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Guest Message by DevFuse

patrol991 - zdjęcie


Rejestracja: 22.02.2012
Aktualnie: Nieaktywny
Poza forum Ostatnio: 27.11.2014 21:58

#671832 Serwer nie działa. Logs.

Napisane przez patrol991 w 24.11.2014 20:12

Podaje Logi

L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: Start of error session.
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20141124.log")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "admin.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "admincmd.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "adminhelp.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "adminslots.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "multilingual.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "menufront.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "cmdmenu.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "plmenu.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "adminchat.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "antiflood.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "scrollmsg.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "imessage.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "adminvote.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "mapchooser.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "timeleft.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "restmenu.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Load error 17 (invalid file format or version) (plugin "miscstats.amxx")
L 11/24/2014 - 20:02:57: [amxx] Plugin file open error (plugin "roundsound.amxx")

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#491186 Nie działają mi klasy z bronią 1/x na ntychmiastowe zabicie

Napisane przez patrol991 w 17.12.2012 15:14

Witam. Moja klasa

oto sma:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <codmod>
#include <engine>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fun>
#define DMG_BULLET (1<<1)
#define DMG_HEGRENADE (1<<24)
new const nazwa[]   = "Fight [Mega Premum](23,37zl)]";
new const opis[]	= "Ma XM1014(shotgun)1/5 na natych zabicie, Scout1/2, HE1/2, 140hp, wysoki skok,";
new const bronie	= (1<<CSW_SCOUT)|(1<<CSW_HEGRENADE)|(1<<CSW_XM1014)|(1<<CSW_USP);
new const zdrowie   = 40;
new const kondycja  = 00;
new const inteligencja = 0;
new const wytrzymalosc = 0;
new ma_klase[33];

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin(nazwa, "1.0", "");

	cod_register_class(nazwa, opis, bronie, zdrowie, kondycja, inteligencja, wytrzymalosc);  
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwSpawn_Grawitacja", 1);
		RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "TakeDamage");


public cod_class_enabled(id)
	if(!(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_F))
		client_print(id, print_chat, "[Fight [Mega Premum] (23,37zl)]] Nie masz uprawnien, aby uzywac tej klasy.")
		return COD_STOP;

	 entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_gravity, 400.0/800.0);
	give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade");
	ma_klase[id] = true;

public cod_class_disabled(id)

	 entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_gravity, 1.0);
	ma_klase[id] = false;


public fwSpawn_Grawitacja(id)
		entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_gravity, 400.0/800.0);

public TakeDamage(this, idinflictor, idattacker, Float:damage, damagebits)
				return HAM_IGNORED;

				return HAM_IGNORED;

		if(get_user_team(this) != get_user_team(idattacker) && get_user_weapon(idattacker) == CSW_XM1014 && damagebits & DMG_BULLET && random_num(1, 6) == 1)
		if(get_user_team(this) != get_user_team(idattacker) && get_user_weapon(idattacker) == CSW_SCOUT && damagebits & DMG_BULLET && random_num(1, 2) == 1)
		if(get_user_team(this) != get_user_team(idattacker) && get_user_weapon(idattacker) == CSW_HEGRENADE && damagebits & DMG_HEGRENADE && random_num(1, 2) == 1)

				cod_inflict_damage(idattacker, this, float(get_user_health(this))-damage+1.0, 0.0, idinflictor, damagebits);
		return HAM_IGNORED;

Gdy już przekompiluje na amxx to wszystko jest ok:

Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright © 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

Header size:			840 bytes
Code size:			 2812 bytes
Data size:			 1220 bytes
Stack/heap size:	  16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=783 cells (3132 bytes)
Total requirements:   21256 bytes

Ale jak wrzuce klase na serwer to nie dziala mi 1/x z broni na natychmiastowe zabicie, to samo z granatem ;//
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