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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Długie przeładowania pomiędzy mapami

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Świeżynka - zdjęcie Świeżynka 19.07.2020


Mam problem dotyczący długiego ładowania się serwera pomiędzy zmianą mapy. Poniżej logi z serwera.


L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Log file started (file "logs/L0719121.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Loading map "de_dust2"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvars start
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "aesp_version" = "1.3"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "afkslay_version" = "3.0.0 Beta 1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "aimbot_detection" = "1.4beta2"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "amx_client_languages" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "amx_language" = "pl"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "de_dust2"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "amx_ptb_version" = "1.8b3"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "amx_timeleft" = "00:00"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "amxbans_version" = "Gm 1.5.1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "amxmodx_version" = "1.8.2"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "autohltv_recording" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "be3s_version" = "0.3"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "c4 timer" = "1.1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "coop" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "deathmatch" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "30"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "edgefriction" = "2"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "eim_ver" = "1.5"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "ers_version" = "2.3b"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "game_version" = ""
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "hackdetector_amxx_version" = "0.15.lite"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "hackdetector_version" = "0.15.328.lite"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "humans_join_team" = "any"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "jtp10181" = "chute"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "luciaHallucination" = "1.0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "max_queries_sec" = "3.0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "max_queries_sec_global" = "30"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "max_queries_window" = "60"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "metamod_version" = ""
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_autokick" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_autokick_timeout" = "-1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_buytime" = "0.25"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "35"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_consistency" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_fadetoblack" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_footsteps" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_forcecamera" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_forcechasecam" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_forcerespawn" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_fraglimit" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_fragsleft" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_freeforall" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_hostage_hurtable" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "13"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_item_staytime" = "300"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_kickpercent" = "0.66"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_kill_filled_spawn" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_legacy_bombtarget_touch" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_limitteams" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_logdetail" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_logfile" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_logmessages" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_mapvoteratio" = "0.66"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_maxmoney" = "16000"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_maxrounds" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_mirrordamage" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_old_bomb_defused_sound" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_playerid" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_respawn_immunitytime" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_round_infinite" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_round_restart_delay" = "5"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_roundover" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "2"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_show_radioicon" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_startmoney" = "800"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_timeleft" = "00:00"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "20"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_windifference" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mp_winlimit" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "mute menu" = "1.0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "pausable" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "reaimdetector_version" = "0.2.2"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "Reason_Kicker" = "0.1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "reauthcheck_version" = "0.1.6"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "reu_version" = ""
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "revoice_version" = ""
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "SNAC_Version" = "1.1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "5"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerate" = "10"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_allowupload" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_alltalk" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_bounce" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_cheats" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_clienttrace" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_contact" = "[email protected]"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_friction" = "4"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_gravity" = "800"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_logblocks" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_maxrate" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "900"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_minrate" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_password" = ""
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_proxies" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_restart" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_restartround" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_stepsize" = "18"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "75"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_uploadmax" = "0.5"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_version" = ",48,1631"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_voiceenable" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_wateraccelerate" = "10"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "sv_waterfriction" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvar "Team_Semiclip_version" = "3.1.0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvars end
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:15: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:15: Server cvar "sv_alltalk" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:15: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:15: Server cvar "sv_alltalk" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:16: Started map "de_dust2" (CRC "1159425449")


Najbardziej dziwi mnie zakończenie wczytywania cvarów i ponowna walka z autoteambalance:


L 07/19/2020 - 20:21:57: Server cvars end
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:15: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:15: Server cvar "sv_alltalk" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:15: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "0"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:15: Server cvar "sv_alltalk" = "1"
L 07/19/2020 - 20:22:16: Started map "de_dust2" (CRC "1159425449")


Ostatnie linijki.


Wiecie skąd może brać się opóźnienie? Serdecznie dzięki za pomoc.


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dredek - zdjęcie dredek 19.07.2020

Pokaż server.cfg (zakryj rcon i inne duperele) i plugins.ini


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wonsz żeczny - zdjęcie wonsz żeczny 20.07.2020

Używasz jakiegoś pluginu z zapisem mysql?


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Misiu. - zdjęcie Misiu. 20.07.2020

1. Zalecam aktualizacje modułów itp. masz bardzo stare wersje.

2. Sprawdź czy to samo będzie jak wyłączysz teamsemiclip i eim - one sporo zjadają zasobów.

Swoją drogą to stoi na jakimś hostingu pukawka, 1s1k czy sam stawiałeś?


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Świeżynka - zdjęcie Świeżynka 21.07.2020

Przejąlem serwer po dłuższym czasie powiedzmy spoczynku. Od grudnia nic się na nim nie działo (nie było dodawane).


// Use this file to configure your DEDICATED server.
// This config file is executed on server start.

// disable autoaim
sv_aim 0

// disable clients' ability to pause the server
pausable 0

// default server name. Change to "Bob's Server", etc.
hostname "XXX"
//hostname "GameTrackerClaimServer"

// maximum client movement speed
sv_maxspeed 320

// 20 minute timelimit
mp_timelimit 20

sv_cheats 0

//set Proxy
sv_proxies 1

sv_lan 0

sv_region 3

mp_c4timer 35

sv_voicequality 4

sv_hltv 1

mp_roundtime 2

allow_spectators 1

secure 1

rcon_password "XXX"

// sv_contact <email/web address> Contact email for server admin
sv_contact "XXX"

mp_buytime 0.45

mp_freezetime 1

sv_downloadurl "XXX"
sv_allowdownload "1"

sv_allowupload 1

mp_autokick 1

mp_chattime 1

mp_friendlyfire 0

mp_autoteambalance 0

mp_limitteams 0

sv_voicequality 5

sv_voiceenable 1

sv_voicecodec "voice_speex"

mp_consistency 1
sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_max_burst -1
sv_rehlds_stringcmdrate_max_burst -1

// load ban files
exec listip.cfg
exec banned.cfg

// ............................. Server Logging ............................. //

// Enable log - Enables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >.
// Recommended: log on
log on

// Log bans - Log server bans in the server logs.
// Default: sv_logbans 1
// Recommended: sv_logbans 1
sv_logbans 1

// Log echo - Display log information to the server console.
// Default: sv_logecho 1
// Recommended: sv_logecho 1
sv_logecho 1

// Log file - Log server information in the log file.
// Default: sv_logfile 1
// Recommended: sv_logfile 1
sv_logfile 1



; AMX Mod X plugins

;AMX bans

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
;admin.amxx        ; admin base (required for any admin-related)

; Basic
admincmd.amxx        ; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amxx        ; help command for admin console commands
adminslots.amxx        ; slot reservation
multilingual.amxx    ; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus
;ReasonKicker.amxx - by Plugin uploader
menufront.amxx        ; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx        ; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amxx        ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
;telemenu.amxx        ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
mapsmenu.amxx        ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
pluginmenu.amxx        ; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx        ; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx        ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
scrollmsg.amxx        ; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amxx        ; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx        ; vote commands

; Map related
nextmap.amxx        ; displays next map in mapcycle
;mapchooser.amxx        ; allows to vote for next map
timeleft.amxx        ; displays time left on map
;galileo.amxx debug

; Configuration
pausecfg.amxx        ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx        ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
restmenu.amxx        ; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx        ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
miscstats.amxx        ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
stats_logging.amxx    ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)


; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
;amxmod_compat.amxx    ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer

;advance bullet damage - zastapiony przez bullet_damage

; c4timer plugin






;freevip w nocy

;afk kicking

;team balance

eim.amxx debug



;Najelpszy gracz

;Custom vip


;Damage control

;Wyrzucanie za ping

;Ikonka broni

;BS Limiter




;amx_ip.amxx --> zamieniony przez ten poniżej



















;inf_smierc.amxx - by Plugin uploader
;sem.amxx - by Plugin uploader


;GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx - by Plugin uploader

;rangi.amxx - by Plugin uploader

;bomb_explode_3sounds.amxx - by Plugin uploader



;invisible_spectator.amxx - by Plugin uploader

;mutemenu.amxx - by Plugin uploader

;asysta_i_zemsta_fragi.amxx - by Plugin uploader


;Allow_round_finish.amxx - by Plugin uploader
;amx_malamapa_v12.amxx - by Plugin uploader
;amx_malamapa_v12.amxx debug


;extremeBanConfigt.amxx debug
;show_ip.amxx debug
;mikolaj.amxx debug











Jest stawiany na Linuxie, nie na hostingu.


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Świeżynka - zdjęcie Świeżynka 23.07.2020

Coś Wam to mówi?

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Rivit - zdjęcie Rivit 26.07.2020

Absolutnie nie, zobacz czy jakiś plugin wpływa na to czy nie.


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faken - zdjęcie faken 26.07.2020

Jak używasz jakiś plugin z zapisem sql, a ta baza danych jest wolna wtedy może sie tak dziać.


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Świeżynka - zdjęcie Świeżynka 28.07.2020

Absolutnie nie, zobacz czy jakiś plugin wpływa na to czy nie.

W jaki sposób mogę to sprawdzić?

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The.Scott - zdjęcie The.Scott 28.07.2020


Absolutnie nie, zobacz czy jakiś plugin wpływa na to czy nie.

W jaki sposób mogę to sprawdzić?


Copy plugins.ini > remove all plugins from plugins.ini > jezeli problem pozostal - problem nie w pluginach, jezeli problem nadal będzie - wylączaj częsciowo po 10~plugins na raz i takim sposobem najdziesz ten ktory powoduje problem.
P.S. Ja jednak by polecal zobaczyc amxmodx/data/csstats.dat kiedy miales ostatni raz reset :) Jezeli nie jest zbyt potrzebny, zrob remove csstats.dat file (serwer stworzy new one automatically), często to powoduje (jezeli duzo data collected) longer loading map :P


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Sinner - zdjęcie Sinner 28.07.2020

Sprawdź czy w amxx.cfg masz amx_debug na 0/1 bo jeśli masz na 2 to też może być to moim zdaniem powód do długiego przeładowywania się serwera. Dodatkowo nie wspomniałeś na jakim hostingu masz serwer bo jeśli jest to hosting z drugiej ręki to może być to wina hostingu. Kiedyś miałem serwer na tanim hostingu i pracował jakby chomik napędzał maszynę. Dodatkowo warto byłoby dać info jaką masz wersję rehlds (polecam najnowszą).
