Dobry wieczór, mam problem z warunkiem if(equal(szClassEnt_2, "func_wall")), gdy daje blok w bariere to nic się nie dzieje, natomiast granat normalnie działa jak rzucam w bariere to odrzuca i printuje wiadomość.
Fragment pluginu pochodzi z pluginu na bariery z paczki BaseBuilder Turbo(najnowsza wersja na github)
Amxx -, wszystkie moduły odblokowane
public fwd_touch(toucher, touched){ if( !pev_valid(toucher) || !pev_valid(touched) || touched == 0 || toucher == 0 ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE new szClassEnt_1[33], szClassEnt_2[33] pev(toucher, pev_classname, szClassEnt_1, sizeof(szClassEnt_1) ) pev(touched, pev_classname, szClassEnt_2, sizeof(szClassEnt_2) ) if( entity_get_int(toucher, EV_INT_solid) != SOLID_TRIGGER ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if( equal(szClassEnt_1, "blockBarrier") ){ if( equal(szClassEnt_2, "grenade") ){ ColorChat(0, GREEN, "proszę nie rzucac granatem na spawna"); if( pev(touched, pev_iuser1) == 0){ new Float:fVelocity[3] pev(touched, pev_velocity, fVelocity) fVelocity[0] *= -1; fVelocity[1] *= -1; fVelocity[2] *= -1; set_pev(touched, pev_velocity, fVelocity) set_pev(touched, pev_iuser1, 1) } } if(equal(szClassEnt_2, "player")){ if( get_user_team(touched) == 1 && is_user_alive(touched)){ if( task_exists(touched+TASK_GOD) ){ remove_task(touched+TASK_GOD) } set_task(0.1, "offBarrierGod", touched+TASK_GOD) userIsInBarrier[touched]=true } } if(equal(szClassEnt_2, "func_wall")){ ColorChat(0, GREEN, "proszę nie blokowac spawnu"); } } if( !equal(szClassEnt_1, "blockBarrier") && !equal(szClassEnt_1, "func_wall")) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if( !equal(szClassEnt_2, "func_wall") ){ return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } if( equal(szClassEnt_2, "func_wall" ) && equal(szClassEnt_1, "func_wall") && getLock(toucher) != 2) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if( getOwner(touched) != 0 ){ // -- TO NIE DZIAŁA XD -- ColorChat(0, GREEN, "przeszlo przez warunek ownera"); if( getMover(touched) ){ //0 ColorChat(0, GREEN, "przeszlo przez warunek movera"); new Float:fOrigin[3] entity_get_vector(touched, EV_VEC_vuser4, fOrigin) if( fOrigin[0] != 0.0 || fOrigin[1] != 0.0 || fOrigin[2] != 0.0 ){ ColorChat(getLastMover(touched), GREEN, "---^x01 Klocek cofniety!^x04 |^x01 Nie wsadzaj klocka w bariere!^x04 ---") entity_set_origin(touched, fOrigin) }else{ //bb_set_claimed(getOwner(touched), bb_get_claimed(getOwner(touched))-1) if( getLock(touched) == 3 ){ new szClass[10], szTarget[7]; entity_get_string(touched, EV_SZ_classname, szClass, 9); entity_get_string(touched, EV_SZ_targetname, szTarget, 6); if( !equal(szClass, "func_wall")) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if( equal(szTarget, "ignore") ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if( equal(szTarget, "barrier") ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if( equal(szClass, "blockBarrier") ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE remove_entity(touched) }else{ set_pev(touched, pev_iuser1, 0) entity_set_origin(touched, Float:{0.0,0.0,0.0}); } } }else{ set_pev(touched,pev_rendermode,kRenderTransColor) set_pev(touched,pev_rendercolor, Float:{255.0,0.0,0.0} ) set_pev(touched,pev_renderamt, 255.0 ) set_task(0.1, "checkRemove", touched) } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE }