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Guest Message by DevFuse


[] [TF2] SourceIRC ItemBotLite (Item Relay)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 10.01.2012 07:58


[TF2] SourceIRC ItemBotLite
Version 1.1.0


Announces item transactions (found, traded, crafted, etc) to IRC with item name and quality.

Posted Image

Requires SourceIRC.

ItemBotLite is a version of ItemBot that does not use the now nonfunctional Backpack hook extension. Since without Backpack hook the plugin must hook the item_found event, some features are not longer possible.


sm_reloaditembot - Reloads configs

IRC Commands:

backpack or bp: Returns a TF2B backpack link for a user

  • bp "Player on server"
  • bp STEAM_0:1:123456
  • bp CustomSteamURL

  • sm_itembot_version - Plugin Version
  • sm_itembot_debug "0" - Set to "1" to print name debugging info.
  • sm_itembot_timestamp "1" - Show/hide item timestamps
  • sm_itembot_showsteams "1" - Show steamids when players disconnect (for looking at backpacks later)
  • sm_itembot_timeoffset - number of seconds to correct server clock by
Install Instructions:
  • Place ItemBot.smx into your addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder.
  • Place ItemBot_Items.kv in addons/sourcemod/configs/.
  • Edit your sourceirc.cfg and add "items" "1" to the channels where you want to see items.
  • Edit the cvars in the ItemBot.cfg file.


This file does not need to be edited except to add any new items Valve may add in the future.

It is a direct copy-paste of the (item) related bits in items_game.txt

sourceirc.cfg Example:

Code: "#MyChannel"
"relay" "1" // Tell the RelayAll module to relay messages to this channel
"cmd_prefix" "!" // Ontop of calling the bot by name, you can also use "!" in this channel
"items" "1"
"ticket" "1" // Tell the ticket module to send tickets to this channel
"items" "1" // Prints all items to this channel
"items" "1" // Prints all items to this channel

Version History:
  • V1.1.0
  • Initial release

Attached Files Posted Image ItemBotLite (80.4 KB)

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