- Allows players to vote change the game mode.
- Admins can force change the game mode.
- Displays a menu listing game modes specified from a config.
- 2 configs provided, one with Valve game modes and the other with community made mutations from the All Mutations Unlocked addon.
- Mr.RuyC and NanX - For help testing the plugin on their server.
- n3wton and chundo - For source code (credits inside).
- Rayman1103 and everyone who contributed to the All Mutations Unlocked addon.
- disawar1 - For testing and Russian translations.
- Mr. Man
- ilyaadminman
- Switching to coop from versus will put 4 players in spectator (unless you have 4+ coop).
- Switching to versus with l4d_votemode_restart "2" causes only 1 round to play before changing chapter. Set the cvar to "1".
- The menu is generated from a key value config
- The config must be saved to l4d_votemode.cfg in your left4deadaddonssourcemoddata folder.
- Each section ("Coop" in this example) is displayed as an option. Each key ("Bleed Out") is listed and will change the game mode to it's value ("mutation3").
Code: "gamemodes"
"Realism" "realism"
"Bleed Out" "mutation3"
PHP Code:
// All players
sm_votemode // Displays a menu to vote the game into a different mode.
// Admins only (requires "z" flag)
sm_forcemode // Allows admins to force the game into a different mode.
sm_passmode // Allows admins to pass a current vote.
sm_vetomode // Allows admins to veto a current vote.
// Examples:
// You can also vote/force the game mode by specifying the mode, for example:
sm_votemode realism
sm_forcemode mutation12
Saved to l4d_votemode.cfg in your left4deadcfgsourcemod folder.
PHP Code:
l4d_votemode_admin_menu "1" // 0=No, 1=Display in the Server Commands of admin menu.
l4d_votemode_admin_flag "" // Players with these flags can vote to change the game mode.
l4d_votemode_restart "1" // 0=No restart, 1=With 'changelevel' command, 2=Restart map with 'mp_restartgame' cvar.
l4d_votemode_timeout "30.0" // How long the vote should be visible.
l4d_votemode_version // Vote Mode plugin version.
- Click "Get Plugin" and save to your addonssourcemodplugins folder.
- Download the l4d_votemode.cfg and save to your addonssourcemoddata folder. This includes all game modes from Valve.
- Download the "translations.zip", extract the "translation" folder to your addonssourcemod folder and overwrite to add the translations.
- Alternatively download the l4d_votemode_all.cfg. This includes all game modes from Valve and the All Mutations Unlocked addon.
- Save to your addonssourcemoddata folder. You must rename this file to l4d_votemode.cfg.
- You must have the above addon or the custom game modes will not work.
Attached Files

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