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Guest Message by DevFuse


[INS] Public Match Plugin - 1.0

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 17.08.2015 22:34

Designed especially for competitive clan warfare, the arsenal of useful mechanics is provided:
  • "ready-to-start" system – match starts and config executes only when both teams signal their readiness;
  • "pause-on-demand" system – allows players to set the game on pause, if such need ever arises, and unset it, when they are ready. Also automaic game pause on player disconnect.
  • improved interaction with the course of the game – several chat commands to switch the teams, change the map or the next map, restart the round or even the whole game itself.
  • random password generation at the start of every game;
  • While this plug-in can be used on any vanilla server, 727 theater is fully supported.

Colors include


Code: sm_pmp_cmd_prefix "#.#" //Chat command prefix
sm_pmp_welcome "1" //Enable player welcome message
sm_pmp_hostname_tail_status "1" //Enables displaying server status at hostname tail
sm_pmp_hostname "Your hostname | " //Dynamic hostname
sm_pmp_disable_kill "1" //Disable 'kill' cmd for players

Chat Commands:

Code: Usage: #.# COMMAND [arguments]
r Marks team as ready/unready. After all teams are ready, executes config, generates server password and starts match
stop Stop match
cm MAPNAME Changing map to MAPNAME
nm MAPNAME Changing nextmap to MAPNAME
p Pause/unpause game
gr Game restart
rr Round restart
st Switch teams
ks Kick spectators
sp Show password


HL2DM Clans-United Server Plugin - for original idea.

Servers: pw: 505 pw: 505


-Initial release
-Map change quickfix


Support for multiple config selection
Maybe phrase translation support

Attached Files Dołączona grafikaserver.cfg (510 Bytes) Dołączona grafikaGet Plugin or Get Source (pmp_insurgency.sp - 20.5 KB) Dołączona grafikapmp_insurgency.smx (16.5 KB)

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