[Custom Chat Colors Module] Set Tag
DescriptionCommandsTired of always having to modify the config just to set a tag? Or wanting players to set their own tags trough a menu? This module for Custom Chat Colors is what you need.
This plugin allows you to set a tag on a player while they're on the server or map change. You can also use the config file to let players set their tag from what you decide. You can also color the tags if using the command to manually set them. If you want players to have colors from tags they set from the menu, define their Tag Color in the CCC Config file.
Compiling the plugin requires Custom Chat Colors and More Colors!
- sm_settag <player> <"tag"> [tag color] - Manually set a tag on a player. If menu cvar is enabled, this command shows the tag menu instead. Color goes in HEX without the "#" symbol (It's also optional to include color) (Admin Flag: Generic)
- sm_colortag <player> <color> - Sets a player's tag color. Color goes in HEX without the "#" symbol. (Admin Flag: Generic)
- sm_resettag <player> - Resets a tag on a player. If they already have a tag in the custom-chatcolors.cfg, they'll get that tag back. (Admin Flag: Generic)
- sm_forcetag <player> <"tag"> [tag color] - Manually sets a tag on a player, ignoring the menu cvar. (Admin Flag: ROOT)
- sm_ccctags_reload - Reloads the tags config file. (Admin Flag: ROOT)
- ccc_tag_menu "1" - Controls the sm_settag command, whether it uses the tag menu or works as a command.
- ccc_tag_adminonly "0" - If menu is enabled, can only admins use it?
Quote: tag_access - Marks the user access to the menu if ccc_tag_adminonly is 1. Config File
Config file goes in configs/ccc_tags.cfg.
Code: "CCCTagMenu" // Main key. Don't change it.
"1" // Indexes. They must be in order from 1 and on. Maximum is 100. You can change this value in the source code.
"tag" "[Cool] " // "tag" is identifier. Don't change it. Change the next string like "[Cool] " or something. That's how the tag will appear in the menu and be used.
"tag" "Hello, my name is: "
"tag" "PEW =-"
- Initial release

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