[Any] Paranoia IP Tracker
Version 1.0.0
Logs players IP addresses to two database tables.
Maybe you've had an issue with a skiddie attacking your servers and want to track their IP to a steamid. Maybe you've wanted to ban a troublemaker, but they just create new accounts.
Whatever your reason is, this plugin is intended for proactive security/logging, although you could also use it to see where your players are playing from if you were inclined.
- Paranoia_IPTracker:
Holds the player's steamid, last used name, a timestamp of their last connect, and the player's last 10 unique IP addresses. - Paranoia_IPTrackerLogs:
Stores a row for every connection with the steamid, name, IP and timestamp for that connection.
Note: this table is only used if sm_paranoia_ip_verbose is set to 1.
- None
- sm_paranoia_ip_version
- Plugin Version
- sm_paranoia_ip_verbose
- Set to 1 and the plugin will also log to Paranoia_IPTrackerLogs.
Install Instructions:
For TF2:
- Place ParanoiaIPTracker.smx into your addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder.
- Update your databases.cfg file with an entry for "paranoiaip".
- If the plugin loses connection to the database server, it will log to the logs/paranoia_ip.log file as a backup solution.
- V1.0.0
- Initial Release
Total downloads as prior to last edit: 0
Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ParanoiaIPTracker.sp - 6.2 KB)
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