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Guest Message by DevFuse


[API] Custom Entities

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 03.11.2016 13:18

Custom Entities API


This API help you create some custom entities for your mod with some presets like models, size, etc.
It's can be used to create gameplay entities, items, props.

Create custom entity on your map

Just create entity with custom classname, which registered in CE API

Create custom entity

PHP Code:

new ceEnt = CE_Create(szClassname, vOrigin);
if (
ceEnt) {
dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, ceEnt);

Remove custom entity correctly

PHP Code:



PHP Code:

//Base classname for custom entities
#define CE_BASE_CLASSNAME "info_target"

enum CEPreset //Presets
CEPreset_None = 0,
CEPreset_Item, //For items
CEPreset_NPC, //For NPC
CEPreset_Prop //For props

enum CEFunction
CEFunction_Spawn, //Called when entity spawned.
CEFunction_Remove, //Called before entity will be removed.
CEFunction_Picked, //Called when entity picked.
CEFunction_Pickup, //Called when player touch item. Must return PLUGIN_HANDLED if picked.
CEFunction_KVD //Called when new key value obtained

* Register entity.
* @param szName Name of entity.
* @param modelIndex Precached model index.
* @param vMins Min size of entity.
* @param vMaxs Max size of entity.
* @param fLifeTime Life time of entity.
* @param preset Preset for entity.
native CE_Register
modelIndex = 0,
Float:vMins[3] = {-8.0, -8.0, -8.0},
Float:vMaxs[3] = {8.0, 8.0, 8.0},
Float:fLifeTime = 0.0,
CEPreset:preset = CEPreset_None

* Create entity.
* @param szName Name of entity.
* @param vOrigin Spawn origin.
* @param temp Remove entity in next round if true.
* @return Entity index.
native CE_Create(const szName[], const Float:vOrigin[3], bool:temp = true);

* Gets size of entity.
* @param szClassname Classname of entity.
* @param vSize Output vector.
native CE_GetSize(const szName[], Float:vMins[3], Float:vMaxs[3]);

* Gets modelindex of entity.
* @param szClassname Classname of entity.
* @return Modelindex of entity
native CE_GetModelIndex(const szName[]);

* Remove entity correctly.
* @param ent Index of entity.
* @return Result true/false
native bool:CE_Remove(ent);

* Check if entity is associated with current plugin.
* @param ent Index of entity.
* @return Result true/false
native bool:CE_CheckAssociation(ent);

* Register new hook for entity.
* @param function Function handler
* @param szClassname Classname of entity
* @param szCallback Callback
native CE_RegisterHook(CEFunction:function, const szClassname[], const szCallback[]);

* Get entity handler.
* @param szClassname Classname of entity
* @return handle index
native CE_GetHandler(const szClassname[]);


Custom Entity Spawner.

Spawner KVD

  • ce_name (string) - Entity to spawn
  • delay (float) - Delay before spawn (0.0 - spawn once per round)
  • impulse (float) - Max velocity for entity after spawn.

Attached Files Dołączona grafikaGet Plugin or Get Source (api_custom_entities.sma - 14.3 KB) Dołączona grafikaGet Plugin or Get Source (entity_ce_spawner.sma - 4.5 KB) Dołączona (2.5 KB)

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