Jailbreak Gang System
By: nikhilgupta345
This plugin allows prisoners to create gangs and upgrade specific skills that apply to everybody in the gang.
Gang Menu:
- Create a Gang - Allows a user to create a gang by paying money.
- Invite to Gang - Only the leader of the gang can invite people to the gang.
- Skills - Opens the skills menu, where any member of the gang can pay money to upgrade their skills.
- Top-10 - Shows a MOTD with the top10 gangs, SORTED BY KILLS. (If you have a good way to sort it, please post it below)
- Leave Gang - Allows a player to leave the gang. The leader cannot leave the gang until he transfers leadership to somebody else (explained later).
- Gang Admin Menu - Shows a menu with options to disband the gang, kick a player from the gang, or transfer leadership to somebody else in the gang.
- Online Members - Shows a list of gang members that are currently in the server.
- HP - Increased health
- Stealing - Increased money earnings.
- Gravity - Lower Gravity
- Damage - Increased damage
- Stamina - Gives higher speed to players.
- Weapon Drop - Chance of making the guard drop the weapon when you knife them. (%1 chance increase per level)
- jb_gang_cost - The cost to create a gang.
- jb_health_cost - The cost to upgrade gang health.
- jb_stealing_cost - The cost to upgrade gang money earning.
- jb_gravity_cost - The cost to upgrade gang gravity.
- jb_damage_cost - The cost to upgrade gang damage.
- jb_stamina_cost - The cost to upgrade gang stamina (speed).
- jb_weapondrop_cost - The cost to upgrade gang weapon drop percentage.
- jb_points_per_kill - JB Points received per kill.
- jb_headshot_bonus - Amount extra received for a headshot.
- jb_max_members - Max members allowed per gang.
- Additionally there are CVars for the max level for each type of upgrade, so replace _cost above with _max.
- Also, there are CVars for amount gain per level, so replace _cost above with _per.
- Click 'Get Source' link below
- Compile Locally
- Place 'jb_gangs_1.1_admins.amxx' in addons/amxmodx/plugins/ folder
- Open addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini
- Add the line 'jb_gangs_1.1_admins.amxx' at the bottom
- Restart server or change map
- F0RCE - Main plugin idea
- Exolent - SQLVault include
Click here to see servers running this plugin.
Attached Files
colorchat.inc (6.3 KB, N/A views)
sqlvault.inc (33.5 KB, N/A views)
sqlvault_ex.inc (32.4 KB, N/A views)
Get Plugin or
Get Source (jb_gangs_1.1_admins.sma - 41.9 KB)
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