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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS:GO/CSS] AbNeR Round End Sounds V3.0

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 31.08.2015 20:02

<div><font face="Comic Sans MS">This is a simple plugin that play a sound when round ends, the sound can be chosen randomly or in alphabetical order, the differential of this plugin is that it automatically loads the sounds of a path in cstrike/sound causing you to simply throw the sounds in the path without having to write the path of each.<br />This is a repost of the plugin because the old thread was with bugs.<br /><br /><font color="Red">*If you used an older version delete abner_round_end_sound.smx from your plugins folder before update.</font><br /><br /><b><font size="4">Requirements<br /></font></b><font size="4"><a href="https://forums.allie...d.php?t=105816"target="_blank">Sound Info Library</a></font><br /><br /></font><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="4"><b>Plugin Features<br /><br /></b></font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="4"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="2">- Play the sounds to the end using Sound Info Library.</font></font><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><br /></font></b></font>- CSS/CS:GO support.<br />- Sounds load automatically.<br />- Stops standard CSGO round end sound.<br />- Stops map musics to prevent play of two songs at the same time. (Thanks to GoD-Tony).<br />- Type !res to choose if you want or not listen the sounds.<br /><br /></font><font face="Comic Sans MS"><b><font size="5">Cvars<br /></font></b><font size="2">Edit this cvars in file <b>[</b></font><b><font size="2">cfg/sourcemod/abner_res.cfg]:<br /></font>res_ct_path</b> <b>&quot;misc/tecnohard&quot;</b> - Path of sounds played when ct wins.<br /><b>res_tr_path</b> <b>&quot;misc/tecnohard&quot;</b> - Path of sounds played when tr wins.<br /><b>res_play_to_the_end</b> <b>&quot;1&quot;</b> - Play soudns to the end.<br /><b>res_play_type &quot;1&quot; </b>- Play type </font><font face="Comic Sans MS">1 - Random, 2- Play in queue<br /><b>res_rounddraw_play &quot;0&quot;: 0 - </b>Don´t play sounds, 1 - Play TR sounds, 2 - Play CT sounds.<br /><b>res_stop_map_music &quot;1&quot;</b> - Stop musics played by the map </font>(Thanks to <a href=";postcount=10" target="_blank">GoD-Tony</a>).<br /><b><br /><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="4">In Game Commands</font><br />!res_refresh - </font></b><font face="Comic Sans MS">Admin Command to Reload sounds.<b><br />!res - </b>Client choose if he wan't listen the cool sounds or not.</font><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><br /><br />Thank you for download bros, any bugs please tell me and i will fix it more soon as possible. :up:<br /></font></b></div>

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