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Guest Message by DevFuse

Gomez - zdjęcie


Rejestracja: 18.01.2008
Aktualnie: Nieaktywny
Poza forum Ostatnio: 05.02.2021 19:13

#1150 Descriptive 'Fire in the hole! [PL]

Napisane przez Gomez w 14.02.2008 17:36

Descriptive 'Fire in the hole!

Informacja o rzuconym granacie.
Player (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [Granat Wybuchowy]
Player (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [Granat Oslepiajacy]
Player (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [Granat Dymny]

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#1148 Admin Listen

Napisane przez Gomez w 14.02.2008 17:23


Przedstawiam wam plugin dzięki ktoremy admini widza wszystkie rozmowy w say,
nawet te ktorych nie powinni widziec np. gracza z przeciwnej druzyny albo zmarłego

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#1145 Prometheus

Napisane przez Gomez w 14.02.2008 16:48


Przedstawiam wam plugin dzięki któremu Hosty/Zakładnicy umia chodzic po drabinie,
kucaja, chodza w tunelach np. na assaulcie.

Plik prometheus.amxxwrzucamy do addons/amxmodx/plugins
prometheus.sma wrzucamy do addons/amxmodx/scripting
standardowo do pliku addons/amxmodx/configsplugins.ini dopisujemy prometheus.amxx

hostage_can_duck (default 1) - if hostages can duck or not.

hostage_climb_speed (default 256.0) - the speed at which hostages climb ladders. use 0.0 to disable hostage ladder climbing.

hostage_directional_ladders (default 1) - if hostages use smart ladder direction calculations to aid in climbing. disable only on maps that have awkward ladders which the hostages just can't seem to climb (I've only observed this on cs_backalley).

hostage_fall_damage (default 1.0) - the fall damage scale that hostages take (so 0.5 would be half damage, for example). use 0.0 to disable hostage fall damage. also note that hostage fall damage (with a scale of 1.0) tends to be just a little bit less than player fall damage.

hostage_fall_penalty (default 1) - if players lose money for damaging hostages through fall damage, and if it adds to their mp_hostagepenalty count when they kill a hostage through fall damage.

hostage_use_door_distance (default 64.0) - if a door is between a hostage and his leader, the maximum distance that the hostage can be from the door to attempt to open it. 

Moduły potrzebne do działania pluginu:


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