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Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X

Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X, jak w większości społeczności internetowych musisz się zarejestrować aby móc odpowiadać lub zakładać nowe tematy, ale nie bój się to jest prosty proces w którym wymagamy minimalnych informacji.
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Guest Message by DevFuse

Xeno2 - zdjęcie


Rejestracja: 09.03.2011
Aktualnie: Nieaktywny
Poza forum Ostatnio: 26.03.2011 08:50

Moje posty

W temacie: BF2 moce!

25.03.2011 09:08

Tak mam ustawiony
bf2_active 1		//(1|0) - Turns the plugin on or off - Default 1
bf2_badges 1		//(1|0) - Turns the badge system on or off - Default 1
bf2_badgepowers 1	//(1|0) - Enable/Disable the powers for the badges - Default 0
bf2_awp 1		//(1|0) - Is user given an awp or scout by having the sniper badge - Default 0 (scout)
bf2_ffa 1		//(1|0) - Enable/Disable team attack for receiving pts and for badge use, turn on for "free for all" servers - Default 0
bf2_xpmultiplier 0.1	//(float) - Changes the point multiplier needed to reach each level - Default 0.1 (15 points for rank 1, 20k points for top rank)
bf2_xpminplayers 2	//(int) - Minimum number of plays required to be in server before bonus bomb and flag xp (only) is awarded
bf2_reset_days 21	//(int) - Number of days without playing till xp gets pruned per user (Note: currently nvault saving only)
bf2_icon_time 1.5	//(float) - Amount of time to display the rank icons for. Default 1.5, 0 to disable icons all together.
bf2_help_url ""		//(string) - Remote folder where the bf2 web docs are stored (optional) do not include the trailing /
bf2_statustext 1	//(int) - Enable/Disable the points, # of bagdges, and rank info that replaces player name info in hud - Default 1
bf2_hud_options "abcde"	//(flags) - Set options for player aim hud message info (not shown if miscstats PlayerName option is on) - Default "abcde"
			//flag a - Display Health/Armor/Weapon for teammates
			//flag b - Display Rank for teammates
			//flag c - Display Rank for enemies
			//flag d - Hide display for invisible enemies
			//flag e - Move the display to above peoples heads

//CS Flags integration
bf2_flag_kills 2	//(int) - CS Flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for capturing a flag
bf2_flag_round_kills 0	//(int) - CS Flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning a round
bf2_flag_match_kills 0	//(int) - CS Flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning the match

W temacie: Bf2 mod problem!!

20.03.2011 16:59

Nie ustawiałem tego a gdzie to można ustawić na Nick bym chciał.

Dodano 21 marzec 2011 - 14:56:
Dziękuje za pomoc temat do zamknięcia.