- Healing Gnome for all game modes.
- Gives temporary health or main health. Not above 100 HP.
- To change the speed someone is healed use this cvar: sv_healing_gnome_replenish_rate cvar
- Can spawn in the saferoom with players (set l4d2_gnome_safe to "1").
- Save up to 32 Gnomes for auto-spawning. (Saved to l4d2_gnome.cfg in addonssourcemoddata).
- disawar1 - For the idea.
- alexip121093 - Auto spawn request.
- ilyaadminman
PHP Code:
sm_gnome // Spawns a temporary gnome at your crosshair.
sm_gnomesave // Spawns a gnome at your crosshair and saves to config.
sm_gnomedel // Removes the gnome your crosshair is pointing at.
sm_gnomewipe // Removes all gnomes from the current map and deletes them from the config.
sm_gnomelist // Display a list gnome positions and the total number of.
sm_gnomeang // Displays a menu to adjust the gnome angles your crosshair is over.
sm_gnomepos // Displays a menu to adjust the gnome origin your crosshair is over.
Saved to l4d2_gnome.cfg in your left4dead2cfgsourcemod folder.
PHP Code:
l4d2_gnome_allow "1" // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d2_gnome_heal "1" // 0=Off, 1=Heal players holding the gnome.
l4d2_gnome_modes "" // Enable plugin on these gamemodes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d2_gnome_safe "1" // 0=Off, 1=On round start spawn the gnome in the saferoom.
l4d2_gnome_temp "5" // -1=Add temporary health, 0=Add to main health. Values between 1 and 100 creates a chance to give main health, else temp health.
l4d2_gnome_version // Healing Gnome plugin version.
- Click "Get Plugin" and save to your addonssourcemodplugins folder.
Attached Files

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