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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS 1.6] Zombie Scenario: Survival (RENOVATED!)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 17.04.2016 22:14

Are you looking for Zombie Scenario for Sven-Coop? Click here

Zombie Scenario: Survival (Game Mode for Counter-Strike)
- last update: 1.0 Release Candidate 1

Quote: I decided to take up this project, because of the disastrous previous plugin. That my previous Zombie Scenario left much to be desired, but this new version will be one of the best. One of the most notable improvements of this new Zombie Scenario, is the use of Bots (intelligent machines), leaving aside the useless NPC. Dołączona grafika

Zombie Scenario immerses you in a apocalyptic world where you and your friends will have to cooperate and survive the different waves of zombies (Can you survive until the end?). We can play in different places (maps) such as in a laboratory, in a hospital, an abandoned prison, an industrial area, etc... We will have double capacity of money and will be very helpful in this game mode, with this, we can buy weapons, ammunition, upgrade the damage and health, and buy special items. The zombies are bots (machines) controlled by the SyPB A.I (Advanced Artificial Intelligence)

│ Credits

HsK Developer Group: For his SyPB Advanced A.I
xPaw: For his plugin: Bad Spawns Preventer.
ConnorMcLeod: For his plugin: BP Ammo Features.
MeRcyLeZZ: For some util functions extracted from Zombie Plague.

│ Features & Others in developer

- SyPB Advanced A.I (The bots are smarter)
- Double capacity of money
- Double BP Ammo
- Zombie System (Only bots can be zombies)
- Ambience & Gamemode from original Zombie Scenario
- Buy Zones (Only humans can buy)
- Support custom and not custom maps (Not custom = original maps from cs)
- Round System (In developer)
- Final Round (Boss) (In developer)
- Bonus Round (Special Zombie) (In developer)
- Zombie Scenario Shop (Special Weapons & Items) (In developer)
- Upgrade System (In developer)
- Zombie Classes & Skills (In developer)

│ Changelog

Code: Zombie Scenario - 1.0 RC1
- Public Release.

│ Modules & Plugins Required

Zombie Scenario will need the next modules & plugins to work correctly:

Code: Get Orpheu Module
Get Maxmoney Module
Get Cvar Utilities Module
Get Round Terminator Plugin
Get Infinite Round Plugin

│ SyPB (Advanced Bots)

And also, Zombie Scenario only works with the SyPB advanced bots.

Quote: To function properly, I recommend disable other plugins bots (like PodBots, CSBots, etc...) <--- In case you have one.

Code: Get SyPB Bots

│ Download Files (RESOURCES)

Download the resources needed to operate Zombie Scenario:

Code: Get CSO WAD Files

│ Video Preview

This version is experimental. If you find any bug or error, you can write in this post. If you have any ideas or suggestions, you can also write.

Attached Files Dołączona grafikaZombie Scenario (Release Candidate 1) (PLUGINS).zip (18.9 KB) Dołączona grafikaZombie Scenario (RESOURCES).zip (5.29 MB)

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