<div>Name : Deathrun Shop LG<br />Autor : Mr.Belo<br />Version : 4.0<br />Follow me Forum LegendaForum.tk For more Plugins<br />Download : <a href="http://www.mediafire..._LG-config.zip"target="_blank">http://www.mediafire...nfig.zip</a><br /><br />Informations:<br />With this plugin you can open a menu on your Deathrun server and buy items (14 items available!).<br />You need points to buy items, which you can get by killing an enemy or by using the admin command.<br />Commands:<br />deathrun_set_points < name|#userid|authid|*(all) > < points > - gives "Deathrun" points<br />deathrun_reset_points < name|#userid|authid|*(all) > - resets "Deathrun" points<br />say /drshopLG - displays Deathrun Shop menu<br />say_team /drshopLG - displays Deathrun Shop menu<br />say /Piket - displays your points<br />say_team /Piket - displays your points<br /><br />Cvars:<br />See "amx/config/Deathrun_Shop.cfg" to look them and to configure the plugin.<br /><br />Important:<br />If you are using CS 1.5, use the "Deathrun_Shop_NO_STEAM.amx" or recompile the .sma file with the #define NO_STEAM uncommented.</div>
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Guest Message by DevFuse

Deathrun Shop LG
Temat rozp. Adminek AMXX.PL, 12.06.2016 22:07
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