QC script generated by Half-Life MDL Decompiler 1.2
2003, Kratisto. Based on code from Valve's HL SDK.
Original internal name:
$modelname "v_deagle.mdl"
$cd ".\"
$cdtexture ".\"
$scale 1.0
$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
//reference mesh(es)
$body "weapon" "weapon"
$body "weapon" "hands"
$body "weapon" "bullet"
$body "weapon" "bullet_relload"
// 1 attachment(s)
$attachment "1" "body" 1.30 -13.50 -1.50 rotate -0.00 -90.00 -0.00
// 39 hit box(es)
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Hands_parent" -9.308366 -2.830556 0.000000 13.667264 2.604650 13.804396
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Arm" -0.630000 -3.660000 -2.860000 17.126566 2.980000 3.410000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Hand" -0.530000 -2.660000 -2.920000 6.370000 3.800000 2.040000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Thumb01" 0.000000 0.000000 -1.110000 3.774420 1.630000 0.910000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Thumb_02" 0.000000 -0.940000 -1.250000 2.040000 1.070000 0.950000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Thumb03" 0.000000 -0.980000 -0.770000 2.510000 0.620000 1.020000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Pinky01" 0.000000 -0.550000 -0.720000 1.927706 1.480000 1.030000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Pinky02" 0.000000 -0.540000 -0.470000 1.264004 0.730000 0.690000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Ring01" -0.100000 -0.740000 -0.680000 2.510000 1.270000 0.730000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Ring02" 0.000000 -0.710000 -0.530000 1.526134 0.740000 0.820000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Ring03" 0.000000 -0.760000 -0.520000 2.120000 0.550000 0.640000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Middle01" 0.000000 -0.640000 -0.740000 2.660000 1.360000 0.520000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Middle02" 0.000000 -0.690000 -0.770000 1.970000 0.980000 0.520000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Middle03" 0.000000 -0.550000 -0.690000 1.840000 0.690000 0.420000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Index01" 0.000000 -0.670000 -0.910000 2.620000 1.290000 0.620000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Index02" 0.000000 -0.650000 -0.870000 1.498744 0.800000 0.510000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Left_Index03" 0.000000 -0.630000 -0.710000 1.810000 0.580000 0.520000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.L_wrist_helper" -1.460000 -4.730000 -1.700000 2.330000 0.000000 3.350000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Arm" -0.800000 -2.870000 -3.150000 17.087276 2.770000 3.210000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Hand" -0.390000 -3.540000 -1.750000 6.200000 2.880000 1.820000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Thumb01" -0.680000 -1.840000 -1.260000 3.956952 1.210000 1.700000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Thumb02" 0.000000 -1.160000 -1.130000 2.060000 1.240000 0.980000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Thumb03" 0.000000 -0.730000 -0.730000 2.590000 0.920000 0.990000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Index01" -0.970000 -1.660000 -0.860000 2.780000 0.560000 0.670000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Index02" 0.000000 -0.620000 -0.800000 1.650000 0.710000 0.570000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Index03" 0.000000 -0.510000 -0.610000 1.790000 0.590000 0.610000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Middle01" 0.000000 -1.070000 -0.690000 2.522446 0.740000 0.630000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Middle02" 0.000000 -0.800000 -0.640000 1.886468 0.710000 0.650000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Middle03" 0.000000 -0.420000 -0.500000 1.570000 0.630000 0.600000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Ring01" -0.510000 -1.290000 -0.580000 2.540000 0.840000 0.940000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Ring02" 0.000000 -0.370000 -0.410000 1.490000 0.880000 0.810000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Ring03" 0.000000 -0.400000 -0.340000 1.790000 0.850000 0.800000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Pinky01" -0.260000 -0.970000 -0.510000 1.992446 0.710000 1.110000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Pinky02" 0.000000 -0.780000 -0.230000 1.230000 0.510000 0.860000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Right_Pinky03" 0.000000 -0.560000 -0.290000 1.610000 0.460000 0.720000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.R_wrist_helper" -1.820000 -5.090000 -2.490000 2.580000 0.340000 2.470000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Deagle_Parent" -1.010000 -2.830000 -6.980000 0.940000 7.440000 11.770000
$hbox 0 "Deagle_Slide" -1.220000 -1.560000 -3.510000 0.940000 1.610000 11.570000
$hbox 0 "v_weapon.Deagle_Clip" -0.660000 -5.710000 -2.620000 0.780000 1.260000 1.380000
// 6 animation sequence(s)
$sequence idle1 "idle1" 1 fps 16.00 }
$sequence shoot1 "shoot1" 1 fps 40.00 }
$sequence shoot2 "shoot2" 1 fps 40.00 }
$sequence shoot_empty "shoot_empty" 1 fps 40.00 }
$sequence reload "reload" 1 fps 30.00 }
$sequence draw "draw" 1 fps 30.00 }
// End of QC script.
To Jest to qc
a to ten error
Dodano 08 styczeń 2011 - 21:20:
oo i jeszcze panie Abes Mapper czy mógł by pan zrobić filmik o tym tutorialu

Dodano 11 styczeń 2011 - 18:07:
Tamte problemy są już nie ważne ,lecz mam pytanie jak zrobić do tych broni dźwięk ??