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Guest Message by DevFuse

Frozen - zdjęcie


Rejestracja: 18.11.2010
Aktualnie: Nieaktywny
Poza forum Ostatnio: 23.01.2012 16:07

Moje tematy

Bug z expem (nie dodaje)

02.07.2011 16:17


mam problem, ze jak sie gra i sie expa dostaje to zamiast dodac levle to dodaje exp w procenty czyli:

dostaje sie zawsze tlyko 2+ levle zamiast wszystko i dlatego pisze w % do nastepnego levla np 220000%

Da sie to poprawic?

Dodatkowe info: exp jest wysoki.

Thx z gory

Kompilacja Opis klas Błąd

01.07.2011 18:44

Yo Dodałem na diablo moda (na którym nie były opisy klasy -> Diablo mod by Onyke) opisy klas.

wyskakuje błąd przy kompilacji:

Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright © 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

diablomod.sma(1607) : error 021: symbol already defined: "create_klass_Handle"
diablomod.sma(1631) : error 021: symbol already defined: "load_xp"
diablomod.sma(3825) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
diablomod.sma(3828) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
diablomod.sma(3831) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
diablomod.sma(3834) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
diablomod.sma(3837) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
diablomod.sma(3840) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
diablomod.sma(3843) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
diablomod.sma(3846) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
diablomod.sma(3884) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
diablomod.sma(3884) : warning 215: expression has no effect
diablomod.sma(3884) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
diablomod.sma(3884) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
diablomod.sma(3884) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.
14 Errors.

Rep za pomoc! I dzękuje z góry :D


Kompilacja klasy!

30.06.2011 14:00

Mam problem! gdy kompiluje ten code:

/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <codmod>
#include <engine>

new const nazwa[] = "Hunter";
new const opis[] = "Ma M4A1 i AK47. Biega szybko i jest mniej widoczny!";
new const bronie = 1<<CSW_M4A1 | 1<<CSW_AK47;
new const zdrowie = -10;
new const kondycja = 120;
new const inteligencja = -10;
new const wytrzymalosc = -10;

public plugin_init() {
register_plugin(nazwa, "1.0", "QTM_Peyote");

cod_register_class(nazwa, opis, bronie, zdrowie, kondycja, inteligencja, wytrzymalosc);

public cod_class_enabled(id)
ma_klase[id] = true;
set_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, 40);

public cod_class_enabled(id)
ma_klase[id] = false;
set_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, 60);

*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1045\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }

Wyskakuje ten blad:

Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright © 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

codclass_hunter.sma(21) : warning 217: loose indentation
codclass_hunter.sma(21) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
codclass_hunter.sma(21) : error 004: function "cod_class_enabled" is not implemented
codclass_hunter.sma(23) : error 017: undefined symbol "ma_klase"
codclass_hunter.sma(23) : error 017: undefined symbol "id"
codclass_hunter.sma(23) : warning 215: expression has no effect
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : error 017: undefined symbol "id"
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : warning 215: expression has no effect
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : warning 215: expression has no effect
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : warning 215: expression has no effect
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : warning 215: expression has no effect
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : warning 215: expression has no effect
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : warning 215: expression has no effect
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
codclass_hunter.sma(24) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.
8 Errors.

Jak cos to opis klasy mozna znależć w codzie .sma

Problem z hlds -nie działa-

02.05.2011 17:28


Chce znów kombinowac coś z serwerami i mam csa 1.6 non steam v44. W nim jest podany hlds. Uzywałem kiedyś na non steam hlds ktory byl w folderze w którym błl mój cs zainstalowany.
No wszystko było ok, tylko przy tym który używam teraz cos nie ok. Bo:

Serwer niby OFFLINE
i gdy jest online to:
Steam rejection validet wyskakuje. czy coś takiego!

proszę o pomoc!
thx z gory

Problem z menu

19.11.2010 16:52

Problem zmienilem menu w diablo modzie (nowe menu)

to w konsoli pisze:

L 11/19/2010 - 16:42:05: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 11/19/2010 - 16:42:06: [AMXX] Run time error 4 (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx") - debug not enabled!
L 11/19/2010 - 16:42:06: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 11/19/2010 - 16:42:06: [AMXX] Run time error 4 (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx") - debug not enabled!

gdy pisze debug za to w plugins ini wychodzi:

L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:13: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:13: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:13: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:13: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:13: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:13: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:13: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:13: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:14: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
*BlackToxic* : /klasa
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:15: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:16: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:17: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:17: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:17: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:17: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:17: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:17: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::Load_AVG_handle (line 1104)
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:18: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "diablo_v2a.amxx")
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:18: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 11/19/2010 - 16:45:18: [AMXX] [0] 4ce6b28170ce3.sma::select_class_handle (line 4640)

to pisze w linki 4640:

lx = SQL_ReadResult(Query, SQL_FieldNameToNum(Query, "lvl"))

a to w 1140:

srv_avg[i] = SQL_ReadResult(Query, SQL_FieldNameToNum(Query, "AVG"))

[i]Dodano 19 listopad 2010 - 18:48:

nigd nie chce pomoc :( -REFRESH- :confused: