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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Dynamic Class Speed

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 19.10.2012 23:31

[TF2] Dynamic Class SpeedVersion 1.0

Introduction:This plugin is a fixed and rewritten version of this plugin: click It seems that the plugin was abandoned and broke. So i thought i could fix it up.This plugin allows you to alter the speed of any class of any team to any speed between 1-520.It also allows you to alter different class per team. E.g:A red demo can have a speed of 100 while a blue demo can have a speed of 400.and so on...Commands:sm_setcs_enabled (Default: 1) - Enables or disables the plugin.sm_setcs <team> <class> <speed> = red, blue = scout, soldier, heavy, medic, sniper, spy, pyro, engineer, demoman = 1-520sm_resetcs - Resets every class to their default speed.Installation:- Place dynamicspeed.smx into your addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder.- Optional: Place your command in server.cfg to save the speed on each map change.Version Log: Code: 1.0 - ReleasedCredits: - GNCMatt for giving me a better method - ReflexPoison for making the code neater and getting current speed Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (dynamicspeed.sp - 3.7 KB)

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