●●● Classes and their items are:
●●● Assault - Drops "Ammo Box", which gives backpack ammo to player's weapon.●●● Sniper - Drops "Invisibility Suit", which increases player's invisibility.
●●● Engineer - Drops "Mine", which explodes on detonation (touch).
●●● Medic - Drops "Medkit", which heals players to maximum health.
●●● Edit them from configs/warzzz.cfg.
●●● Commands:●●● Admin Commands:
●●● wz_spawn_ring [team]
○○○ Makes a new ring spawn point at the current player's position. You can set up default ring team or make it neutral (if you don't pass an argument or use 0).
●●● Chat Commands (say and say_team):
●●● /item, /items
○○○ Drops an item on the ground, depending on player's class.
●●● /class, /change, /changeclass○○○ Changes player's class on the next spawn (depending on wz_class_change_mode CVAR).
●●● /guns, /weapons○○○ Changes player's weapons on the next spawn (if they are remembered).
●●● Requirements:●●● Modules:
●●● HamSandwich●●● FakeMeta●●● CStrike
●●● Changes Log:●●● 1.0
●●● First release!
●●● 1.1●●● Added 'Previous Selected Weapon' option in the weapon menu.
●●● 1.2●●● Now, the 'Previous Selected Weapon' option don't shows the weapon menu again after selecting the previous weapon.●●● Added /guns command.●●● Fixed small bugs.●●● Added CVAR wz_item_invsuit_max_inv.
●●● 2.0 (special update)●●● Fully rewritten code!●●● Optimized code.●●● Added/Fixed lots of CVARs and other stuff.●●● Added ML Support.
●●● Default Supported Maps:●●● cs_assault - 14 rings
●●● cs_estate - 10 rings
●●● cs_italy - 9 rings
●●● de_aztec - 17 rings
●●● de_dust - 21 rings
●●● de_dust2 - 20 rings
●●● de_inferno - 26 rings
●●● de_nuke - 25 rings
●●● Multilangual Support:●●● Translated Languages:
●●● [en]
●●● [bg]
●●● Original English Tokens: Code: [en]SV_NOTIFY_NOSPAWNS = ERROR: Couldn't find file %s - No ring spawn points will be loaded!SV_NOTIFY_NOCFG = ERROR: Couldn't find file %s - Default CVAR values will be loaded!SV_NOTIFY_COULDNTREAD = ERROR: Couldn't read file %s! ADM_NOTIFY_SPAWNADD = New ring spawn point successfully added at %.2f %.2f %.2f (Team: %i)! PL_NOTIFY_NOTENOUGH = Not enough players to start! (%i needed)PL_NOTIFY_CAPTURE = Press USE button to capture this ring!PL_NOTIFY_REMOVE = Press USE button to remove this item!PL_NOTIFY_MAXINVREACHED = You have reached the maximum amount of invisibility!PL_NOTIFY_RESPROTECTEND = Your spawn protection has been removed! MSG_RING_CAPTURED = captured a ring.MSG_RING_CAPTURED_LAST = captured the last ring!!! MSG_WIN = team wins! MSG_NOCLASS = You must have a class to use this command!MSG_CLASS_CANTCHANGE = You can't change your class with a command!MSG_CLASS_CHANGENEXT = Your class will be changed on your next spawn! MSG_WEAPONS_CHANGENEXT = Your weapons will be changed on your next spawn!MSG_NOTALIVE = You must be alive to use this command!MSG_NOMONEY = Your team doesn't have enough money to use this command!MSG_MAXITEMREACHED = You have reached the maximum number of this item at the same time.MSG_MINEDETONATED = Your mine has been detonated! MSG_SELECTED = You have selected MSG_INFO_NEED = needMSG_INFO_MAX = maxMSG_INFO_COST = costMSG_INFO_CLASS = class HUD_MONEY = Money:HUD_INVISIBILITY = Invisibility:HUD_RESPAWN = You will be respawned after %i seconds... MENU_CLASS = Select a class:MENU_CLASS_ASSAULT = AssaultMENU_CLASS_SNIPER = SniperMENU_CLASS_ENGINEER = EngineerMENU_CLASS_MEDIC = Medic MENU_WEAPON_REMEMBER = Remember WeaponMENU_WEAPON_PRIMARY = Select primary weapon:MENU_WEAPON_SECONDARY = Select secondary weapon: MENU_YES = yYesMENU_NO = rNo
●●● Source Code Customization: PHP Code:#define SPAWN_RING_ACCESS ADMIN_RCON // admin access level for wz_spawn_ring command (see amxconst.inc)
●●● TO DO:●●● Add admin command to place custom items on the map.
●●● Credits:●●● Exolent
●●● For some help with percentage calculation for captured ring stats.
●●● Numb
●●● For his colorchat.inc.
●●● VEN
●●● For his is_player_stuck stock.
●●● carbonated
●●● For the idea of "Previous Selected Weapon" option in weapons menu.
●●● Want to help supporting this mod?:●●● Post your suggestions, reports and improvements.
●●● Post your ML translations for your language.
●●● Post your ring spawn points for other maps.
●●● Be my friend! :crab:
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