When player get flashed twice or more exactly same flash duration, it not increase player blind time or worse, not get flashed!
What this plugin do:
- it hook event player_blind to get player who get flashed
- It change flash duration time little each time, random between +0.01 - 0.1
Quote: sm_fix_flash "1"
//Enable plugin fix flashbang flash duration Comment
if this plugin conflict other plugins or get trouble. So others can know.
Another version = css_fix_flash_bug_log version 0.15 For those who want follow would this bug happen.
- This version check player previous flash duration to new one.
When durations match, it log in file ...addons/soucemod/logs/css_flash_fix.log
L 12/06/2011 - 07:41:13: Player Bacardi BF3<62><STEAM_0:1:14xxxx><> blinded same flash duration 3.827183
Then make little fix.
So use either plugin, NOT BOTH
Attached Files

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