Aim Practice v1.0
.: Description :.This plugin is meant to be used by common players that want to improve their aim by creating a bot. The first thing you should do is to save a position where the bot is going to be created; the plugin saves the angles so the bot will be almost an exact replica of the player. When you kill the bot it will respawn in the same position until you move it or change the position. The plugin also shows the damage done. Note that besides the aim practice bot, this plugin creates a round end blocker bot in the other team.
This is a heavy modification of a personal plugin I have been using for a while.
.: CVars :.
- ap_enabled - Enables or disables the plugin. Default: "1". NOTE: Remember to remove the bots before disabling the plugin.
- ap_name - Sets the name of the practice bot. Default: "Practice Bot".
- ap_health - Sets the health of the bot. Default: "100".
- ap_armor - Sets the armor of the bot. Default: "100".
- ap_armor_type - Sets the armor type. Default "2". NOTE: 0 = No Armor, 1 = Kevlar, 2 = Kevlar + Helmet.
- ap_class - Sets the class (aka model) of the bot. Default "5" (random).
- ap_weapon - Sets the weapon of the bot. Default: "weapon_awp". NOTE: See CS Weapons Information for the full list of weapons.
- ap_respawn_time - Sets the respawn time of the bot when is killed. It also sets the respawn time of the player if he/she dies for some reason. Default: "2.0"
- ap_spawn_money_enabled - Enables money setting for the player.
- ap_spawn_money - Sets the money of the player. Default: "16000".
- ap_rrb_name - Sets the name of the round end blocker bot. Default: "".
- apcreate - Creates a bot in a specific location. You should save the position first.
- apsave - Saves the position.
- apmove - Moves the bot to the new position (it must be alive).
- apremove - Removes both bots from the server.
- aimpractice - Opens a menu that shows the commands above.
ConnorMcLeod - For the Free For All code.
.: Requirements :.
- Bot API
- Fakemeta
- Fun
- Hamsandwich
Pic 1 - Pic 2 - Pic 3
.: Installation :.
NOTE: This plugin is powered by Bot API. As the Space Headed forums are offline I'm uploading the .sma and .inc files here.
First of all download bot_api.amxx by pressing "Get Plugin". Put that file in addonsamxmodxscriptingplugins. After that download the file and put it in addonsamxmodxscriptinginclude. To obtain the aimpractice.amxx you should compile locally, and after doing it do what you did with the other file.
Add these lines to your amxx.cfg:
Code: mp_friendlyfire 1
mp_autokick 0.: To Do :.
- Add multilingual.
- Add movement to the practice bot.
Attached Files

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