<div><font size="6"><div align="center">The Infection</div></font><br /><div align="center">Yet another Zombie Survival Gamemode for TF2</div><br />This gamemode is inspired by Super Zombie Fortress, Zombie Riot and other Zombie related custom gamemodes.<br /><font size="1">note that not every code in this plugin is mine, but i gave credit. i'm not very good at coding so expect some warnings in this plugin.</font><br /><br />This plugin has been tested on a Windows server.<br /><br /><font size="4">Requirements</font><br />TF2Items<br />TF2Attributes (nosoop fork)<br />Steamtools<br />Timescale Windows Fix (WINDOWS ONLY)<br /><br /><font size="4">CVars</font><br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Code:</div>
<hr /><code style="margin:0px" dir="ltr" style="text-align:left">sm_infection_enable 0/1 - When enabled, The Infection gamemode will be enabled. Scrambles teams when changed.<br />sm_infection_no_doors 0/1 - When enabled, Doors will be removed on cvar change or round start.<br />sm_infection_time - When greater than zero, The round will end in the specified seconds multiplied by 1 minute. (float value only)</code><hr />
</div><font size="4">Features</font><br />The BLU Team are survivors. The RED Team are Zombies.<br />When enabled or disabled, the plugin will scramble teams to make it balanced.<br />Survivors have the ability to rage. Soldier, Heavy and Medic have their own rage powerups.<br />When medics use their rage: They will revive any zombies near them and make them survivors again. Survivors are ubered for 10 seconds, and are under Quick-Fix uber for 25 seconds.<br />When Soldier and Heavy use their rage: Zombies will be in loser state for 5 seconds.<br />When classes other than Medic, Soldier and Heavy use their rage: Zombies will be stunned for 5 seconds.<br /><br />When setup time is finished, some Half-Life music will play.<br />When the second remaining survivor dies, the last one gets an indefinite buff until death.<br />The last remaining survivor dying will result in their team losing.<br />If a survivor dies, they become infected.<br />Enhances TFBot AI by making item_teamflag entities that follow Zombies and Survivors depending on the team<br />Zombie Scouts are equipped with Mad Milk that will slow down enemies.<br />Zombie Pyros can put enemies on fire.<br /><br /><font size="4">Zombie Classes</font><br />The Clubber - A Demoman but with a spiked club. Very hazardous to deal with as it can cause bleeding.<br />The Stunner - A Pyro with an electric sign that can slow down enemies on hit.<br />The Igniter - A pyro that can deal more damage to burning enemies. It also has extremely fast speed.<br />The Fast Zombie - Scouts with speed almost as fast as a Super Scout. They can mark enemies for death and make them bleed for 5 seconds.<br />The Mini Clubber - Scouts with The Clubber's spiked club without bleeding. It can stun enemies for 10 seconds.<br />The Market Gardener - Soldiers with a Market Gardener that won't crit when rocket jumping. It can stun enemies for 10 seconds.<br />The Equalizer - Soldier with a heavily modified Equalizer. There is no damage penalty, and damage will increase as health decreases.<br />The Pain Train - Soldier with extremely fast speed. The Pain Train is very dangerous.<br />The Knight and Specialized Knight - Demoman with a battle axe. It has slightly fast attack rate.<br />The Boomer - Demoman with extremely fast speed that can easily blow up enemies and themselves.<br />The Killer Boxer - Heavy with dangerous boxing gloves. It can airblast and has a 100% damage bonus.<br />The Tumor - Heavy with Bread Bite that acts like Spy's Knife.<br />The Sharpened Heavy - Heavy with extremely fast speed that can cause bleeding.<br />The Cannibal - Medic with a Ubersaw that can cause bleeding.<br />The Healer - Medic with specialized healing powers that has a really fast attack rate. It can cause bleeding. This class must taunt to heal teammates around them.<br />Giant - A very easy boss with tons of health. It is very slow and acts like a Giant Robot.<br />Super Zombie - This subclass spreads the virus faster than any other class. When an enemy is attacked by this subclass will cause dangerous bleeding. The infected survivor must get a health kit ASAP when attacked. This class has +50% damage reduction on wearer, and is generally very large, but not as large as a Giant.<br /><br /><font size="5"><a href="https://github.com/D...-The-Infection"target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Download here on GitHub</a></font><br /><br /><br /><br />:fox:</div>
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Guest Message by DevFuse

[TF2] The Infection - Yet Another Zombie Survival Gamemode for TF2
Temat rozp. Adminek AMXX.PL, 01.07.2023 03:19
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