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Guest Message by DevFuse


Dowolny model

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
1 odpowiedź w tym temacie

#1 tNt


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Reputacja: 2

  • Postów:17
  • GG:
  • Steam:steam
  • Lokalizacja:turek

Napisano 14.12.2009 15:21

szukam pluginu na JB, ponieważ chciałbym wprowadzić inny model dla więźniów. robi mi już kolega z adresem forum na plecach itp, ale mniejsza. jest mi potrzebny plugin pod to.
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#2 ReKsiu


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 18

  • Postów:85

Napisano 14.12.2009 15:33

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>

new const ZOMBIE_MODEL[] = 'modelwiz" // The model we're gonna use for zombies
#define MODELSET_TASK 100 // an offset for our models task
#define MODELCHANGE_DELAY 0.5 // delay between model changes
new Float:g_models_targettime // target time for the last model change
new Float:g_roundstarttime // last round start time

new g_has_custom_model[33] // whether the player is using a custom model
new g_player_model[33][32] // player's model name (string)
new g_zombie[33] // whether the player is a zombie

 [Plugin Start]

public plugin_precache()
    new modelpath[100]
    formatex( modelpath, charsmax( modelpath ), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", ZOMBIE_MODEL, ZOMBIE_MODEL )
    engfunc( EngFunc_PrecacheModel, modelpath )

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin( "Player Model Changer Example", "0.3", "MeRcyLeZZ" )
    register_event( "HLTV", "event_round_start", "a", "1=0", "2=0" )
    RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "fw_PlayerSpawn", 1 )
    register_forward( FM_SetClientKeyValue, "fw_SetClientKeyValue" )
    register_forward( FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "fw_ClientUserInfoChanged" )

 [Round Start Event]

public event_round_start()
    g_roundstarttime = get_gametime()

 [Player Spawn Event]

public fw_PlayerSpawn( id )
    // Not alive or didn't join a team yet
    if ( !is_user_alive( id ) || !cs_get_user_team( id ) )
    // Set to zombie if on Terrorist team
    g_zombie[id] = cs_get_user_team( id ) == CS_TEAM_T ? true : false;
    // Remove previous tasks (if any)
    remove_task( id + MODELSET_TASK )
    // Check whether the player is a zombie
    if ( g_zombie[id] )
        // Store our custom model in g_player_model[id]
        copy( g_player_model[id], charsmax( g_player_model[] ), ZOMBIE_MODEL )
        // Get current model
        new currentmodel[32]
        fm_get_user_model( id, currentmodel, charsmax( currentmodel ) )
        // Check whether it matches the custom model
        if ( !equal( currentmodel, g_player_model[id] ) )
            // An additional delay is offset at round start
            // since SVC_BAD is more likely to be triggered there
            if ( get_gametime() - g_roundstarttime < 5.0 )
                set_task( 5.0 * MODELCHANGE_DELAY, "fm_user_model_update", id + MODELSET_TASK )
                fm_user_model_update( id + MODELSET_TASK )
    // Not a zombie, but still has a custom model
    else if ( g_has_custom_model[id] )
        // Reset it back to the default one
        fm_reset_user_model( id )


public fw_SetClientKeyValue( id, const infobuffer[], const key[] )
    // Block CS model changes
    if ( g_has_custom_model[id] && equal( key, "model" ) )
        return FMRES_SUPERCEDE;
    return FMRES_IGNORED;

public fw_ClientUserInfoChanged( id )
    // Player doesn't have a custom model
    if ( !g_has_custom_model[id] )
        return FMRES_IGNORED;
    // Get current model
    static currentmodel[32]
    fm_get_user_model( id, currentmodel, charsmax( currentmodel ) )
    // Check whether it matches the custom model - if not, set it again
    if ( !equal( currentmodel, g_player_model[id] ) && !task_exists( id + MODELSET_TASK ) )
        fm_set_user_model( id + MODELSET_TASK )
    return FMRES_IGNORED;


public fm_user_model_update( taskid )
    static Float:current_time
    current_time = get_gametime()
    // Do we need a delay?
    if ( current_time - g_models_targettime >= MODELCHANGE_DELAY )
        fm_set_user_model( taskid )
        g_models_targettime = current_time
        set_task( (g_models_targettime + MODELCHANGE_DELAY) - current_time, "fm_set_user_model", taskid )
        g_models_targettime = g_models_targettime + MODELCHANGE_DELAY

public fm_set_user_model( player )
    // Get actual player id
    player -= MODELSET_TASK
    // Set new model
    engfunc( EngFunc_SetClientKeyValue, player, engfunc( EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player ), "model", g_player_model[player] )
    // Remember this player has a custom model
    g_has_custom_model[player] = true


stock fm_get_user_model( player, model[], len )
    // Retrieve current model
    engfunc( EngFunc_InfoKeyValue, engfunc( EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player ), "model", model, len )

stock fm_reset_user_model( player )
    // Player doesn't have a custom model any longer
    g_has_custom_model[player] = false
    dllfunc( DLLFunc_ClientUserInfoChanged, player, engfunc( EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player ) )

Kompilujesz. W zmiennej:
new const ZOMBIE_MODEL[] = 'modelwiz" // The model we're gonna use for zombies
ustalasz nazwe pliku i ścieżkę!
np dasz model2 to ten model musisz wkleić do

,a jeżeli nic nie zmieniasz:


Plugin nie powoduje SVC_BAD nawet przy 20 osobach. :P
Nigdy mnie nie zawiódł.
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