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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Anti-Grief

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 31.08.2015 04:26

<div><font face="Impact"><div align="center"><font size="6">[TF2] Anti-Grief</font> <font face="Verdana"><font size="2"><i>v1.0.0</i></font></font></div></font><br /><br /><b><font size="4">Description:</font></b><br /><i><font size="1">My first plugin, so hopefully it goes smoothly :lol:</font></i><br />Adds anti-griefing zones to maps (Fixes teleporter traps and the like). The anti-griefing zones will differ from map to map, it may contain no-build or kill zones, and collision fixes.<br /><br /><b><font size="4">Fixed Maps:</font></b><ul><li>pl_upward</li>
</ul><div style="margin: 5px;">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom: 2px;">
<b>Map Fixes Log</b> <input value="Show" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 45px; font-size: 10px;" onclick="if(this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != 'inline')
{ this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'inline'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; }
{ this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value='Show'; }" type="button">
<div class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset; padding: 6px;">
<div class="spoiler" style="display: none;"><br />pl_upward<ul><li>First point tunnel teleporter trap - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>pl_goldrush<ul><li>First section Blue spawn one left side under railtrack teleporter trap - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
<li>Second section Red spawn in pipe at top of map - Added Clip Zone</li>
<li>Third section in-between first and second point on left under lip teleporter trap - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
<li>Third section Red basement - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>pl_borneo<ul><li>Second point balcony can build through clip to get out of map/trap players - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>pl_badwater<ul><li>Last point map room can build teleporter trap through closed window - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>pl_hoodoo_final<ul><li>Second section first point under left and right railtrack (bottom shortcut) teleporter trap - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
<li>Third section Blue spawn can build teleporters to let spies into base - Added Kill Zone for Red when entering (gets removed at round end)</li>
</ul>pl_frontier_final<ul><li>Blue spawn can build under spiral ramp to spawn to teleporter trap - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
<li>Before first point hut on left build inside barrel, get stuck on light teleporter trap - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
<li>First point Red/Blue spawn room can build 1/2 inside spawn (sentry camping) - Added Nobuild (sentry only)</li>
<li>Last point Red respawnroom allows spies in - Added Nobuild</li>
<li>Last point death pit teleporter trap - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>plr_pipeline<ul><li>Third section Red/Blue spawn room can build teleporter inside - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>plr_nightfall_final<ul><li>Third section Red/Blue spawn room can build teleporter inside - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>cp_egypt_final<ul><li>First section second point torches on left and right in tunnel teleporter trap - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
<li>Second section can build inside spawn - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
<li>Third section below first point teleporter trap between pillers - Added Nobuild</li>
<li>Third section Red spawn teleporter inside spawn - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>cp_badlands<ul><li>Last point Red respawnroom can build teleporter - Added Nobuild</li>
<li>Second point Red respawnroom can build teleporter - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>cp_dustbowl<ul><li>Third section Red spawn, left hut teleporter on stairs teleporter trap - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
<li>Third section Red spawn, Shortcut door can be shot through with flames or other particle weapons while closed - Added Collision</li>
</ul>cp_manor_event<ul><li>Red spawn can build inside spawn by door to machine - Added Nobuild</li>
</ul>cp_gravelpit<ul><li>Blue spawn can build teleporters to let spies into base - Added Kill Zone for Red when entering (gets removed at round end)</li>
</ul>cp_steel<ul><li>Blue spawn can build teleporters to let spies into base - Added Kill Zone for Red when entering (gets removed at round end)</li>
<li>First point slow door shortcut, Shortcut door can be shot through with flames or other particle weapons while closed - Added Collision</li>
</ul>cp_yukon_final<ul><li>Second point above Blue shortcut, teleporter trap/out of map - Added Clip Zone</li>
</ul>cp_fastlane<ul><li>Second Point Red/Blue under stairs teleporter trap - Added Nobuild (teleporter only)</li>
</div><br /><b><font size="4">Request!</font></b><br />If you know of any other glitches please post, or pm me them so I can add them.<br /><br /><br /><b><font size="4">Requirements:</font></b><br />► <b>SourceMod 1.6+</b><br />► <a href="https://forums.allie...d.php?t=169095"title="AlliedModders - Thread 169095">Updater</a> - Required to compile<br /><br /><br /><b><font size="4">Cvars:</font></b><br /><b>nogrief_version</b> - plugin version<br /><b>nogrief_auto_update</b> (default 1) - enables automatic updating (has no effect if Updater is not installed)<br /><br /><br /><b><font size="4">admin_overrides:</font></b><br /><b>nogrief_spawn_access</b> - Add to admin_overrides to not get killed when entering the restricted spawns.<br /><br /><br /><b><font size="4">Changelog:</font></b><ul><li><b>v1.0.0 (08/30/15)</b><ul><li>Release</li>
</ul> </li>
</ul><b><font size="3"><a href=""target="_blank">Download Plugin (</a></font></b><br /><br /><font size="1">.zip file includes plugin and source files</font><br /><br /><i><font size="1">Requires <a href="" title="AlliedModders - Thread 169095"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank">boonieupdater.sp</a> to compile.</font></i><br /><br /><br /><b>I'm not sure if I should attach the zip here or not since I update everything through bitbucket?</b></div>

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