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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Engineer's Workshop

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 07.06.2016 11:16

[TF2] Engineer's Workshop
v1.0.1 BETA

Combines the functionality of several plugins specifically for the engineer's buildings. Giving you the ability to:

  • Resize Buildings

  • Damage Scaling for Resized Buildings

  • Set Outlines

  • Set Color

  • Toggle Friendly Sentry Mode

  • Toggle Infinite Ammo

  • Toggle No-Sap

  • Toggle Godmode

  • Teleport Buildings to Crosshair

The plugin has Overrides to limit access to all Main Menu items, and each Abilities Menu item.

As well as a CVar to set non-admin limits for resizing buildings.

If you want, you can also customise the list of colors. Located in engieshop_colors.cfg

It comes with a default list of 16 colors, and supports 32 in total. This can be changed if you edit #define MENU_MAXCOLORS 32 in the source code and recompile.

Extract contents of Engineer's into /addons/sourcemod/

Install engineersworkshop.smx into /addons/sourcemod/plugins/
If you instead click Get Plugin on the source file, you will not have Updater support!
Install engieshop_colors.cfg into /addons/sourcemod/configs/
Install engineersworkshop.phrases.txt into /addons/sourcemod/translations/

Command List:

sm_engieshop (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Command to open the Engineer's Workshop Main Menu. The below commands are all available on here.

sm_rb (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Command to open the Resize Building Menu. Allows Access to Main Menu Option too.

sm_friendlysentry (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Command to toggle Friendly Sentry Mode. Allows Access to Main Menu Option too.

sm_buildingoutline (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Command to open the Building Outline Menu. Allows Access to Main Menu Option too.

Override List:

sm_engieshop_scale_admin (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow full selection of sizes on the Resize Building Menu.

sm_engieshop_damage_admin (Default Flag: d or BAN) Buildings will scale damage upwards when Resized.

sm_engieshop_abilities (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Allow access to Abilities Option on Main Menu

sm_engieshop_ability_ammo (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow access to Infinite Ammo Ability.

sm_engieshop_ability_nosap (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow access to No-Sap Ability.

sm_engieshop_ability_god (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow access to Godmode Ability.

sm_engieshop_ability_tele (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow access to Teleport to Crosshair Ability.

Cvar List:

Plugin Version Do NOT Touch.
sm_engieshop_enabled (Default Value: 1)
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

sm_engieshop_scale_bounds (Default Value: 0.25;1.25)
Lower and Upper Resize limits for Non-Admins.

sm_engieshop_collision(Default Value: 1)
How Resized buildings collide with Players.
Disabled. 1 Ignore Other Players.
2 Ignore Other Players, Except for Teleporters.

sm_engieshop_autoupdate (Default Value: 1)
Update this plugin Automatically
(Requires Updater)
0 Disabled.
1 Enabled.

sm_engieshop_cooldown (Default Value: 0.2)
Cooldown Time for Most Menu-Based Functions in fractions of a second.

sm_engieshop_color_file (Default Value: engieshop_colors)
Config File for list of Building Colors.


Code: * v1.0b - Initial Release.
* v1.0.1b Changed Version Number Format. Fixed Minor Typos. Updated Color List.
* v1.0.2b Patched Numerous Bugs. Fixed Overrides.
* v1.0.3b Fixed Outline Menu Bug.

Known Bugs:

  • Resized Buildings: When set to default, the hitbox wont revert. This can cause teammates to get stuck in teleporters, and enemies to get stuck in dispensers sentries
Please let me know if anything else is broken. I havent had a chance to test everything yet.

I've never attempted to do a project this large before, there's almost certainly bugs. Especially considering this is a beta version. I recommend having the Updater plugin so you can receive patches for any that are found.

Attached Files Dołączona grafikaengineerworkshop.phrases.txt (4.6 KB) Dołączona grafikaengieshop_colors.cfg (910 Bytes) Dołączona grafikaGet Plugin or Get Source (engineerworkshop.sp - 71.3 KB) Dołączona grafikaengineerworkshop.smx (27.2 KB) Dołączona grafikaEngineer's (43.2 KB)

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