Fire in the hole! : Show grenade type
v. 1.0.0
Features :
- When a grenade is being thrown, show the grenade type after the "Fire in the hole!" message.
- Can be useful to know who flashed (not necessarily YOU being flash; i.e. if someone complain).
- None at the moment. Please report if you find any.
- grenadetypeversion: Gives version
- -------------------------
- grenadetype_hegrenadename : Name of HE grenades ("HEGrenade" by default).
- grenadetype_flashbangname : Name of flashbangs ("Flashbang" by default).
- grenadetype_smokename : Name of smoke grenades ("Smoke" by default).
- Place "fireintheholegrenadetype.phrases.txt" in "translations" folder. (Yes it may seems dumb ; but I had to manually rewrite 'Fire in the hole!'.)
Credits to :
- psychonic and KyleS for general and "User Message" help on IRC
- javalia, for his stock function (to send radio command); a 2nd time
- grif_ssa for originally doing this which gave me a good starting point ("User Message" presentation is weak in SM I think).
- Translators :
- Valve (trollolololol)
- 1.0.0 Initial release. (22-04-2012)
Attached Thumbnails
https://forums.allie...=1&d=1335077564 Attached Files

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