v3.24 - 2012-01-28 by DynamicBits
- Added check for enabled conflicting plugins
("Nextmap Chooser", "NextMap", "Galileo", and "Crab's Map Manager")
- Added check for incorrect/missing dictionary file
- Added response to "say ff"
- Added "listmaps" command override
- Added "votemap" command override
- Added "currentmap" command
- Added "recentmaps" command
- Relaxed dmap_rtvwait restrictions
- The following commands can no longer (incorrectly) be called from config files:
dmap_rtvpercent, dmap_rtvplayers, dmap_rtvwait, dmap_messages, dmap_mapsnum,
dmap_nominations, dmap_maxcustom, dmap_quietmode, dmap_rtvtoggle, dmap_freeze,
dmap_cyclemode, dmap_votemode, dmap_banlastmaps, dmap_mapsurl
- Removed "now" argument from dmap_rockthevote/amx_rockthevote/amx_rtv. (It never worked)
- Total number of maps is now shown in console for "listmaps" command
- Fixed display of time after successful vote to extend map
- Fixed duplicate task IDs
- Standardized name: "Deagles' Map Manager"
- Minor code optimizations
- Removed unused code
- Updated help
- Corrected various minor issues with all languages
- Put quotes around all commands for all languages
- Added Bosnian translation (Thanks to Superstar Games)
- Added Croation translation (Thanks to tomba2k)
- Added Czech translation (Thanks to RTG)
- Added Hungarian translation (Thanks to kiki33hun)
- Added Serbian translation (Thanks to JinX)
v3.23 - 2009-02-17 by DynamicBits
- Fixed menu vote not working in some situations
- Corrected Swedish Translation
v3.22 - 2009-01-21 by DynamicBits
- Added live voting percentages
- Added dmap_nominate command
- Added Romanian translation (Thanks to dorin2oo7 and georgik57)
- Added Russian translation (Thanks to mozart123)
- Added Brazil-Portuguese translation (Thanks to Warden)
- Added Swedish translation (Thanks to Trut)
- Fixed a handful of strings not getting localized properly
- Fixed a translation that was causing the SVC_BAD error
- Fixed several buffer overflow issues
- Many optimizations
- Updated help
- Added a bunch of comments to source code
v3.21 - 2008-09-17 by DynamicBits
- Added support for extra tags in the vote menu (See details for dmaptags.ini)
- Added two new localized strings (Only English and Polish versions are in the lang file so far)
- Fixed some multilingual code
- Fixed several mistakes in the lang file
- Formatted a few strings to better match
AMX Mod X's formatting
- A few small code optimizations
v3.20 - 2008-08-15 by DynamicBits
- Fixed indentation, spacing, semicolons, argument spacing, and missing
curly braces (these things: { }) to mostly match BSD KNF style.
- Fixed return value in client_disconnect(). This may have affected any
other plugin that relied on client_disconnect().
- Added some missing return values
- Removed several sections of redundant code
- New define: DEDICATED_LOG_ENABLED allows logging to be disabled by
commenting out one line (see source).
v3.1 - 4-05-08
- Fixed issue with emptyserver portion giving errors and flooding console
v3.0 - 9-29-07
- Changed txt file for German to supposedly stop the Kicking issue that so many people are having.
- Added cvar weapon_delay to Enable/Disable "Voting for nextmap delayed to allow buying of weapons..."
v2.48 - 9-27-07
- Added command rtv in chat for quick rock the votes (client)
- Added cvar emptymap_allowed (1|0) To enable/disable this feature
- Added cvar emptymap (mapname) For whatever map you want your server to switch to when nobody is on after reading the staytime cvar
- Added cvar amx_staytime(in seconds): How long before the plugin changes the map.
- Added cvar amx_idletime(in hours): How many hours a player can be connected to the server before being considered idle.
- Added cvar nominations_allowed (Enable/Disable Accepting nominations)
-Made the code look much prettier with proper indentation.
-Removed cvar rtv_percent - Useless, when the command saves your settings
v2.47 - Changed a some code for issues occuring randomly
v2.46 - Now uses the file defined from cvar named 'mapcyclefile' and not the hardcoded mapcycle.txt, by _KaszpiR_
v2.45 - Multilingual & Cancel vote
- Multilingual by Vlad
- Cancel Vote command by Lt. Llama
v2.40 - JTP10181 - 3/12/2006
- Major code cleanup
- Added allmaps.txt generating back in and fixed it for linux
- Added support for no nominations allowed
- Fixed all admin commands to check using cmd_access