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Guest Message by DevFuse


[] [CS:S] Supporter Trails

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 18.04.2012 01:16

  • SDKHooks - Required
  • - Required (To Compile)
  • The plugin was developed along side the public Player Trails plugin for my personal community, but I no longer have the time or desire to maintain two separate plugins that possess the exact same functionality. The scope of the plugin has been limited solely to CS:S; I may be able to port it to HL2:DM/DoD:S upon request if you're unable to do so. For those of you that wish to update from Player Trails, please note that every cvar and configuration file has had some form of change!
  • Essentially, this plugin provides functionality for attaching env_spritetrails to players that will follow them around as they move.
  • Unfortunately, I am unable to provide any custom materials with the release. Why not download some of these :crab:?
  • Access to Supporter Trails can be provided to everyone, or restricted to players with access to the override "Trails_Access" or the defined flag.
  • Ability to enable/disable client specific tracer features, such as: color, layout, material, starting width, endign width, life time, render mode, and visibility.
  • Choose the default starting values for all client settings, or have them randomized per player.
  • Features that are disabled are forced to be the value selected for the client's default.
  • Control what commands open the plugin menu via a simple cvar.
  • Four configuration files located in /sourcemod/trails/ that control all other aspects of the plugin.
  • Custom material files configured in /trails/css_trails_materials are automatically precached and added to the server's download table.
  • Custom materials / colors / layouts can be restricted to overrides and/or flags per each definition.
    • Overrides: Trails_Access_Materials, Trails_Access_Colors, Trails_Access_Layouts
  • Layouts provide the ability to assign multiple trails to clients, allowing for various (albeit complex) designs.
  • Command (ADMFLAG_RCON): css_trails_print - Prints a list of indexes that are to be used in plugin cvars.
  • css_trails_enabled - Enables/Disables all features of this plugin.
  • css_trails_flag - If "", everyone can use Supporter Trails, otherwise, only players with this flag or the "Trails_Access" override can access.
  • css_trails_commands - The chat triggers available to clients to access trail features.
  • css_trails_default - The default trail status that is set to new clients.
  • css_trails_default_color - The default color index to be applied to new players or upon css_trails_config_color being set to 0. (-1 = Random, # = Index)
  • css_trails_default_layout - The default layout index to be applied to new players or upon css_trails_config_layout being set to 0. (-1 = Random, # = Index)
  • css_trails_default_lifetime - The default lifetime index to be applied to new players or upon css_trails_config_lifetime being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
  • css_trails_default_starting - The default starting width index to be applied to new players or upon css_trails_config_starting being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
  • css_trails_default_ending - The default ending width index to be applied to new players or upon css_trails_config_ending being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
  • css_trails_default_render - The default render index to be applied to new players or upon css_trails_config_render being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
  • css_trails_default_material - The default material index to be applied to new players or upon css_trails_config_material being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
  • css_trails_default_visible - The default visibility index applied to new players. (0 = Player Only, 1 = Team Only, 2 = All)
  • css_trails_config_color - If enabled, clients will be able to change the color of their trail.
  • css_trails_config_layout - If enabled, clients will be able to change the layout of their trail.
  • css_trails_config_lifetime - If enabled, clients will be able to change the lifetime of their trail.
  • css_trails_config_starting - If enabled, clients will be able to change the starting width of their trail.
  • css_trails_config_ending - If enabled, clients will be able to change the ending width of their trail.
  • css_trails_config_render - If enabled, clients will be able to change the rendering mode of their trail.
  • css_trails_config_material - If enabled, clients will be able to change the material of their trail.
  • css_trails_config_visible - If enabled, clients will be able to change the visibility status of their trail.
  • /sourcemod/scripting/css_supporter_trails.sp
  • /sourcemod/plugins/css_supporter_trails.smx
  • /sourcemod/translations/css_supporter_trails.phrases.txt
  • /sourcemod/config/trails/css_trails_colors.ini
  • /sourcemod/config/trails/css_trails_configs.ini
  • /sourcemod/config/trails/css_trails_layouts.ini
  • /sourcemod/config/trails/css_trails_materials.ini

Attached Files Dołączona grafika css_supporter_trails.phrases.txt (3.4 KB) Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (css_supporter_trails.sp - 60.7 KB) Dołączona grafika css_trails_colors.ini (2.2 KB) Dołączona grafika css_trails_configs.ini (498 Bytes) Dołączona grafika css_trails_layouts.ini (76 Bytes) Dołączona grafika css_trails_materials.ini (760 Bytes) Dołączona grafika css_supporter_trails.smx (49.4 KB)

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