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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Nanobot (Dodgeball Bot) (v1.2, 4-19-2015)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 15.04.2015 05:02


[TF2] Nanobot (Dodgeball Bot)

Hey all, I have decided it is finally time to release this to the public.
This is my version of the custom plugins you see out there for Player vs Bot mode in dodgeball.

Video Demonstration:

Listed in your cfg/sourcemod/Nanobot.cfg
  • sm_nanobot_version - Plugin version, no touchy!
  • sm_nanobot_enable [1/0] - (Default: 1) Enable the plugin? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
  • sm_nanobot_name "ThisBotRules" - (Default: "Nanobot") What should be the name of the bot?
  • sm_nanobot_oneplayer [1/0] - (Default: 1) When only one player is on the server, should Nanobot be enabled? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
  • sm_nanobot_airblastnear [1/0] - (Default: 1) When players are near the bot, Should Nanobot airblast them away? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
  • sm_nanobot_model "models/bots/pyro/bot_pyro.mdl" - (Default: Pyro Robot from MvM) What should be the player model of Nanobot? Leave this blank if you would prefer no player model. This also supports custom models!
  • sm_nanobot_vote_mode [0/1/2/3] - (Default: 3) Player vs Bot voting. 0 = No voting, 1 = Generic chat vote, 2 = Menu vote, 3 = Both (Generic chat first, then Menu vote).
  • sm_nanobot_vote_time [#] - (Default: 25.0) Time in seconds the vote menu should last.
  • sm_nanobot_vote_delay [#] - (Default: 60.0) Time in seconds before players can initiate another PvB vote.
  • sm_nanobot_vote_percentage [0.05-1.0] - (Default: 0.60) How many players are required for the vote to pass? 0.60 = 60%.
  • sm_nanobot_moreplayers [#] - (Default: 2) When Nanobot is enabled and when a total of (this number) players are on the server, Nanobot will disable. 0 = No disable, 2 = Disables at 2 players... 10 = Disables at 10 players.
  • sm_nanobot_victory_speed [#] - (Default: 450) When the rocket reaches greater than or equal to this speed, in MPH, Nanobot will not deflect the rocket and the other team wins. Put this value to 0 if you do not want Nanobot to lose (unbeatable...ish).
  • sm_nanobot or sm_pvb - (Default Access: ADMFLAG_RCON) Force enable/disable Player vs Bot mode.
  • sm_autoreflect &lt;name&gt; - (Default Access: ADMFLAG_CHEATS) Enable/disable auto reflect on a player. If you don't include a player name in the command, then it will enable/disable it on yourself.
  • sm_votepvb or chat say votepvb - (Default Access: Everyone) Vote to enable/disable Player vs Bot mode.
Want to solo the bot?
Check out my Arena Solo Mode plugin.

  • Click "Get Plugin" attached at the bottom of this post.
  • Drag and drop the nanobot.smx to your addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder.
  • Restart the server/map.
To-Do List:
I am always welcome to suggestions!
  • More testing! (Please help with testing and leave feedback)


  • v1.2, 4-19-2015

    * Changed cvar sm_nanobot_moreplayers (See the original post).
    * Added cvar sm_nanobot_victory_speed
    * Added checks for SourceTV

  • v1.1, 4-19-2015

    * Added cvar sm_nanobot_moreplayers
    * Fixed issues with Replay being detected as Nanobot
    * Fixed an issue where the autoreflect wasn't getting disabled OnClientDisconnect
    * Optimized a lot of code

  • v1.0, 4-14-2015

    * Initial release.

Want to support me?Credits: Attached Files Dołączona grafikaGet Plugin or Get Source (nanobot.sp - 20.4 KB)

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