I was looking for a jetpack for this other thing i am working on right now and came across this was unfinished so i grab it and got it to work.
I got it from here
The model that came with it came from here
myself i didn't care for the bubble on the head so i made one with out it to,
I made a couple of small vid's of them both. here are the links to see them working.
and this one will show you what hat to use for what one.
here are the convars
Enable, ConVar = (thefury_toggle) 1, Enable/Disable
BurnEnemy, ConVar = (thefury_burn) 1, Burn enemy when hit Jet Pack's flame
BurnEnemy2, ConVar = (thefury_explode) 1
JetPackUp, ConVar = (thefury_up_mag) Up velocity magnification
JetPackUpward, ConVar = (thefury_upward_mag) Uward velocity magnification
JetPackFall, ConVar = (thefury_fall_mag) Fall velocity magnification
JetPackFrwd, ConVar = (thefury_frwd_mag) Forward velocity magnification
server cvar for players to turn it off and on is (!jetpack)

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