[TF2] Engineer's Workshop
v1.0.1 BETA
Combines the functionality of several plugins specifically for the engineer's buildings. Giving you the ability to:
Resize Buildings
Damage Scaling for Resized Buildings
Set Outlines
Set Color
Toggle Friendly Sentry Mode
Toggle Infinite Ammo
Toggle No-Sap
Toggle Godmode
Teleport Buildings to Crosshair
The plugin has Overrides to limit access to all Main Menu items, and each Abilities Menu item.
As well as a CVar to set non-admin limits for resizing buildings.
If you want, you can also customise the list of colors. Located in engieshop_colors.cfg
It comes with a default list of 16 colors, and supports 32 in total. This can be changed if you edit #define MENU_MAXCOLORS 32 in the source code and recompile.
Extract contents of Engineer's Workshop.zip into /addons/sourcemod/
Install engineersworkshop.smx into /addons/sourcemod/plugins/
If you instead click Get Plugin on the source file, you will not have Updater support!
Install engieshop_colors.cfg into /addons/sourcemod/configs/
Install engineersworkshop.phrases.txt into /addons/sourcemod/translations/
Command List:
sm_engieshop (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Command to open the Engineer's Workshop Main Menu. The below commands are all available on here.
sm_rb (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Command to open the Resize Building Menu. Allows Access to Main Menu Option too.
sm_friendlysentry (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Command to toggle Friendly Sentry Mode. Allows Access to Main Menu Option too.
Override List:sm_buildingoutline (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Command to open the Building Outline Menu. Allows Access to Main Menu Option too.
sm_engieshop_scale_admin (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow full selection of sizes on the Resize Building Menu.
sm_engieshop_damage_admin (Default Flag: d or BAN) Buildings will scale damage upwards when Resized.
sm_engieshop_abilities (Default Flag: b or GENERIC)
Allow access to Abilities Option on Main Menu
sm_engieshop_ability_ammo (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow access to Infinite Ammo Ability.
sm_engieshop_ability_nosap (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow access to No-Sap Ability.
sm_engieshop_ability_god (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow access to Godmode Ability.
Cvar List:sm_engieshop_ability_tele (Default Flag: d or BAN) Allow access to Teleport to Crosshair Ability.
Plugin Version Do NOT Touch.
sm_engieshop_enabled (Default Value: 1)
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
sm_engieshop_scale_bounds (Default Value: 0.25;1.25)
Lower and Upper Resize limits for Non-Admins.
sm_engieshop_collision(Default Value: 1)
How Resized buildings collide with Players.
0 Disabled. 1 Ignore Other Players.
2 Ignore Other Players, Except for Teleporters.
sm_engieshop_autoupdate (Default Value: 1)
Update this plugin Automatically(Requires Updater)
0 Disabled.
1 Enabled.
sm_engieshop_cooldown (Default Value: 0.2)
Cooldown Time for Most Menu-Based Functions in fractions of a second.
sm_engieshop_color_file (Default Value: engieshop_colors)
Config File for list of Building Colors.
Code: * v1.0b - Initial Release.
* v1.0.1b Changed Version Number Format. Fixed Minor Typos. Updated Color List.
* v1.0.2b Patched Numerous Bugs. Fixed Overrides.
* v1.0.3b Fixed Outline Menu Bug.
Known Bugs:
Resized Buildings: When set to default, the hitbox wont revert. This can cause teammates to get stuck in teleporters, and enemies to get stuck in dispensers sentries
I've never attempted to do a project this large before, there's almost certainly bugs. Especially considering this is a beta version. I recommend having the Updater plugin so you can receive patches for any that are found.
Attached Files

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