Error: Load fails: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "diablo_get_user_exp") - check your modules.ini.
z pewnego tematu na wiem ze to nie brak modules.ini , ale temat nie dostal rozwiazany i nadal nie wiem o co kaman
; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here
diablo_questy.amxx //zadania
vdiablomod.amxx //silnik
system_test4.amxx //bronie skiny lv
bullet_damage.amxx //widoczne dmg
boty_csgo.amxx //przejecie bota
;cod_clans.amxx //klan
;; Put third party modules below here. ;;
;; You can just list their names, without the _amxx ;;
;; or file extension. ;;
;; These modules will be auto-detected and loaded ;;
;; as needed. You do not need to enable them here ;;
;; unless you have problems. ;;