0

//dmg strzaly z kuszy
diablo_arrow 120.0
//mnoznik dla inteligencji przy obliczaniu dmg
diablo_arrow_multi 2.0
//szybkosc strzaly z kuszy
diablo_arrow_speed 1500

//ilosc wytrzymalosci itemu zabieranej przy zginieciu
diablo_durability 10

//koszt expa w rune
diablo_exp_price 14500
//koszt losowego przedmiotu w rune
diablo_random_price 9000
//koszt ulepszenia w rune
diablo_upgrade_price 5000

//koszt w /daj
diablo_price_daj 5000

//event on/off
diablo_event 1
//ilosc wymaganych dropow
diablo_drop_need 100
//hp diablo ( mnozone przez ilosc graczy )
diablo_diablo_hp 1000
//ilosc xp rozdzielane na tych ktozy zabija diablo
diablo_event_exp 10000
//kamera przy diablo 1 - widok zza plecow
diablo_camera 1

//ilosc punktow do rozdania za lvl
diablo_points 2

//ile hp za jeden punkt sily
diablo_strength_power 2
//ile reduckji za jeden punkt zrecznosci
diablo_reduce_power 0.03 
; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon (;) in front of its name.
; If it's not here, simply add it its name, one per line.
; You don't need to write the _amxx part or the file extension.

;; SQL Modules usually need to be enabled manually ;;
;; You can have any number on at a time.  Use      ;;
;;  amx_sql_type in sql.cfg to specify the default ;;

;; Put third party modules below here.              ;;
;; You can just list their names, without the _amxx ;;
;;  or file extension.                              ;;

;; These modules will be auto-detected and loaded   ;;
;;  as needed.  You do not need to enable them here ;;
;;  unless you have problems.                       ;;


ładowanie pocisków

03.10.2020 08:21

Cześć nie bardzo mogę znaleźć taki temat, chciałbym dodać do klasy 1/5 na trafienie w głowę to umiem zrobić ale zastanawiam się jak zrobić aby ta szansa ładowała się na nożu. NP na nożu ładuje nam 5 pocisków które mają szanse trafić w głowę