Anti Behind (And Site) 1.0
I made this plugin Because, i seen alot of knife servers needed this plugin, and i have not seen a plugin like this, den i decided to make it.
This plugin blocks a player come from Behind & Site With a Knife - Anti Behind / Anti Site.
This plugin in mostly being used in knife servers, but it can of course be used in normal server.
There is also screenfade when someone comes from behind / site as a warning.
Fadescreen colors:
Attacker = Red Screen for 2 Sec (Editable)
Victim = Blue Transperency Screen For 0.6 Sec (Editable)
How to put in server:
1. Download the file below | anti_behind.amxx (sma) |
2. Put in this folder destination: ...addonsamxmodxplugins
3. Go to this folder destination: ...addonsamxmodxconfigs
4. Open plugins.ini and type: anti_behind.amxx
5. Restart server or change map.
Edit Angle & Damage
Change thoose two defines in .sma, if you want:
Code: #define BACKSTAB_ANGLE 93.0
#define BACKSTAB_MAX_DAMAGE 0.0Requirements:
Code: #include <amxmodx>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>Credits:
Credits: None Atm.
Attached Files

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