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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Airshot Bride (v1.0.0, 11/14/2012)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 14.11.2012 19:12

Airshot BrideThis plugin, once installed, will play a sound every time a player kills another player while the victim is in the air (airshot). It will only work if some specific weapons have been used to kill the victim, most of them are projectile-based weapons; hitscan airshots are not too hard to pull off.If you want to see it in action, I prepared a demonstration video (make sure to watch it in "HD", the quality is unbearable otherwise).Installation instructionsThis plugin has no external dependencies. Just download the .smx file, put it in your plugins/ folder, issue sm plugins load airshot-bride.smx and you're done.The plugin will only work after a map change, because it needs to precache the sound file and add it to the downloads table. You'll also need to change the map if you decide to change the sound file while the server is running.UsageKill players while they are in the air to have the plugin play a sound. This plugin will only work with Rocket/Grenade/Stickybomb Launchers, Sniper Rifles (+ Huntsman) and Revolvers. If sm_airshot_headshot_only is set to 1, weapons that cannot do headshot (i.e. the Sydney Sleeper and all Revolvers that are not the Ambassador) cannot trigger the airshot sound. If you want other weapons to be able to trigger the airshot sound, I'm afraid you'll need to recompile the plugin.ConfigurationThis plugin incorporates some CVars that allow you to change its behaviour. A configuration file (tf/cfg/sourcemod/plugin.airshot-bride.cfg) will be created automatically.
  • sm_airshot_sound (default: misc/airshot_sound.mp3): Path to the sound file that is played when a player dies to an airshot.
  • sm_airshot_volume (default: 1.0): Volume of the airshot sound (0.0 = completely muted, 1.0 = full volume)
  • sm_airshot_stopsound (default: 1): If set to 1, the airshot sound will be restarted if it's still playing while another airshot occurs.
  • sm_airshot_headshot_only (default: 1): If set to 1, players using any Sniper Rifle or Revolver *will* have to do headshots for the airshot sound to play.
  • Due to copyright issues, this plugin does not come with a default sound file. You'll need to provide your own file.
  • If you decide to change sm_airshot_sound while the server is running, you need to change the map for the new sound to play. An airshot sound will not be played until you change the map or revert your changes to sm_airshot_sound.
  • In the demonstration video, the demonstrated CVars will notify clients when you change them. This was only to be able to better demonstrate them, and the actual plugin will not do this.
  • v1.0.0: Initial release
Kudos to Hurricaaane who gave me the idea for this plugin. Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (airshot-bride.sp - 6.3 KB)

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