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Guest Message by DevFuse


[] [L4D] Plugin Voter

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 04.04.2012 04:32


This plugin allows players on the server to vote other plugins on or off. This makes it so if players are annoyed because of say "Smoker'n Walk" plugin they can vote to turn it off.

The plugins stay turned on/off between rounds / campaigns and reset when server is restarted.

Now I made this for my L4D server, but since it mainly just uses "sm plugins load/unload" i believe it can be used for any source game, but I have not tried it on anything besides L4D.

CVAR/Command list

plugins_default_disabled : A list of filenames of the plugins (including extension) separated by "|" (SHIFT+). The plugins listed here will be disabled whenever server is restarted. (A future CVAR plugins_reset_after_campaign is planed for when say changing campaign from deadair to no mercy the plugins get reset and this is used again to disable any listed) (MAX 30 plugins, MAX Filename size: 256 )
EXAMPLE:L4DPointsandGift.smx|l4d_brutal_hunte r_mod1.5.2.smx|l4d_zcs.smx

plugins_used_filter : A list of filenames of the plugins (again including extension) separated by "|" (SHIFT+). The plugins listed here will be the ones that the players will be able to vote on or off. (MAX 30 plugins, MAX Filename size: 256 )
EXAMPLE:L4DPointsandGift.smx|l4d_brutal_hunte r_mod1.5.2.smx|l4d_zcs.smx

!votemods (in chat),
votemods (in console) : A player issuing this command will get a menu listing the plugins that match the filenames provided in plugins_used_filter. That user can choose which plugin they want to vote on/off (if a vote is currently under way it will tell them it is denied because a vote is already in progress ). After that everyone in the server will be asked to vote the plugin on or off, if On vote wins the plugin is turned on, if Off vote wins plugin is turned off, if TIE then plugin's state is not changed.


2012-04-03 (v1.0.0.0)

* Initial release.


Implement a plugins_reset_after_campaign cvar, that will allow server admin to set it so that the plugins get reset to the default, when a new campaign starts.
Implement a All Plugins on/off option.

Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (PluginVoter.sp - 8.4 KB)

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