//Agent Zero agentz_level 5 //Alien alien_level 5 alien_health 125 //Default 125 alien_armor 125 //Default 125 alien_knifemult 1.0 //Damage multiplyer for his Knife alien_vision 160 //How far vision is zoomed out (must be 100 or higer because normal vision is 90) alien_tint 50 //How dark the green screen tint is (255-no sight, 0-perfect sight) alien_alpha 30 //Alpha level when invisible (0-invisible, 255-full visibility) alien_knifemode 0 //1-knife only can't change weapons, 0-Alien Vision on only when knifing (def 0) //Arctic Predator arcticPredator_level 0 arcticpredator_discspeed 1200 arcticpredator_discreturntime 1.0 arcticpredator_discdmg 60 arcticPredator_huntmode 10 arcticPredator_cooldown 5 arcticPredator_invisible 20 arcticPredator_explode_radius 600 arcticPredator_explode_maxdamage 350 */ //Bass bass_level 10 bass_health 200 //Default 200 bass_armor 200 //Default 200 bass_speed 200 //Default 200 bass_gravity 0.40 //Default 0.40 bass_laser_ammo 1000 //total # of shots given each round, -1 is unlimited (Default 1000) bass_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls bass_cooldown 0.0 //Cooldown timer between laser use bass_multishot 0.1 //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.1) //Batgirl batgirl_level 9 batgirl_moveacc 850 //How quickly she can move while on the zipline batgirl_reelspeed 1000 //How fast hook line reels in batgirl_hookstyle 3 //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl) batgirl_hooksky 0 //0=no sky hooking 1=sky hooking allowed batgirl_teamcolored 1 //1=teamcolored zip lines 0=white zip lines batgirl_maxhooks -1 //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount) //Bazooka bazooka_level 8 bazooka_buy 1 //Set to 1 to require missiles to be purchased //Beast beast_level 0 beast_gravity 0.40 //Gravity beast_health 175 //Starting Health beast_armor 200 //Starting Armor beast_speed 375 //Running Speed //Bishop bishop_level 7 bishop_absorbmult 0.50 //Weapon damage taken X this cvar = damage absorbed [def=0.50] bishop_damagemult 0.75 //Energy absorbed X this cvar = extra weapon damage dealt [def=0.75] bishop_blastmult 2.50 //Energy absorbed X this cvar = damage that Energy Blast deals [def=2.50] blink_level blink_amount 4 //Ammount of teleportaions available blink_cooldown 10 //Cooldown timer between uses blink_delay 1.5 //Delay time before the teleport occurs blink_delaystuck 0 //Is the user stuck in place during the delay? //Casper casper_level 8 casper_health 50 //Max amount of Health when in Ghost mode (Default 50) casper_armor 25 //Max amount of Armor when in Ghost mode (Default 25) casper_stuckcheck 1 //Kill user if stuck in wall/ground after noclip, 0=no 1=yes (Default 1) //Chucky chucky_level 10 chucky_cooldown 600 //Amount of time before next available respawn chucky_knifemult 2.50 //Amount mutiplied to damage when knifing chucky_knifespeed 720 //User speed when knife is out //Cola Lover cola_level 9 cola_health 700 //Starting Health (default is 700) cola_speed 500 //Running Speed (default is 500) //Dr. Strange drstrange_level 9 drstrange_armor 200 //Default 200 drstrange_gravity 0.40 //Default 0.40 drstrange_pctperlev 0.02 //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness drstrange_godsecs 0.05 //# of seconds of god mode drstrange_respawnpct 5 //Percent chance 0-100 of respawning on each death (default 50) drstrange_respawncooldown 0.0 //Ammount of time before next available respawn drstrange_bolt_ammo 30 //Total # of shots each round, -1 is unlimited (default 30) drstrange_bolt_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls drstrange_multishot 0.15 //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.20) drstrange_cooldown 0.0 //Cooldown timer between bolt power use //Electro electro_level 0 electro_cooldown 45 //# of seconds for cooldown between use (Default 45) electro_searchtime 45 //# of seconds to search for a victim when key is pressed (Default 45) electro_maxdamage 50 //Damage on first victim, amount is decreased each jump by decay rate (Default 50) electro_jumpdecay 0.66 //Decay rate for damage and sprite line width each lightning jump (Default 0.66) electro_jumpradius 500 //Radius to search for a lightning jump (Default 500) //Exodus exodus_level 9 exodus_cooldown 15 //# of seconds before next available use after a grabbed user is released (Default 15) exodus_grabtime 6 //# of seconds Exodus can grab a player for, -1 is unlimited (Default 6) exodus_grabforce 8.0 //Grab force or speed you can move a grabbed user, 1.5 min - 16.0 max (Default 8.0) exodus_toggle 1 //0-hold keydown to use, 1-toggles the grab (Default 1) //Frogger frogger_level 0 //Goku goku_level 10 goku_aps 13 //The amount of AP gained per second (Default 5) goku_apl 250 //AP amount multiplied by ssjlevel = AP required for each ssjlevel and cost of ssjlevel power use (Default 250) goku_hpl 50 //HP amount multiplied by ssjlevel, ex. 30*ssj2 = +60HP (Default 30) goku_hpmax 500 //Max HP that can be gained (Default 500) goku_speedbase 300 //Initial Speed boost for ssjlevel 1, only sets if you are slower (Default 300) goku_speedadd 25 //Speed added to goku_speedbase every next ssjlevel (Default 25) goku_damage1 90 //Max Damage for ssjlevel 1 power (Default 70) goku_damage2 130 //Max Damage for ssjlevel 2 power (Default 100) goku_damage3 200 //Max Damage for ssjlevel 3 power (Default 175) goku_damage4 700 //Max Damage for ssjlevel 4 power (Default 300) goku_radius1 100 //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 1 power (Default 100) goku_radius2 300 //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 2 power (Default 300) goku_radius3 700 //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 3 power (Default 700) goku_radius4 1500 //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 4 power (Default 1500) goku_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls (0-no 1-yes) //Goten goten_level 6 goten_health 400 //Default HP 400 goten_armor 100 //Default AP 100 goten_cooldown 30 //Cooldown timer between shots in seconds goten_maxdamage 120 //Max Damage from blast goten_radius 100 //Radius of blast goten_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls //Grandmaster gmaster_level 9 gmaster_cooldown 180 //# of seconds for Grandmaster cooldown //Hob Goblin goblin_level 0 goblin_grenademult 2.0 //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount goblin_grenadetimer 10 //How many second delay for new grenade //Ice Man iceman2_level 0 iceman2_timer 0.1 //How often (seconds) to run the loop iceman2_maxspeed 725 //Max Speed iceman2_armorfuel 1 //Uses armor as fuel iceman2_fuelcost 1 //How much armor does it cost per firing iceman2_armor 200 //How much armor does ironman start with? //Madness madness_level 9 madness_health 200 //how much health madness has madness_armor 100 //how much armor madness has madness_m3mult 2.0 //Damage multiplyer for his M3 //Master Chief masterchief_level 0 masterchief_health 100 //Default 100 (no extra health) masterchief_armor 150 //Default 150 masterchief_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = no extra gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.) masterchief_speed 280 //Default -1 = no extra speed, this cvar is for all weapons (for faster then normal speed set to 261 or higher) masterchief_p90mult 1.5 //Damage multiplyer for his P90 // Below Only used if PLAYER_MODEL define = 1 masterchief_teamglow 0 //Glow Team Color when player skin in use (0=no 1=yes) //Neo Reloaded neor_level 9 neor_slowmotime 10 //Slow motion time in seconds neor_cooldown 40 //Cooldown time in seconds neor_dodge 40 //Chance out of 100 a bullet will be stopped neor_radius 100 //Bullets stopped at this radius neor_speed 100 //Speed of neo during slow motion neor_bulletspeed 475 //Speed of neos bullet during slow motion neor_nospeed 75 //Speed of non-neos during slow motion neor_nobulletspeed 450 //Speed of non-neos bullet during slow motion //Penguin penguin_level 0 penguin_grenademult 2.0 //Damage multiplyer, 1.0 = no xtra dmg (def 1.0) penguin_grenadetimer 30.0 //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0) penguin_cooldown 120.0 //How many seconds until penguin grenade can be used again (def 120.0) penguin_fuse 5.0 //Length of time Penguin grenades can seek for before blowing up (def 5.0) penguin_nadespeed 900 //Speed of Penguin grenades when seeking (def 900) //Phoenix phoenix_level 8 phoenix_cooldown 120 //Ammount of time before next available respawn (Default 120) phoenix_radius 375 //Radius of people affected by blast (Default 375) phoenix_maxdamage 90 //Maximum damage dealt spread over radius (Default 90) //Polaris polaris_level 5 polaris_boost 400 // How much boost to give to the grenades polaris_range 300 // How close the grenades have to be before polaris reacts //Rattler rattler_level 0 rattler_dmgreturn 0.02 //Try to keep it between 0.09 and 0.02 otherwise it will either be too high or too low. //Riddick riddick_level 0 riddick_healpoints 5 //The # of HP healed per second riddick_knifespeed 340 //Speed of riddick in knife mode riddick_knifemult 1.8 //Multiplier for knife damage //Sandman sandman_level 9 sandman_cooldown 20 //Seconds before you can use quicksand again (Default 20) //Scorpion scorpion_level 9 scorpion_maxhooks 30 //Max ammout of spears/hooks allowed, -1 is an unlimited ammount (Default 30) scorpion_reelspeed 1000 //How fast hook line reels speared users in (Default 1000) scorpion_dragmates 0 //Drag teammates, 0-no 1-yes scorpion_knifefight 0 //Knife only with enemies you speared til death, 0-no 1-yes (Default 0) scorpion_mode 2 //0-no xtra mode/dmg, 1-uppercut dmg, 2-line dmg and stun, 3-both 1 and 2 (Default 1) //If scorpion_mode 1 or 3, this gets used: scorpion_uppercutdmg 20 //Amount of Damage for uppercut performed when speared user is touched (Default 20) //If scorpion_mode 2 or 3, these get used: scorpion_speardmg 20 //Amount of Damage done when user is speared (Default 20) scorpion_stuntime 2 //Seconds of stun when user is speared (Default 2) //Shadowcat shadowcat_level 0 shadowcat_cooldown 30 //# of seconds before Shadowcat can NoClip Again shadowcat_cliptime 8 //# of seconds Shadowcat has in noclip mode. //Slayer slayer_level 6 - level at which he's available slayer_cooldown 40 - cooldown between god removals slayer_chance 0.05 - chance of assassination //Sonic sonic_level 0 sonic_gravity 0.40 //default 0.40 = lower gravity sonic_armor 170 //default 170 sonic_health 170 //default 170 sonic_speed 510 //how fast he runs //Squall squall_level 10 squall_bullets 4 //Super Saiyan Gohan ssjgohan_level 9 ssjgohan_damage 125 //Damage spread over radius of blast (Default 125) ssjgohan_radius 350 //Radius of the damage (Default 300) ssjgohan_cooldown 30 //Seconds til next available use from power explode (Default 30) ssjgohan_powerspeed 1000 //Speed of Kamehameha, min-500 max-(server's sv_maxvelocity) (Default 1000) ssjgohan_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals from blast (Default 1) //TESS-One tessone_level 5 tessone_absorbtime 8 tessone_cooldown 45 //Thor thor_level 8 thor_pctofdmg 75 //Percent of Damage Taken that is dealt back at your attacker (def 75%) thor_cooldown 45 //Amount of time before next available use (def 45) //Vash the Stampede vash_level 4 vash_deaglemult 2.5 //Damage multiplyer for his Deagle vash_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.) //Veronika veronika_level 8 veronika_akmulti 2.0 //Damage multiplyer for his ak47 veronika_grenades 5 //Grenades given veronika_m203rad 200 veronika_m203dmg 120 //War Machine warmachine_level 0 warmachine_dmgmult 1.5 //Damage multiplier for every weapon warmachine_timer 0.1 //How often (seconds) to run the loop warmachine_thrust 110 //The upward boost every loop warmachine_maxspeed 400 //Max x and y speeds (while in air) warmachine_xymult 1.15 //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving warmachine_armorfuel 1 //Uses armor as fuel warmachine_fuelcost 2 //How much armor does it cost per firing warmachine_armor 150 //How much armor does war machine start with/regen to //Yoda yoda_level 9 yoda_cooldown 10 //Time in seconds until yoda can push again yoda_radius 400 //How close does enemy have to be in order to push them (def=400) yoda_power 600 //Force of the push, velocity multiplier (def=600) yoda_damage 10 //Amount of damage a push does to an enemy (def=10) yoda_selfdmg 0 //Amount of damage using push does to self (def=0) //zdanimothX register_cvar("danimoth_radius", "750" ) register_cvar("danimoth_freezeradius", "750" ) register_cvar("danimoth_alpha", "20") register_cvar("danimoth_stunspeed", "1" ) register_cvar("danimoth_cooldown", "45" ) register_cvar("danimoth_godsecs", "5" //Thief thief_level 4 thief_cashperlev 100 //How much money he steals per hit per his level (Default 100) //Anubis anubis_level 0 anibus_showdamage 1 //(0|1) - hide|show bullet damage.. anibus_showchat 1 //(0|1) - hide|show ghostchat messages.. //Batman batman_level 0 batman_health 125 //Starting Health batman_armor 125 //Starting Armor //Black Panther blackpanther_level 0 //Bomberman bomberman_level 0 bomberman_cooldown 5 //Cooldown time from bomb explostion until new planting bomberman_bombs 1 //How Many Bombs does he start with (def=1) bomberman_bpl 0 //How Many More Bombs Does he get each level (def=0) bomberman_radius 400 //Radius of damage (def=400) bomberman_maxdamage 100 //Maximum Damage to deal (def=100) //Captain America captaina_level 0 captaina_pctperlev 0.02 //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness captaina_godsecs 1 //# of seconds of god mode //Cyclops cyclops_level 5 cyclops_laser_ammo 20 //total # of shots given each round cyclops_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls cyclops_cooldown 0.20 //Cooldown timer between shots cyclops_multishot 0.20 //Delay for multishots on holding key down //Daredevil daredevil_level 0 daredevil_radius 600 //Radius of the rings daredevil_bright 192 //How bright to make the rings //Dazzler dazzler_level 0 dazzler_radius 3000 //radius of people affected dazzler_cooldown 15 //# of seconds before Dazzler can flash //Demolition Man demoman_level 6 demoman_radius 300 // radius of blast demoman_maxdamage 125 // max damage a mine can cause demoman_maxmines 2 // max ammount of mines that can be placed at once demoman_minehealth 80 // health of mines (determines how many shots blow them up) //Dracula dracula_level 0 dracula_pctperlev 0.03 //What percent of damage to give back per level of player //Flash flash_level 0 flash_speed 350 //the speed Flash can run //Grandmaster gmaster_level 9 gmaster_cooldown 600 //# of seconds for Grandmaster cooldown //Hobgoblin goblin_level 0 goblin_grenademult 1.5 //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount goblin_grenadetimer 10 //How many second delay for new grenade //Hulk hulk_level 0 hulk_radius 1800 //Radius of people affected hulk_cooldown 7 //# of seconds before Hulk can ReStun hulk_stuntime 3 //# of seconds Hulk Stuns Everybody hulk_stunspeed 70 //Speed of stunned players //Human Torch htorch_level 0 htorch_armorcost 15 //How much amour each flame uses htorch_numburns 5 //How many time to burn the victim htorch_burndamage 10 //How much damage each burn does //Invisible Man invisman_level 0 invisman_alpha 50 //Min Alpha level when invisible. 0 = invisible, 255 = full visibility. invisman_delay 5 //Seconds a player must be still to become fully invisibile invisman_checkmove 1 //0 = no movement check only shooting, 1 = check movement buttons, 2 or more = speed movement to check invisman_checkonground 0 //Must player be on ground to be invisible (Default 0 = no, 1 = yes) //Iron Man ironman_level 0 ironman_timer 0.1 //How often (seconds) to run the loop ironman_thrust 125 //The upward boost every loop ironman_maxspeed 400 //Max x and y speeds (while in air) ironman_xymult 1.05 //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving ironman_fuelcost 1 //How much armor does it cost per firing ironman_armor 100 //How much armor does ironman start with? //Kamikaze kamikaze_level 0 kamikaze_radius 300 //Radius of people affected by blast kamikaze_fuse 15 //# of seconds before kamikaze blows Up kamikaze_maxdamage 125 //Maximum damage to deal to a player //Magneto magneto_level 10 magneto_cooldown 45 //Time delay bewtween automatic uses magneto_boost 125 //How much of an upward throw to give weapons magneto_giveglock 1 //Give the poor victim a glock? //Morpheus morpheus_level 10 morpheus_gravity 0.35 //Gravity Morpheus has morpheus_mp5mult 1.75 //Damage multiplyer for his MP5 //Mystique mystique_level 0 mystique_cooldown 0 //Cooldown time between morphs mystique_maxtime 0 //Max time you can be morphed mystique_toggle 1 //Should the key be a toggle or do they need to hold it down //Punisher punisher_level 0 punisher_rldmode 1 //Reload method: // 0 - use server's sh_reloadmode setting // Ignore server's sh_reloadmode set own: // 1 - continuous shooting, no reload // 2 - fill the backpack (must reload) // 3 - drop the gun and get a new one with full clip (not recommended) //Shadowcat shadowcat_level 0 shadowcat_cooldown 30 //# of seconds before Shadowcat can NoClip Again shadowcat_cliptime 8 //# of seconds Shadowcat has in noclip mode. //Skeletor skeletor_level 0 skeletor_cooldown 20 //# of seconds for skeletor cooldown skeletor_camptime 10 //# of seconds player considered camping w/o x/y movement skeletor_movedist 10 //minimum amount of dist player has to move b4 considered not camping skeletor_maxsnarksm30 //maximum amount of snarks to spawn on a player //Spiderman spiderman_level 0 spiderman_moveacc 140 //How quickly he can move while on the hook spiderman_reelspeed 400 //How fast hook line reels in spiderman_hookstyle 2 //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl) spiderman_teamcolored 1 //1=teamcolored web lines 0=white web lines spiderman_maxhooks 60 //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount) //Superman superman_level 0 superman_gravity 0.35 //Gravity superman_health 150 //Starting health superman_armor 150 //Starting armor //Wolverine wolv_level 0 wolv_healpoints 3 //The # of HP healed per second wolv_knifespeed 290 //Speed of wolveine in knife mode wolv_knifemult 1.35 //Multiplier for knife damage //Xavier xavier_level 7 xavier_traillength 25 //Length of trail behind players xavier_showteam 0 //Show trails on your team xavier_showenemy 1 //Show trails on enemies xavier_refreshtimer 5.0 //How often do the trails refresh