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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS:S] Prevent FreeKiller foreign [For JailBreak Servers]

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 29.10.2012 23:02

Description:Prevent foreign people that join in CT team to your server to make FK, or locate people who not know the language.A large number of foreign people is banned for not know the languaje, or for foreign people that entry to your server to only make FK.This plugin is thinking for reduce the amount of FK and prevent a large amount of bans unnecessary.The plugin set a Tag to people that is not of your country and prevent them from entering the CT team (prevent possible FK).The plugin automatically allow admins.Cvars:Put in server.cfg Code: tag_local "ES" // Codes of your country (allowed country) you can add more codes separate with spacesm_guiri_tag "GUIRI|" // tag of foreign peopleNote: see languages.cfg of sourcemod for country codesCommands (GENERIC admin flag required):sm_guiris_reload - Reloads server whitelistsm_guiris_list - List all SteamIDs in whitelistsm_guiris_add - Adds a player to the whitelistInstall:Put .smx file in addons/sourcemod/pluginsPut .txt file in addons/sourcemod/configsCredits:Whitelist from thisThis plugin does something like this but not so radical :3btw, guiri is called to foreign people in my countryNote: this is a de-privatized and reedited version of my plugin for released to the public in beta version (not tested), so report bugs Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (tag_guiris.sp - 6.1 KB) Dołączona grafika franug_noguiris.txt (145 Bytes)

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