Release: 19.11.2015 | Last Update: 19.11.2015
Table of Contents
- Description.
- Requirements.
- Features.
- Installation.
Requirements topMany players and server owners possess surf map servers, but with few and limited features, this plugin extends the game player and move it into an advance level and experience! For this very moment the plugin has few essential features for a basic surfing experience, but I am willing to improve it as per suggestion here, or if I have any new idea to make this even more fun and enjoyable.
- Latest HLDS update.
- Working AMX Mod X 1.8.2 module.
- Working CStrike module.
- Working Fakemeta module.
- Working Hamsandwich module.
- Configuration file, to configure your game-play style.
- Deathmatch system with respawn delay.
- Built-in spawn protection.
- Weapon respawn.
- Weapon strip on respawn.
- Weapon removal on drop with delay.
- Fall damage protection.
- Buy zone protection.
If there is any update suggestion, modification suggestion, or any idea to improve this plugin, I will do my best to do it, and fix any problem would occur in the future.Simply, get the compiled plugin from here, or compile the source file locally and then do the following instructions to fully install the plugin
- Upload the extreme_surf.amxx file into $moddir/addons/amxmodx/plugins.
- Upload the extreme_surf.sma file into $moddir/addons/amxmodx/scripting.
- Upload the extreme_surf.cfg file into $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs.
- Write extreme_surf.amxx line in your $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini.
- Restart the server or change the map to allow the plugin to load.
Attached Files

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