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Guest Message by DevFuse

Kuba22 - zdjęcie


Rejestracja: 29.01.2012
Aktualnie: Nieaktywny
Poza forum Ostatnio: 30.03.2020 22:13

Moje posty

W temacie: Dodanie komendy /odbuguj do klasy

18.03.2015 17:44

Przykładowa klasa z owym teleportem:


#include <amxmodx>

#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fun>
#include <cstrike>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <codmod>

#define CS_PLAYER_HEIGHT 72.0

#define AUTHOR "J River"

#define x 0
#define y 1
#define z 2

new const nazwa[] = "[Mega Premium]Knife Ruggber";
new const opis[] = "Moze robic migniecia nozem na odleglsoc 2000(+inteligencja), 1\5 szans na oslepeinie wroga";
new const bronie = (1<<CSW_M4A1)|(1<<CSW_KNIFE);
new const zdrowie = 0;
new const kondycja = 50;
new const inteligencja = 0;
new const wytrzymalosc = 100;

new gmsgFade
new bool:ma_klase[33];
new player_b_blink[33] = 0    //Ability to get a railgun
new player_b_blind[33] = 0    //Chance 1/Value to blind the enemy

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin(nazwa, "1.0", AUTHOR);
(nazwa, opis, bronie, zdrowie, kondycja, inteligencja, wytrzymalosc);
("ResetHUD", "ResetHUD", "abe")
("Damage", "Damage", "b", "2!0")
= get_user_msgid("ScreenFade")
public cod_class_enabled(id)
    if(!(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_A))
        client_print(id, print_chat, "[Server] (Mega Premium!!) Nie masz uprawnien, aby uzywac klasy Knife Ruggber")
        return COD_STOP;
    client_print(id, print_chat, "Klasa Knife Ruggber stworzona przez J River")
    player_b_blink[id] = floatround(halflife_time())
    player_b_blind[id] = 5
    ma_klase[id] = true;
    return COD_CONTINUE;
public cod_class_disabled(id)
    player_b_blink[id] = 0
    ma_klase[id] = false;
public client_PreThink ( id )
    if (player_b_blink[id] > 0) Prethink_Blink(id)

public Prethink_Blink(id)
    if( get_user_button(id) & IN_ATTACK2 && !(get_user_oldbutton(id) & IN_ATTACK2) && is_user_alive(id))
new clip, ammo
new weapon = get_user_weapon(id,clip,ammo)
if (weapon == CSW_KNIFE)
            if (halflife_time()-player_b_blink[id] <= 0.5) return PLUGIN_HANDLED        
[id] = floatround(halflife_time())    
(id,2000+15*cod_get_user_intelligence( id, 1, 1, 1 ))        
public ResetHUD(id)
    if (is_user_connected(id))
            player_b_blink[id] = 1
if (player_b_blink[id] > 0)
            player_b_blink[id] = 1
        client_cmd(id,"hud_centerid 0")
public UTIL_Teleport(id,distance)
new origin[3]
//Particle burst ie. teleport effect    
    message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST ,SVC_TEMPENTITY) //message begin
    write_byte(TE_PARTICLEBURST )
    write_coord(origin[0]) // origin
    write_coord(origin[1]) // origin
    write_coord(origin[2]) // origin
    write_short(20) // radius
    write_byte(1) // particle color
    write_byte(4) // duration * 10 will be randomized a bit


stock Set_Origin_Forward(id, distance)
    new Float:origin[3]
    new Float:angles[3]
    new Float:teleport[3]
    new Float:heightplus = 10.0
    new Float:playerheight = 64.0
    new bool:recalculate = false
    new bool:foundheight = false
[0] = origin[0] + distance * floatcos(angles[1],degrees) * floatabs(floatcos(angles[0],degrees));
    teleport[1] = origin[1] + distance * floatsin(angles[1],degrees) * floatabs(floatcos(angles[0],degrees));
    teleport[2] = origin[2]+heightplus
while (!Can_Trace_Line_Origin(origin,teleport) || Is_Point_Stuck(teleport,48.0))
if (distance < 10)
//First see if we can raise the height to MAX playerheight, if we can, it's a hill and we can teleport there    
        for (new i=1; i < playerheight+20.0; i++)
if (Can_Trace_Line_Origin(origin,teleport) && !Is_Point_Stuck(teleport,48.0))
                foundheight = true
                heightplus += i
if (foundheight)
= true
        teleport[0] = origin[0] + (distance+32) * floatcos(angles[1],degrees) * floatabs(floatcos(angles[0],degrees));
        teleport[1] = origin[1] + (distance+32) * floatsin(angles[1],degrees) * floatabs(floatcos(angles[0],degrees));
        teleport[2] = origin[2]+heightplus
if (!recalculate)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
[0] = origin[0] + distance * floatcos(angles[1],degrees) * floatabs(floatcos(angles[0],degrees));
    teleport[1] = origin[1] + distance * floatsin(angles[1],degrees) * floatabs(floatcos(angles[0],degrees));
    teleport[2] = origin[2]+heightplus

stock bool:Can_Trace_Line_Origin(Float:origin1[3], Float:origin2[3])
new Float:Origin_Return[3]    
new Float:temp1[3]
    new Float:temp2[3]
[x] = origin1[x]
    temp1[y] = origin1[y]
    temp1[z] = origin1[z]-30
[x] = origin2[x]
    temp2[y] = origin2[y]
    temp2[z] = origin2[z]-30
(-1, temp1, temp2, Origin_Return)
if (get_distance_f(Origin_Return,temp2) < 1.0)
        return true
return false

stock bool:Is_Point_Stuck(Float:Origin[3], Float:hullsize)
    new Float:temp[3]
    new Float:iterator = hullsize/3
[2] = Origin[2]
for (new Float:i=Origin[0]-hullsize; i < Origin[0]+hullsize; i+=iterator)
        for (new Float:j=Origin[1]-hullsize; j < Origin[1]+hullsize; j+=iterator)
            //72 mod 6 = 0
            for (new Float:k=Origin[2]-CS_PLAYER_HEIGHT; k < Origin[2]+CS_PLAYER_HEIGHT; k+=6)
                temp[0] = i
[1] = j
[2] = k
if (point_contents(temp) != -1)
                    return true
return false

stock Effect_Bleed(id,color)
    new origin[3]
new dx, dy, dz
for(new i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        dx = random_num(-15,15)
        dy = random_num(-15,15)
        dz = random_num(-20,25)
for(new j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            write_byte(color) // color index
            write_byte(8) // size
public Damage(id)
    if (is_user_connected(id))
        new damage = read_data(2)
        new weapon
new bodypart
new attacker_id = get_user_attacker(id,weapon,bodypart)
        if (is_user_connected(attacker_id) && attacker_id != id)

/* ==================================================================================================== */

public add_bonus_blind(id,attacker_id,weapon,damage)
    if (player_b_blind[attacker_id] > 0 && weapon != 4)
        new roll = random_num(1,player_b_blind[attacker_id])
        if (roll == 1)
            write_short( 1<<14 )
            write_short( 1<<14 )
            write_short( 1<<16 )
            write_byte( 255 )
            write_byte( 155 )
            write_byte( 50 )
            write_byte( 230 )

W temacie: [ROZWIĄZANE] Error 017: undefined symbol "ranga" - Dodawanie do siln...

02.03.2015 20:59

new ranga[33];

pod np.

new const maxAmmo[31] = {0, 52, 0, 90, 1, 31, 1, 100, 90, 1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120, 30, 120, 200, 31, 90, 120,

 90, 2, 35, 90, 90,0, 100};


W temacie: Niedziałająca kondycja

28.02.2015 09:36

Nie pomogło.

Tak wykonuję się je po stronie gracza, ale serwer może je wymusić na graczu.
Dalej żadnej różnicy

W temacie: Misje / Questy [ Wersja 4] [ Update ]

18.02.2015 12:47


Jakiś poradnik jak zintegrować hud z questow z hudem silnika COD?

dodaj natywy ...


Współczuję twojej mamie.

if( ! ePlayerQuestType[id] )
Msg = "[Nie Robisz Zadnej Misji]^n[Say /questy]";
formatex(Msg2, charsmax(Msg2), QuestInfoMessage[ePlayerQuestType[id]], (get_user_progress_need(id)-get_user_progress(id))); 
formatex(Msg, charsmax(Msg), "[Rozdzial: %s]^n[Postep: %i/%i]^n[Info: %s]", QuestRozdzial[iPlayerPrzedzial[id]], get_user_progress(id), get_user_progress_need(id), Msg2); 
set_hudmessage(HEX_COLOR_1, HEX_COLOR_2, HEX_COLOR_3, HUD_X, HUD_Y, 0, 1.0, 0.8)
ShowSyncHudMsg(id, HudObj, Msg);

W temacie: Misje / Questy [ Wersja 4] [ Update ]

18.02.2015 12:34

Jakiś poradnik jak zintegrować hud z questow z hudem silnika COD?