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Guest Message by DevFuse


Tank Wave Music (Finale Win Sound)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 12.08.2023 18:04


Allows to play your own music when:

  • tank wave appear
  • last tank killed on finale map (finale win)
Music should be provided manually and uploaded to content-server, with appropriate settings on client side game.
Don't ask about content-server here. It is offtopic. Find out on your own or ask at General section.

Note: this version done specially for forum, and it wasn't properly tested. Report if everything OK.

  • Plays (downloads to client) 2 tracks per map. Number can be adjusted in l4d_tank_wave_sound.sp only. See #define TRACKS_PER_MAP 2
Settings (ConVars):


PHP Code:

// Enable plugin (1 - On / 0 - Off)
l4d_tank_wave_sound_enable "1"

// Enable tank wave sound (1 - On / 0 - Off)
l4d_tank_wave_sound_wave_enable "1"

// Enable last tank kill sound on finales
l4d_tank_wave_sound_finale_enable "1" (1 - On / 0 - Off)

Commands: (in DEBUG mode only)

sm_fin - imitate finale win, "z" flag

Data files:

Each music file should be put in separate line.
Prepending comment // is allowed for temporarily disable the music file.

PHP Code:

// Finale win sound files

// Tank wave sound files


- Left 4 Dragokas | API


- Fulfill the requirements above
- Set up the content-server
- Set up client side network settings to allow downloading files from content-server
- Upload music files on content server
- Write music file paths in data/ files according to examples in archive. Should be written without "sound/" prefix
- Upload as is on game server or compile on your own


Donates are very appreciated and welcomed for further inspiration, make me happy, and make next updates came out more often:
- Patreon (Paypal)
- BitCoin
- Ю.Money


- It's my private plugin written for myself and my Bloody Witch team.
- Project and updates discontinued. Don't ask.

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