- SDKHooks - Required
- Dynamic Hooks - Optional
- I've made it so Supporter Tracers will still run, and even compile, if Dynamic Hooks is not available. It's only necessary for one specific feature -- the ability to shoot tracers on knife click.
- Colors.inc - Required (To Compile)
- The plugin was developed along side the public Player Tracers plugin for my personal community, but I no longer have the time or desire to maintain two separate plugins that possess the exact same functionality. The scope of the plugin is still limited to CS:S, although with the release of Dynamic Hooks I may be able to port it to HL2 : DM or DoD : S upon request. For those of you that wish to update from Player Tracers, please note that every cvar and configuration file has had some form of change!
- Essentially, this plugin provides functionality for attaching tracers, or visible beams, from the muzzle of a weapon to the point of bullet impact.
- Unfortunately, I am unable to provide any custom materials with the release. Why not download some of these
- Access to Supporter Tracers can be provided to everyone, or restricted to players with access to the override "Tracers_Access" or the defined flag.
- Ability to enable/disable client specific tracer features, such as: color, material, width, transparency, lifetime, and visibility.
- Choose the default starting values for all client settings, or have them randomized per player.
- Features that are disabled are forced to be the value selected for the client's default.
- Control what commands open the plugin menu via a simple cvar.
- Three configuration files located in /sourcemod/tracers/ that control all other aspects of the plugin.
- Custom material files configured in /tracers/css_tracers_materials are automatically precached and added to the server's download table.
- Custom materials and colors can be restricted to overrides and/or flags per each definition.
- Overrides: Tracers_Access_Materials, Tracers_Access_Colors
- Command (ADMFLAG_RCON): css_tracers_print - Prints a list of indexes that are to be used in plugin cvars.
- css_tracers_enabled - Enables/Disables all features of this plugin.
- css_tracers_access - If "", everyone can use Tracers, otherwise, only players with this flag or the "Tracers_Access" override can access.
- css_tracers_commands - The chat triggers available to clients to access tracers features.
- css_tracers_default_status - The default tracer status that is set to new clients. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Always Enabled)
- css_tracers_default_color - The default color index to be applied to new players or upon css_tracers_config_color being set to 0. (-1 = Random, # = Index)
- css_tracers_default_lifetime - The default lifetime index to be applied to new players or upon css_tracers_config_lifetime being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
- css_tracers_default_width - The default width index to be applied to new players or upon css_tracers_config_width being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
- css_tracers_default_alpha - The default alpha index to be applied to new players or upon css_tracers_config_alpha being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
- css_tracers_default_material - The default material index to be applied to new players or upon css_tracers_config_material being set to 0 (-1 = Random, # = Index)
- css_tracers_default_visible - The default visibility index applied to new players. (0 = Player Only, 1 = Team Only, 2 = All)
- css_tracers_config_color - If enabled, clients will be able to change the color of their tracer.
- css_tracers_config_alpha - If enabled, clients will be able to change the transparency of their tracer.
- css_tracers_config_lifetime - If enabled, clients will be able to change the lifetime of their tracer.
- css_tracers_config_width - If enabled, clients will be able to change the width of their tracer.
- css_tracers_config_material - If enabled, clients will be able to change the material of their tracer.
- css_tracers_config_visible - If enabled, clients will be able to change the visibility status of their tracer.
- css_tracers_knife - If enabled, clients with access can shoot tracers from their knife to their crosshair location. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Left Click, 2 = Right Click, 3 = Both)
- /sourcemod/scripting/css_supporter_tracers.sp
- /sourcemod/plugins/css_supporter_tracers.smx
- /sourcemod/translations/css_supporter_tracers.phrases.txt
- /sourcemod/gamedata/css_supporter_tracers.gamedata.txt
- /sourcemod/config/tracers/css_tracers_colors.ini
- /sourcemod/config/tracers/css_tracers_configs.ini
- /sourcemod/config/tracers/css_tracers_materials.ini
Attached Files

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